1、关于身体部位英文单词关于身体部位英文单词.txt老公如果你只能在活一天,我愿用我的生命来延续你的生命,你要快乐的生活在提出分手的时候请不要说还爱我。头:head 头顶:the top (或:crown)of the head 发:hair of the head 额:forhead 太阳穴:temple 面部:face 颊:cheek 颧骨:cheekbone 眼:eye 眉毛:eyebrow 睫毛:eyelash 眼皮:eyelid 眼球:eyeball 瞳孔:pupil 虹膜:iris 耳:ear 耳膜鼓:ear drum 听道:auditory canal 鼻:nose 鼻孔:nostr
2、il 鼻腔:nasal cavity 鼻梁:brdge of the nose 人中:philtrum 口:mouth 唇:lip 舌:tongue 牙:tooth(teeth) 齿冠:crown 齿龈:gum 齿根:root;fang (牙)珐琅质:enamel 硬腭:hard palate 软腭:soft palate 小舌:uvula 扁桃体:tonsil 声带:vocal cords 咽头:pharynx 下巴:chin 颚,颌:jaw 颚骨:jawbone 颈;脖子:neck 吼:throat 咽喉:larynx 项;颈背:nape(或:scruff)of the neck 身躯,躯
3、干:trunk 背:back 肩:shoulder 腋窝:armpit 胸:chest 乳房:breast;thorax 乳头:nipple 腰:waist;loins 肚脐:navel;belly button 腹:abdomen;belly 上腹:the upper abdomen 下腹;the lower abdomen 腹股沟:groin 臀部:buttocks;hips;bottom;backside 生殖器:genitals;genital organ 肢:limb 臂:arm 上臂:upper arm 前臂:fore arm 胳膊弯:bend (或:crook)of the ar
4、m 肘:elbow 腕:wrist 手:hand 手背:back of the hand 手掌:palm of the hand 手指:finger 大拇指:thumb 食指:forefinger;index finger 中指:middle finger 无名指:ring finger 小指:little finger 指甲:finger nail 腿:leg 大腿:thigh 小腿:lower leg;shank 膝:knee 膝关节:knee joint 膝盖骨:kneecap 膝弯:hollow of the knee;back of the knee 腿肚:calf 踝:ankle
5、足:foot(feet) 脚背:instep 脚掌:sole of the foot 后跟:heel 趾:toe 趾甲:toenail 心脏:heart 肌肉:muscle 胸肌:pectoral muscle 腹肌:abdominal muscle 三角肌:deltoid muscle 脑:brain 大脑:cerebrum 小脑:cerebellum Or bone 骨 cartilage 软骨 bone marrow 骨髓 vertebra 椎骨 cervical vertebrae 颈椎 thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 sacrum
6、骶骨 coccyx 尾骨 rib 肋 costal bone 肋骨 sternum 胸骨 sternal angle 胸骨角 cranium, skull 颅 orbit 眶 paranasal sinus 鼻旁窦 frontal sinus 额窦 maxillary sinus 上颌窦 sphenoidal sinus 蝶窦 ethmoidal sinus 筛窦 pterion 翼点 cranial fontanelles 颅囟 clavicle 锁骨 humerus 肱骨 scapula 肩胛骨 radius 桡骨 ulna 尺骨 carpal bones 腕骨 metacarpal bo
7、nes 掌骨 phalanges 指骨/趾骨 hip bone 髋骨 ilium 髂骨 ischium 坐骨 pubis 耻骨 acetabulum 髋臼 femur 股骨 patella 髌骨 tibia 胫骨 fibula 腓骨 tarsal bones 跗骨 metatarsal bones 跖骨 arthrology 关节学 fibrous joint 纤维连结 cartilaginous joint 软骨连结 synosteosis 骨性结合 joint, articulation 关节 vertebral column 脊柱 intervertebral disc 椎间盘 thor
8、acic cage 胸廓 temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节 shoulder joint 肩关节 elbow joint 肘关节 radiocarpal joint/wrist joint 桡腕关节 pubic symphysis 耻骨联合 pelvis 骨盆 terminal line 界线 sarotuberous ligament 骶结节韧带 sarospinous ligament骶棘韧带 greater sciatic foramen 坐骨大孔 hip joint 髋关节 knee joint 膝关节 ankle joint 踝关节 transverse t
9、arsal joint 跗横关节 meniscus 半月板mycology 肌学 muscle 肌肉 tendon 肌腱 aponeurosis 腱膜 fascia 筋膜 trapezius m. 斜方肌 latissimus dorsi m. 背阔肌 erector spinae m. 竖脊肌 sternocleidomastoid m. 胸锁乳突肌 pectoralis major m. 胸大肌 serratus anterior m. 前锯肌 intercostal m. 肋间肌 diaphragm 膈 obliquus externus abdominis m. 腹外斜肌 inguin
10、al ligament 腹股沟韧带 sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘 linea alba 腹白线 inguinal canal 腹股沟管 inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角 deltoid m. 三角肌 biceps brachii m. 肱二头肌 triceps brachii m. 肱三头肌 gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌 sartorius m. 缝匠肌 quadriceps femoris m.股四头肌 adductor magnus m. 大收肌 triceps surae m. 小腿三头肌 splanchnology 内脏学
11、 alimentary system 消化系统 digestive tube/digestive tract 消化管 oral cavity 口腔 palate 腭 tongue 舌 cheek 颊 tooth 牙 tonsil 扁桃体 salivary glands 唾液腺 sublingual gland 舌下腺 parotid gland 腮腺 submandibular gland 下颌下腺 pharynx 咽 esophagus 食管 stomach, gaster 胃 cardia 贲门 pylorus 幽门 small intestine 小肠 duodenum 十二指肠 jej
12、unum 空肠 ileum 回肠 caecum 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 colon 结肠 sigmoid colon 乙状结肠 rectum 直肠 anal canal 肛管 anus 肛门 liver, hepar 肝 porta hepatis 肝门 gall bladder 胆囊 pancreas 胰 respiratory system 呼吸系统 nose 鼻 nasal cavity 鼻腔 larynx 喉 trachea 气管 bronchus 支气管 lung 肺 pleura 胸膜 pleural cavity 胸膜腔 pleural recesses
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- 关于 身体 部位 英文单词
