史上最全经典欧美电影中英台词对白 整理集合.docx
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1、史上最全经典欧美电影中英台词对白 整理集合史上最全经典欧美电影中英台词整理集合 高分电影星际穿越中的经典台词 太空电影一直是个吸人眼球的题材,最近比较火的当属星际穿越吧!美国登月居然被说成了是虚构的,不得不佩服导演的脑洞。该电影基于知名理论物理学家基普索恩的黑洞理论经过合理演化之后,加入人物和相关情节改编而成。片中绚丽的视觉效果烘托出“爱”的主题,影片中更不乏令人深思的经典台词。 1. Cooper: Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here. 库珀:人类生在地球, 但绝不应该在这里灭亡。 2. Cooper: We u
2、sed to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. 库珀:我们曾经仰望星空,思考我们在宇宙中的位置,而现在我们只会低着头,担心如何在这片土地上活下去。 3. Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, Rage against the dying light. 不
3、要温和地走进那个良夜。白昼将尽,暮年仍应燃烧咆哮。怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。 4. Cooper: Well find a way; we always have. 库珀:我们会找到办法的,我们总有办法。 5. Brand: Love is the one thing that transcends time and space. 布兰德:只有爱可以穿越时空。 6. Cooper: Weve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These mo
4、ments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. Or perhaps weve just forgotten that we are still pioneers. And weve barely begun. And that our greatest accomplishments c
5、annot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us. 库珀:我们总坚信自己有能力去完成不可能的事情。我们珍视这些时刻,这些我们敢于追求卓越、突破障碍、探索星空、揭开未知面纱的时刻,我们将这些时刻视为我们最值得骄傲的成就。但我们已经失去了这一切。又或者,也许我们只是忘了我们仍然是开拓者,我们才刚刚开始。那些伟大的成就不能只属于过去,因为我们的命运就在太空。 7. after the explosion (爆炸之后) Cooper: Whats your trust setting TARS? 掌握英语从听开始 普特英语听力网 库珀:塔斯,你
6、的信任值是多少? TARS: Lower than yours apparently. 塔斯:显然比你们低。 8. Cooper: When Cooper tries to reconfigure TARS Humour 75%. 库珀:(尝试重新配置塔斯)幽默值,75%。 TARS: 75%. Self destruct sequence in T minus 10 9 8. 塔斯:75%。自毁程序启动,10,9,8 Cooper: Lets make it 65%. 库珀:还是设置成65%吧。 9. Dr. Brand: Not sure of what Im more afraid of
7、, them never coming back, or coming back to find weve failed. 布兰德博士:不知道我更害怕哪个,是他们不会再回来了,还是回来却发现我们失败了。 Murph: Then lets succeed. 墨菲:那我们就成功啊。 10. Murph: Today is my birthday. And its a special one because you once told me that when you came back, we might be the same age. Well, now Im the same age tha
8、t you were when you left. and itd be really great if you came back soon. 墨菲:今天是我的生日。这个生日很特殊,因为你当年走的时候说,等你回来的时候我们俩大概就一样大了。现在我已经到了你离开时的年纪如果你能早点回来就太好了。 11. Brand: Couldnt youve told her you were going to save the world? 布兰德:你难道没有告诉你女儿你是去拯救世界的吗? Cooper: No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes re
9、ally clear. And thats that you want to make sure your children feel safe. 库珀:没有。当你为人父母了以后,你会非常清楚一件事,那就是你得确保你的孩子有安全感。 音乐之声经典电影台词 (对生活充满信心的玛丽亚初涉尘俗来到特拉普上校家里做家庭教师,在那里她和特拉普上校进行了第一次对话。) Captain: In the future, youre kind of to remember that certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed. 上校 :以后
10、请你记住,这房子里有些房间是不能乱闯的。 掌握英语从听开始 普特英语听力网 在口语中kind of 通常可作副词,意思是“有一点儿,在某种程度上”。 如 :The film is not kind of interesting at all. 那部电影一点都不好看。 Maria: Yes, Captain, sir. 玛丽亚:是,上校,先生。 Captain: Why do you stare at me that way? 上校:为什么这样盯着我? Maria: Well, you dont look at all like a sea Captain, sir. 玛丽亚:先生,你看起来一点
11、都不像海军上校。 Captain: Im afraid you dont look very much like a governess. Turn around, please. 上校:恐怕你也不怎么像家庭教师。请转过身去。 Maria: What? 玛丽亚:什么? Captain: Turn. Hat off. Its the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children. 上校:转身,脱帽,是衣服不对劲。在和孩子们见面之前,你得换套衣服。 作为军人出身的特拉普上校,口中不时冒出几句带有命令口吻的话是不
