Unit Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入.docx
《Unit Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、Unit Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入Unit 1 Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入 Objectives After learning this unit, you should be able to 1. Master the basic words and expressions about reception task (meeting at the airport, hotel check-in and schedule arrangement). 2. Try to improve your interpreting perfor
2、mance, especially good manners in interpretation. 3. Master the skills on short-term memory. 4. Get familiar with the process of reception: meeting at the airport, hotel check-in and schedule arrangement . 本单元将要探讨的是商务谈判最初阶段,外宾迎入环节。外宾迎入主要涉及到机场迎宾、 酒店入住、日程安排等内容。整个单元的安排主要是围绕最后的单元实训而展开的,提供了 相关词汇、例句及范文进行学
3、习,同时配有相应的练习及讲解,以此来掌握外宾迎入的整个 流程。通过本单元的学习和实训,需要学生掌握口译技巧:瞬间记忆,包括其重要作用、形 成及养成;了解相关文化背景,领会语言是有效的交际工具,使学生体会跨文化交际对口译 的影响。通过下达实训指导书让学生进行仿真模拟口译,最终通过效果评估考核来进行教与 学的总结。最后学生可以根据所学所感记入本单元设置的成长档案。 Phrase Interpreting Key Words and Expressions -1、机场迎宾 Meeting at the Airport - 适应时差 to adjust to the time difference 周
4、到的安排 thoughtful arrangement 纪念品 souvenir 提取行李 to claim baggage 日程安排 schedule 飞行愉快 pleasant flight 赞颂 to pay tribute to 欢迎词 a welcoming address 回顾过去 to look back/ in retrospect 展望未来 to look ahead 手续 formalities 有幸 to be/feel honored 合作愉快 fruitful cooperation 有收获的 rewarding 致祝酒辞 to propose a toast 款待
5、to entertain 菜系 major cuisines 用餐举止 table manners 用筷子 to handle chopsticks 美味佳肴 delicacies 冷餐招待会buffet reception 宴会 banquet Extra Reference (教学参考) 单价 price 致意 to send regards 打开行李 to unpack 熟悉打扮 to freshen up 美食家 gourmet 致祝酒辞 to propose a toast 款待 to entertain 忌讳 taboo 招牌菜 specialty -2、酒店入住 Hotel Ch
6、eck-in - 填表 to fill in the form 入宿登记处 registration desk 兑换处 cashiers desk 预订处 reservation desk 退房时间 check-out time 证件 voucher 旅行支票 travelers cheque 前厅 lobby 身份证 identification card 收费 to charge (英)二楼,(美)一楼first floor 床上用品 bedclothes 行李标签 luggage label 手续费 procedure fee 客务总监 Director of Rooms Divisio
7、n 总机话务员 Operator 包价服务 package 叫醒服务 morning call 套房 suite 标准间 standard room 大床间 double room 洗衣服务 laundry service 送餐服务 room service 菜单 menu Extra Reference (教学参考) -3、日程安排 Schedule Arrangement- 议程 agenda 日程表,时间表timetable/schedule 投资环境 investment environment 有人口 to have a population of 有面积 to cover an a
8、rea of 追溯到 to date back to 国内生产总值the gross domestic product 国民生产总值 the gross national product Extra Reference (教学参考) 期盼与祝福 full expectation and blessings 主持会议 to chair a meeting 个人物品 personal effects “免下车”餐厅 drive-in restaurant 候机室 departure lounge 难以忘怀的 memorable Phrase Interpreting Practice Sight
9、Interpreting 视译 Directions: According to the given phrases on the students book, interpret each phrase into the target language . A. Interpret the following phrases into English: 倒时差 to recover from the jet lag 取行李 to claim the luggage 接待处 the reception desk 问询处 the information desk 填表 to fill in th
10、e form 草拟 to draft/ draw up 旅行路线 itinerary 商务午餐 business lunch 为设宴洗尘 to hold a banquet in honor of 盛情邀请 gracious invitation B. Interpret the following phrases into Chinese: to be situated in 位于 hotel lobby 饭店大堂 to check in 登记入住 to check out 办理退房手续 on the behalf of 代表 Food & Beverage Dept. 餐饮部 Recrea
11、tional Dept. 康乐部 housemaid 客房服务员 bellman 行李员 to drink/ propose a toast to 为而干杯 Sentence Interpreting Key Sentences 1. Ive heard so much about you. How wonderful to meet you here. 久仰。近日得以相见荣幸之至。 2. Hope you have an enjoyable/ pleasant journey. 希望您此行愉快。 3. Id like to introduce you to 我想把您介绍给 4. The ho
12、tel is conveniently located. 旅馆所处位置交通很方便。 5. It is a 10-minute drive to there. 到那 10 分钟的车程。 6. If theres something you need, please call the reception. 如果您需要什么,请拨打服务台电话。 7. Here is a copy of the itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends. Would you please have a look at it? 这是我们为你和你的朋友拟定的
13、活动日程安排。请过目一下,好吗? 8. Id like to show you our tentative itinerary. Please feel free to make changes wherever they are necessary. 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程,如有必要请尽管改动。 9. Considering that you need a day or so to get over the jet lag, youll have a light schedule for today. 考虑到您需要一天左右的时间克服时差反应,所以今天的安排比较宽松.。 10.
14、 Sightseeing comes between the business talks. 观光在生意谈判之间穿插进行。 11. On behalf of the staff in our corporation, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Perterson. 我代表全体员工,向彼得森先生表示热烈的欢迎。 12. Lets drink to our long- term friendship and further mutually beneficial cooperation. 让我们为彼此的长久友谊和进一步的互利合作干杯。
15、 13. Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar. 请允许我想远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 14. May I have the honor to ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses? 我能荣幸地邀请在座的各位跟我一起举杯吗? 15. Mr. Smith, Im very happy to welcome you and a
16、ll the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope youll have a pleasant visit here. 史密斯先生,欢迎您和您的代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。 16. Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot. 川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重、以麻辣著称。 Sentence Interpre
17、ting Practice Listening Interpreting 听译 Directions: Listen to the recordings and interpret each sentence into the target language. A. Interpret the following sentences into English: 1. 是从纽约直飞上海的航班吧? 2. 但愿您来的这一路上都还顺利。 3. 我们已经给您在芙蓉酒店预订了房间。 4. 这座城市气候宜人。 5. 我们去前台填写登记表吧。 6. 宾馆早上7 点到9 点供应早餐,中午11 点到下午1 点供应
18、午餐,晚上5 点30 分到7 点 30 分供应晚餐。 7. 我想花几分钟介绍一下各位在这里的行程。 8. 我特地为你们安排,确保你们在上海的逗留愉快。 9. 选料、调料、适时烹饪、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的典型特 点。 10. 请允许我邀请各位与我一起举杯,为我们双方的友谊和合作干杯。 1. Did you fly directly from New York to Shanghai? 2. I hope youve had a pleasant flight/ trip. 3. We have already reserved you a single room at
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- Unit Foreign Guest Reception 外宾迎入 外宾
