1、本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目:我国商业银行的资产负债管理研究课 题 类 型: 设计 实验研究 论文 学 生 姓 名: 尹娟娟学 号: 3080501201专 业 班 级: 工商管理082班学 院: 管理工程学院指 导 教 师: 贾育青开 题 时 间: 2012年4月10日2012 年 4 月 10 日一、毕业设计(论文)内容及研究意义(价值)1、毕业设计(论文)内容经济全球化导致现代商业银行经营环境发生了根本性的变化,对商业银行经营管理提出了新的要求。商业银行资产负债管理研究己成为理论的热点和前沿领域。一方面,我国商业银行的利润来源严重依赖存贷利差。另一方面,我国银行业仍属于局部垄断的行业
2、,市场准入和退出机制不健全。在利率管制放松和行业竞争加剧的条件下,如何从资产负债管理的角度,提升我国商业银行的核心竞争力,防范和化解利率波动风险,对于维护我国金融体系的稳定和缩短我国商业银行与国外同行的差距,加快我国商业银行的发展具有重要的意义。 本人利用业余时间查阅了大量相关的期刊、报纸、著作以及互联网上的文献资料并进行了系统全面的分析和研究。从国内外对资产负债管理的理论发展情况出发,主要研究的是我国商业银行资产负债管理的现状和特点以及出现的问题,对资产负债管理提出浅见,包括完善商业银行内部资产负债管理组织体系,在资本规划的基础上加强风险资产管理,希望提高利率风险管理能力,强化流动性管理、合
3、理配置资金资源。2. 研究意义(价值) 资产负债作为商业银行经营业务的主要组成部分,直接影响商业银行的经济效益和长远发展,对其进行有效管理具有重要的现实性意义:(1)避免或减少各种可能的损失通过采用多元化资产管理和多样化的授信对象,使银行远离由于一家公司或一种行业经营环境恶化而带来的巨额亏损;使各种资产和负债的结构、期限等方面相对称,规避银行利率变化所导致的损失;甚至银行还可以将贷款证券化,将信用风险进行转移,使银行的信用风险降低,保证资产安全。(2)提高现金流量的稳定性和资金的使用效率将商业银行的资产和负债结构进行优化,合理的组合,能提高资金的使用效率,使银行资产处理安全状态,规避风险。比如
8、国内商业银行在资产负债领域近年来已经小有作为,例如回购业务迅速发展,普通债、次级债、混合债以及债券衍生品的推进,但在理论研究上国内还是较为落后,资产负债业务是商业银行生存和发展的基础,已经迫切需要对其进行系统性研究,并且服务于社会实践领域。2、国外研究现状近年来,美国等西方国家商业银行资产负债管理新的思想和理念不断涌现,量化工具和模型在国外银行和监管机构广泛适用;越来越多的国际大银行开始将资产负债管理的计量、评估、控制纳入资产负债管理决策模型体系,以协调不同经营风险,并进行前瞻性战略规划,实现模型科学性和实用性的统一。正如Gup and Brooks(1993)所指出,银行资产负债管理是为规避
9、各种风险,增强流动性及提升银行市值,而基于法规、市场等约束下,考虑不同目标对银行资产负债所有项目的动态计划,其核心是银行重要的风险管理和战略财务规划工具。在这种背景下,基于情景分析和优化技术的资产负债管理决策模型由于其自身的诸多优点倍受学术界和实务届的广泛推崇。(二)、发展趋势与传统的商业银行资产负债管理相比较,现代管理不仅仅是防御手段,而是培育核心竞争力、创造竞争优势的有效手段。主要有以下发展趋势:(1) 整合资产负债决策流程和工具手段,优化资产负债总量与结构;(2) 全面推进资本管理体系建设,深化经济资本的多层面、多维度应用;(3) 探索本外币资金的集约化经营,集中防范和控制市场风险;(4
10、) 优化内部资金转移价格传导机制,加快完善市场化产品定价管理基础;(5) 提高资产负债管理的电子化水平,培养资产负债管理复合型专业团队。三、毕业设计(论文)研究方案及工作计划(含工作重点与难点及拟采用的途径)(一)毕业设计(论文)研究方案第一章 绪论第一节 研究背景与意义第二节 文献综述第二章 资产负债管理概述第一节 资产负债管理理论的发展过程第二节 资产负债管理的含义第三节 资产负债管理的目标 第三章 我国商业银行资产负债管理状况第一节 资产负债比例管理确立的过程第二节 资产负债管理的现状和主要问题3.2.1 资产负债管理外部环境的主要问题3.2.2 资产负债管理内部实施的主要问题第三节 资
11、产负债管理问题的成因分析第四章 我国商业银行资产负债管理的对策第一节 完善商业银行资产负债管理内部制度建设 4.1.1设立资产负债比例管理指标 4.1.2引入资产负债管理技术方法 4.1.3建立高效的资产负债管理决策机构 4.1.4构建完善商业银行的定价机制第二节 在资本规划的基础上加强风险资产管理第三节 调整和优化资产负债结构第四节 发展商业银行中间业务第五节 利用金融衍生品交易加强资产负债管理能力 4.5.1我国金融衍生品市场的发展现状 4.5.2对我国商业银行资产负债管理的影响结论与展望致谢参考文献附录2 工作计划 本课题研究工作计划如表1 表1 课题研究工作计划时 间内 容2012年1
13、况2012年3月21日4月9日修改开题报告2012年4月10日提交开题报告2012年4月11日5月5日初稿拟定及审阅指导2012年5月6日5月25日二稿的撰写及修改2012年5月26日6月10日毕业论文定稿、并打印、装订,上交给指导老师2012年6月11日6月15日准备论文答辩2012年6月16日6月25日毕业设计论文小组和大组答辩3. 工作重点与难点(1)工作重点:针对目前商业银行存在的问题提出解决措施从而提高商业银行的核心竞争力。(2)工作难点:提出相应的对策首先要适应商业银行运转的实际情况,然而要使其真正发挥作用还要靠强有力的执行力。 途径: 1、查询文献资料; 2、搜集网络相关资料;
14、3、实际中的调查;4、导师的指导。四、主要参考文献(不少于10篇,期刊类文献不少于7篇,应有一定数量的外文文献,至少附一篇引用的外文文献(3个页面以上)及其译文)1 王丽惠、刘莉:我国商业银行资产负债比例管理问题及对策J,财政金融,2010年,第246期:16-182 李华民:国有商业银行获利能力剖析J,财经理论与实践,2001(5):109-1113 彭建刚:现代商业银行资产负债管理研究J.中国金融出版社, 20014 隆中佐:目前商业银行资产负债管理中存在的问题与对策J,湖南商学院学报,2002年3月,第9卷,第2期:101-1045 梅卫红:加入WTO后我国商业银行资产负债管理的应对措施
15、J,新金融,2003年第8期6:35-377 Arzu Tektas,E,Nur Ozkan-Gunay;Gokhan Gunay.Asset and liability management in financial crisis. The Journal of Risk Finance;2005;6,2:pg.1358孟艳,金融危机冲击下资产负债管理的再审视J . 金融论坛,2010(2):1709张金鳌,21世纪商业银行资产负债管理M,北京,中国金融出版社:2002 10刘忠燕:商业银行经营管理学M,中国金融出版社:2002年11熊继洲、楼铭铭:商业银行经营管理新编M,复旦大学出版:20
16、04年12 DeYoung, Robert and Chiwon Yom“On the independenceof assets and liabilities: evidence from U.S. commercial banks,19902005”,Journal of Financial Stability,4 (2008) 275303.13 Modigliani,F.; Miller, M. (1958). “The Cost ofCapital,Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment”. American Economi
