别对我说谎第二季英文剧本台词LIE TO ME.docx
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1、别对我说谎第二季英文剧本台词LIE TO ME看Lie to me学英语第二季 4集: HoneyScene: love match connectors, Cal, Joan, Cynthia are there. Singles mixerssingles mixers:-Woman: Here you go. Have fun and good luck.good luck: 好运给你。玩得开心,祝你好运。-Man: Thanks.谢谢。-Cal: I cant believe it.真是不可思议。-Joan: Hi. Im Joan.嗨,我叫Joan。-Cal: Hi.嗨。-Joan:
2、 Cal. are you Irish or.Irish: 爱尔兰人Cal. 你是爱尔兰人还是.-Cal: No, Im English, actually. 不,我其实是英国人。 -Joan: Oh. Thats so neat. So, what do you do?neat: 俚语呱呱叫的;了不起的,极好的哦。那挺好的。那么,你是做什么的?-Cal: Im a furrier.furrier: 毛皮商,毛皮衣制作工我是个毛皮商。-Joan: Is that. like, fur coats?fur: 毛皮 coat: 外套那是. 比如皮外套什么的?-Cal: Fur coats, wra
3、ps, stoles, hats, mainly fur coats, though. How about you?wrap: 披肩,围巾 stole: (女用)披肩 mainly: 主要地像皮外套,软毛披肩,女式披肩,帽子之类的,但是以皮外套为主。你呢?-Joan: Um, I have to meet my friend.嗯,我得去见我朋友了。-Cal: Well, maybe we can catch up later.catch up: 赶上好吧,也许我们可以晚点再谈。-Waitress: Would you like one or two?请问您是需要一杯还是两杯?Cal stare
4、d at a womanstare: 盯着-Cal: Hey. Lose a bet?lose: 输掉 bet: 打赌嗨。赌输了?-Woman: Basically. My friend over there dragged me along.basically: 基本上 drag along: 拖着(某人)一起去基本上是,我那边的朋友拉我过来的-Cal: If we were in a hotel room and you could order one thing from room service,order: 订单,命令 room service: (旅馆等)送饮食到房间的服务;服务到
5、房间 假如我们在一间酒店里让你点一项客房服务。would it be chocolate cake, strawberries, or warm honey?strawberry: 草莓 honey: 蜂蜜你会要巧克力蛋糕,草莓还是热蜂蜜呢?-Woman: I beg your pardon?你能再说一遍吗?-Cal: Oh. I got to take this. Yeah. Whats going on?噢,我得接个电话怎么样了?Forster calling from the office-Forster: Hey. Uh, whats your ETA?ETA: 估计到达时间嗨,你估计
6、什么时候到? -Cal: Oh, I dont know. You cant hurry love, Foster. Can I get a lager?you cant hurry love: 噢,我也不知道。你别那么着急,Foster。可以来杯啤酒吗?-Forster: I hope thats your first drink.我希望这只是你第一杯。All right. D.C. Police are looking for a guy named Erik Matheson.D.C:好吧,华盛顿那边的警方正在找一个叫Erik Matheson的人。Hes been on the run
7、 for two days since his wife was found beaten to death.on the run: 逃跑 beat sb. to death: 把某人打死自从他妻子被人发现打死了之后他已经逃跑两天了。So, they want us interviewing friends and family to help determine if anybodys helping him evade arrest.interview: 面谈,访问 determine: 决定,决心要 evade: 逃避,躲避 arrest: 逮捕,监禁所以他们要我们询问一下他的朋友和家人
8、看有没有人帮他逃避逮捕。And Ive already gotten Loker and Torres in the field.in the field: 在实际应用中,在实地试验中我已经让Loker和Torres开始了。-Cynthia: Chardonnay, please. 夏敦埃酒,谢谢 -Cal: I dont care.if he personally inspected it before he shipped it. The paintings scratched, all right?inspect: 检查,调查 ship: 以船运送 scratch: 刮伤我才不管.他托运
9、之前有没有检查好。总之那幅画就是被刮坏了懂吗?-Forster: What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? Tell him. you tell France. Hes paying for the restoration. Otherwise, the whole thing comes back his way.pay for: 为而付钱;负担的费用 restoration: 恢复 come back: 回复告诉他. 你跟France说,他要付修复费。不然,就原封还给他。-Cynthia: Collector?收藏家?-Cal: Dealer.商人-Cynth
10、ia: Im a curator.curator: 管理者(馆长)我是个馆长-Cal: Really?真的?-Cynthia: Really. I dont know.真的。我不清楚。I guess the upside to having been through a marriage before, is that I not only know what Im looking for. But I know what I dont want.upside: 正面;有利的一面,优点 marriage: 婚姻 through: 经历 look for: 寻找我想之前经历过一段婚姻的好处是,不
11、但让我明白我要的是什么也清楚了我不要什么。-Cal: Mmm.恩。-Cynthia: I just want to be happy. 我只是想开心。-Cal: Yeah, I know what you mean. Like for me, right. this one thing is very, very, very important to me. It may seem old-fashioned to you, but thats fidelity.old-fashion:旧的,不时髦的 fidelity: 诚实,忠诚是,我知道你的意思。对于我来说.有样东西对我来说非常非常重要。