12、足为怪的,这正体现了他军人作风的一面。 如句中hat off 就是一例, 完整的句子应是take your hat off. Maria: But I dont have another one. When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor. 玛丽亚:但是,我没有其他衣服。当我们进修道院时,就把平时穿的衣服都送给穷人了。 Captain: What about this one? 上校:那这一件呢? Maria: The poor didnt want this one. 玛丽亚:穷人不要这一套。 Cap
13、tain: Hmm. 上校:嗯。 Maria: I wouldve made myself a new dress but there wasnt time, I can make my own clothes. 玛丽亚:如果有时间来的话,我就自己做一套新衣服。我会给自己做衣服。 Captain: Well, Ill see you get some material. Today, if possible. Now, Fraulein. er. 掌握英语从听开始 普特英语听力网 上校:那么我来给你弄些布料。可能的话,今天就给你。现在,弗劳伦呃 see 本意是“看” 但在句中的意思是“注意,确
14、保”相当于make sure that, 后面常接介词to 如 :See to it that you are ready on time! 到时你千万要准备好! Would you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? 你来安排下次的会议,好吗? Maria: Maria. 玛丽亚:玛丽亚。 Captain: Fraulein Maria, I dont know how much the Mother has told you. 上校:弗劳伦玛丽亚小姐,我不知道院长嬷嬷告诉了你多少情况。 Maria: Not much. 玛丽亚:不是很
15、多。 Captain: Youre the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours. 上校:自从孩子们的母亲去世以后,你是来照看他们的第十二位女家庭教师。相信你比最后一位有进步,她只呆了两个小时。 in a long line 意思是一个长队, 可以看出教特拉普上校
16、的孩子不是一件容易的事,然而这正与后来玛丽亚出色的表现形成鲜明的对照。 Maria: Whats wrong with the children, sir? 玛丽亚:孩子们有什么不对劲吗,先生? Captain: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it, the house can not be properly run. Please remember that, Fraulei
17、n. 上校:孩子们很好,只怪家庭教师。她们完全不能维持纪律。没这些纪律,这个家就没法正常运转。弗劳伦,请记住这点。 Maria: Yes, sir. 玛丽亚:是的,先生。 Captain: Every morning you will drill the children in their studies, I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays. Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply. Bed-time is to be
18、strictly observed. No exceptions. 掌握英语从听开始 普特英语听力网 上校:每天上午你得督促孩子做功课。我可不允许他们虚度整个暑假。下午,他们在操场上操练,做深呼吸。就寝时间必须严格遵守,不得例外。 Maria: Excuse me, sir. When do they play? 玛丽亚:对不起,先生,他们什么时候玩? Captain: Youll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderlinessand decorum, Im placing you in c
19、ommand. 上校:你得看着他们在任何时候都循规蹈矩。这个就由你来决定。 Maria: Yes, sir. 玛丽亚:是的,先生。 conduct oneself: 为人处事,表现 如 : Thanks for your advice, it really helps conduct myself well in the new environment. 谢谢你的建议, 它对我在新的环境中如何立身处事有很大帮助。 Captain: Fraulein, I, I behaved badly. I apologize. 上校: 弗劳伦,我,我刚才表现粗鲁,我向你道歉。 Maria: No, Im
20、far too outspoken. Its one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太过分了,这是我最大的缺点之一。 Captain: You were right. I dont know my children. 上校:你说对了,我不了解自己的孩子。 Maria: Theres still time, Captain. They want so much to be close to you. 玛丽亚:上校,来日方长。他们非常想跟你亲近。 Captain: And youve brought the music back to the house. Id for
21、gotten. Fraulein, I, I want you to stay. I ask you to stay. 上校:你把音乐带回家中,我都忘了音乐。弗劳伦,我想叫你留下来,我请你留下。 Maria: If I could be of any help. 玛丽亚:要是我能有所帮助的话。 Captain: You have already. More than you know. 上校:你已经帮了, 而且远远超出了你自己知道的。 Captain: Hello, I, I thought I just might find you here. 掌握英语从听开始 普特英语听力网 上校: 你好
22、, 我想, 也许在这儿能找到你. Maria: (Maria stands up) Is there something you wanted? 玛丽亚:有事吗?(玛丽亚站起身。) Captain: No, no, no, sit down please, please. Uh.may I ? (sitting down) You know I was, I was thinking, I was wondering two things. Why did you run away to the Abbey, and what was it that made you come back? 上
23、校:不,不,不。请坐下,请。呃我可以坐吗?(坐下)你知道吗,我一直在想,有两件事我不太懂,你为什么会跑回修道院。还有,又是什么促使你回来? Maria: Well, I had an obligation to fulfill and I, I came back to fulfill it. 玛丽亚:哦,我有个任务需要完成,所以我,我就回来完成它呀。 Captain: Is that all? 上校:就这些吗? Maria: And I missed the children. 玛丽亚:还有我想念孩子们。 Captain: Yes, only the children? 上校: 是吗? 仅仅
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