17、c Review 48 (3): 261-29714徐宝林,后危机时代的发展形势和中型银行的发展思路J,当代银行家,第2期:23-2415 何浩,2009,商业银行应对经济周期下行的国际经验及对中国的启示J,国际金融研究,第6期:46-4716.陈小宪,加速建立我国商业银行现代资产负债管理体系J,证券时报,2002(1):12-1317许南.我国商业银行的市场风险及其防范J. 山东工商学院学报.2005(05):4318 赵燕. 转型期商业银行的资产负债管理J. 企业研究. 2009(12) :62-6519 黄璟. 探索建立现代商业银行资产负债管理体系J. 中国城乡金融报. 2004(09)
18、:24 20Mulvey J,Shetty B. Financial planning via multi-stage stochastic op-timization .Computers&Operations Research. 2004, (31) :1-2021田灿明.中国商业银行投资理念研究J.企业管理.2002(10):15-1822鲁敏,徐聪聪.浅议我国商业银行中间业务的发展J.商场现代化.2010年第31期:26-2823彭程;刘怡;杨红.金融衍生品交易对商业银行绩效的研究J.江苏商论.2011 年第三期:35-36外文文献原文Title: Enterprise financi
19、ng method: The general principles and EU law The third volume: funds, exit, takeoverMaterial Source: Womens Consultation Briefing Paper Author: Petri MntysaariAll firms lend and borrow. For example, the firm is a lender if it has a bank account in credit, and a borrower if its bank account is overdr
20、aw. The firm is a creditor if buyers pay for the firms Products after delivery and a debtor if it uses trade credit as a source of funding. Banks base their business on lending, borrowing, and buying and selling debt. Typically, most of the debt finance for small and medium-sized enterprises is prov
21、ided by the banking sector. Firms might borrow to finance business expansion, meet day-to-day expense, or to ease short-term cash flow problems.Advantages and disadvantages of debt. The use of the debt can bring the borrower many benefits: (a) In perfect capital markets, debt would be cheaper than s
22、hareholders capital, because debts must be repaid. (b) Debt is flexible. The firm can usually repay the debt when it no longer needs the funds. (c) The cost of the borrowing might be tax deductible. (d) Debt belongs to traditional corporate governance tools, because it gives the firm an incentive to
23、 be effective. In addition, debt doer not dilute existing share ownership. (e) In addition, return can be increased by gearing.On the other hand, there may be some drawbacks: (a) Debt appears on the balance sheet, and too much debt will have an adverse effect on the firms debt-to-equity ratio. (b) A
24、 very high gearing increases the risk of business failure and can make it more difficult for the firm to survive in the long term. (c) Generally, a higher gearing and a higher debt-to-equity ratio can: signal an in crease in credit risk for banks, suppliers, and other providers of debt; lead to a lo
25、wer credit rating, decrease the availability of debt; and increase its cost. (d) Although debt can be flexible, the formal and de facto powers of lenders may restrict managerial freedom and prevent the firm from taking important business decisions without creditors consent.Types of debt. The firm ca
26、n borrow money in various ways. (a) It can borrow money from banks and other financial institutions under loan facilities. There are various kinds of loan facilities and loan instruments. The terms of bank lending are usually dictated by the bank. (b) Sometimes the firm can borrow from other non-fin