12、可能你会觉得很老套吧,就是忠诚。-Cynthia: Yeah. 是。 -Cal: For some reason, I feel the need to upfront about that. Heh.upfront: 在前面,在最前面由于某些原因,我觉得这个最重要。呵呵。-Cynthia: Thats not old-fashioned. Its important to me, too.那不老套,它对我也很重要。-Cal: Uhhuh.嗯。-Cynthia: You know, the entire time I was married, I never cheated. I was te
13、mpted and certainly accused of it, but I never strayed. Never.tempt: 诱惑 be accused of: 被控诉,控告 stray: 背叛你知道吗,在我的那段婚姻里,我从未出轨过。我被诱惑过。当然也被告过,但从没有过外遇. 从来没有。-Cal: Hmm.嗯。-Cynthia: Um, so, what are your hobbies?What do you like to do on the weekends?hobby: 爱好嗯,你有些什么爱好呢?在周末你都喜欢干什么呢?-Cal: I run a company that
14、 shrink-wraps poodles for international travel.run: 经营 shrink-wraps: 用收缩性薄膜包装 poodle: 贵宾狗 international: 国际性的我经营着一家公司,专门包装贵宾犬,便于国际运输。-Cynthia: Um, um,噢,哈哈。-Cal: I have to, Uh, go feed my meter.meter: 仪表我得走了,要给米表充钱了。-Cynthia: Ok.好的。-Cal: Um, Ill be right back. Could you hold that thought?hold that th
15、ought: 嗯,我马上就回来,咱们待会再继续这个话题好吗?-Cynthia: Yeah. Ill, uh, save your seat.save: 保留好的,我会帮你留着座位的。-Cal: Thanks.谢谢。Meeting the woman before in coincidencecoincidence: 巧合-Woman: Hey. 嗨。 -Cal: Hey.嗨。-Woman: So, uh, in answer to your question from earlier,回答下你之前的问题。-Cal: Its warm honey, right?warm: 暖和的 honey:
16、蜂蜜你会选热蜂蜜,是吧? -Woman: Heh heh heh. You should call me sometime.呵呵。有时间给我电话。-Cal: Ok.好的。After checking the information of Eric in her car, Ria walking to the house of Erics sistercheck: 检查 information: 信息-Police: The place is clear. You want us to stick around?stick around: 在附近徘徊(停留)已经清场了,需要我们在附近吗?-Ria
17、: No, Im good, thanks.不用了,我没事,谢谢。Go ahead and check out the next name on the list. Ill be right behind you.go ahead: 继续 check out: 检查 list: 名单 be right behind: 很快回来继续检查单子上的下一个名字吧。我一会就去找你们。In the house-Ria: Gwen, hi. Im Ria Torres. Im with the Lightman group.Gwen,嗨,我是Ria Torres。我是Lightman公司的工作人员。-Gwe
18、n: Yeah, the cop told me.cop: 警察警察告诉我了-Ria: Any idea where your brother might be?你知道你弟弟可能会在哪吗?-Gwen: Running, apparently.run:逃跑中,很明显-Ria: Well, itll be a lot easier for Eric if he turns himself in.turn oneself in: 自首 如果他自首的话就会轻松多了-Gwen: Yeah, I. I get that. His wife Connie was my best friend. I just
19、 cant believe shes dead.是啊我. 我知道。他的妻子Connie是我最好的朋友,我真不敢相信她竟然死了。But, uh. I dont know. Ok? Are we done here?但是,嗯我什么都不知道,可以了吗?问完了吗?-Ria: Maam, why do I get the impression that theres something youre not telling me?get the impression: 有印象小姐,为什么我觉得你有什么事没有告诉我呢?-Gwen: Well, theres a lot Im not telling you.
20、我没告诉你的多着呢。Like how I cant sleep, how I dont know how Im gonna tell my kids that, their uncle might have murdered his wife.kid: 孩子 murder: 谋杀 比如说我无法入眠,比如不知道该怎么告诉我的孩子他们的叔叔可能杀了他的妻子。I mean, do you want me to go on? I dont know where Eric is.go on: 继续你还想我继续说下去吗?我不知道Eric在哪儿-Ria: Do you know something that
21、 could help us with this case?case: 案件那你知道什么对这个案子有帮助的事呢?-Gwen: No. And I want you to leave. Now.没有。我想请你离开。现在。Walking out of the house and getting into the car, Ria suddenly find a man seat behind her-Ria: God.天哪。-Man: You a cop?你是个警察?-Ria: No.不是。-Man: But they were here, right? They were here, weren
22、t they?但是他们在附近,是吧?他们就在这附近,不是吗?-Ria: Yeah, yeah, they were here.是,是的,他们就在这附近。-Man: God. 天哪。-Ria: Look, you dont need to hurt me. I can help you. I can help you.听着,你没必要伤害我。我能帮到你。我能帮到你-Man: Drive. Drive! Dont look at me. Drive.开车。开车!别看着我快开车!Lightman Group-Forster: Hey, how did it go? 嗨,事情怎么样了? -Cal: Pu
23、t me out of my misery. Hi. Right. Sir, your ex never cheated on you. There it is.misery: 痛苦,悲惨 ex: (某人的)已离婚的配偶,已离婚的丈夫(或妻子)快把我从水深火热中救出来吧。嗨,对了。先生,你的前妻从没有背叛过你。真的。-Man: Youre positive?positive: 正面的,积极的 你确定? -Cal: Yup. I spoke to her for half an hour, at one of those, uh, singles what?single: 单个人是的。我和她聊了
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