27、ancial firms. For example, the firms suppliers can extend credit in order to further of the borrowing. In this case, the firm may be able to negotiate the terms of the borrowing. (c) If the firm is large enough, it can also turn to the market and issue debt securities. In this case, the firm may be
28、able to dictate its own terms subscribers of debt instruments find those instruments commercially attractive. (d) A debt instrument can be complemented by credit enhancements. (e) The firm can choose the seniority of the debt instruments that it issues by a combination of maturity (long or short), r
29、epayment schedule (regular repayments or bullet), and subordination (debt, collateral. Corporate structure ), and by using the equity technique in general.Trade debts. Trade debts are an important source of funding. Trade debts were already discussed in the context of accounts receivable and account
30、s payable.The firm usually does not pay interest on trade debts that it pays on time. In addition, the seller can sometimes grant a discount for prompt payment.Trade debts can be a particularly important source of funding for powerful buyers that can force their suppliers to grant further discounts
31、by claiming that the goods do not conform to the contract.The role of trade debts depends on, among other things: the nature of the transaction; the country; and the parties. Sellers are more likely to extend credit if the transaction is a simple sale of goods transaction (say, oranges) and less lik
32、ely to extend credit if the product is expensive and tailor-made for the buyer (e.g. a ship). The buyers country of origin plays a role. Because of a lower country risk and a different payment culture in Finland, a Finnish buyer is more likely to obtain credit than, say, a Nigerian buyer would be. T
33、he identity of the parties is important. For example, it is easier for the seller to extend credit in the context of an established business relationship, because the seller has already had an opportunity to verify such information about the quality of the customers payment behaviour that cannot be
34、verified in advance.Loan facilities. Commercial lending by banks can take various forms. The generic term “facility” is often used to describe them all and the terms loan facility and loan agreement ten to be interchangeable.In principle, however, a distinction could be made between a loan facility
35、agreement and a loan agreement. The term facility reflects the fact that the lender makes a loan available to the borrower subject to certain conditions. The borrower might not have any obligation to borrow. Under a loan agreement, however, the borrower has agreed to borrow money, and is obliged to
36、draw down.Loan facilities can be with one bank or made available by a group of banks.The most basic loan facility is the “term loan”. Term loans vary from the short term through the medium term. Term loan facilities provide that a bank is committed throughout a specified period to make advances upon
37、 request by the firm up to a maximum amount, with all the advances being repayable together. A term loan can have a fixed repayment schedule with a lump sum. Alternatively, the firm can borrow for a selection of periods, repay and borrow again. The facility may be available in a single currency or i
38、n a selection of currencies with an ability to switch from one to another.The facility can be an advance facility or a bill or acceptance facility. An advance facility is a facility where the banks make cash advances to the borrower. A bill or acceptance facility involves the drawing of bills of exc
39、hange on the banks.The firm can borrow either at interest or at a discount or premium. Loan instruments. It can be seen that there is a wide range of loan instruments .For example, the firm can turn to a bank and agree on a facility. A medium-sized firm can raise short-term debt in the domestic mone
40、y markets. A large firm can issue commercial bills or commercial paper. A large firm can also issue debt securities such as corporate bonds into the domestic primary market, or into the international market.Loan instruments can differ in terms of seniority. The Economist described the wide range of
41、loans instruments as follows: “With the new investors has come a bewildering variety of loans. Instead of a short chain secured creditors, unsecured creditors and shareholders now there are senior or first-lien creditors (who also have first dibs on a companys assets), second-lien creditors (who als
42、o have claims over the assets of a company, but who get paid only after first-lien creditors),mezzanine creditors, senior subordinated debt holders and subordinated debt holders. At the bottom of this caste system, as before, are the shareholders, who get any leftovers”.Nature of loan agreements. An
43、 intertemporal value transfer is characteristic of all loan transactions, and loan transactions are characterised by performances that are separated by a relatively long period of time.The separation in time of the performances of the two parties influences both the underlying logic of a loan transa
44、ction and the dynamics of the negotiations between the borrower and the lender. First , the borrower might refuse to repay the loan when it falls due. The lender must therefore manage credit risk. Second , the lender counts on the borrower performing its obligations in a timely manner so that the le
45、nder will be able to repay its own obligations when they fall due. The lender will therefore have to manage refinancing risk. IFRS. Accounting for loan relationships is important not only for lenders but also for debtors. Accounting standards set out when lenders may record loan assets at market val
46、ue and when they must write down the asset. If the asset is written down, the lender will incur a loss. This will signal poor credit quality to other existing or potential lenders and, as the lender already has incurred a loss, make the lender less friendly.The borrower will manage the risk exposure
47、 of lenders. For example, factors that signal a lower risk to lenders might include: a long history without defaults (this can signal that the borrower knows how to avoid credit default even in the future); unrestricted assignability (making exit easier); a large and diversified investor base (this can signal that the debt securities are liquid, that their market valuation is reliable, that there is easier exit, and that the risk of market collapse is lower); a dense distribution of maturities (this can signal that the borrower will be able to pay when securities fal