1、SUSTech地球科学概论Ch01Ch09复习题及要点解析 Fill-in-the-Blank 1. The science of geology is divided into two broad areas_physical_ geology and _historical_ geology. 2. C12 has 6 protons. How many protons does C13 have? _6_ How many neutrons does C13 have? _7_ Nitrogen-14 (N14) has 6 protons and 8 neutrons: true or
2、 false? _false_ 3.When basalt lava is chilled rapidly in an ocean or lake, it forms bulbous structures called _pillow lava_. 4. The type of metamorphism that occurs over large areas, commonly at convergent plate margins, and is responsible for the production of most metamorphic rocks is _regional_.
3、5. The most accurate radiometric dates are obtained from _igneous_ rocks. Only in very unusual circumstances can _sedimentary/metamorphic_ rocks be radiometrically dated. 6. The principle of original horizontality states that _sedimentary_ rocks were deposited in horizontal layers. Thus, if rock lay
4、ers are now _tilted/dipping_, they must have been disturbed after lithification. 7. The _magnitude_ of an earthquake on the Richter Scale is determined by measuring the _amplitude_ of the largest recorded seismic wave. 8. The velocities of P- and S-waves are determined by these two properties of the
5、 material they are passing through: _density_ and _elasticity_. 9. Strike-slip faults are caused by _shearing_ forces. 10. A flat-topped seamount is called a(n) _guyot_. Short Answer Question 1. What is the difference between an active volcano and a dormant volcano? An active volcano has erupted dur
6、ing historic time; a dormant volcano has not erupted recently but may do so in the future. 2. What does a porphyritic texture tell about the history of an igneous rock? The magma cooled at two rates, first slowly, probably underground, then more rapidly 3. Briefly explain why the study of sedimentar
7、y environments is important in the study of historical geology. Historical geology is concerned with understanding what events have taken place in thehistory of the Earth and in what order. By using sedimentary rocks and the study of their depositional environments, geologists can determine what pro
8、cesses have occurred on the surface of the Earth and when they occurred. 4. What is the difference between slate and phyllite? Grain size. Phyllite grains are larger, although they are still too small to be seen. The grains give the rock a glossy or lustrous sheen. 5. What kind of rocks (igneous, se
9、dimentary, metamorphic) have been most important in determining absolute age dates for the geologic time scale? Explain why. Igneous rocks because they can be radiometrically dated. 6. What are the six fundamental geologic principles which are used in relative dating? superposition, original horizon
10、tality, lateral continuity, cross-cutting relationships, inclusions, fossil succession. 7. Explain the differences between the magnitude and the intensity of an earthquake, in terms of how each is measured or observed. Magnitude is measured by instruments (seismographs), while intensity is measured
11、by peoples reactions and observations. 8. What is the difference between elastic and plastic deformation? After elastic deformation, the material returns to its original shape; after plastic deformation, the material stays deformed. 9. What does compression stress result from? Compression stress res
12、ults from external forces directed toward one another. 10. What causes submarine hydrothermal vents? Seawater seeps into cracks in the oceanic crust, is heated by hot rock at depth, and rises to the seafloor to be discharged as hot springs. Short Answer Essay Questions 1. How do a rock and a mineral
13、 differ? A rock is a naturally occurring aggregate of minerals, while minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic crystalline solids. Rocks are made up of minerals, not vice versa. 2. When looking at a hand sample of an igneous rock, how would you tell if it is plutonic or volcanic? If the texture i
14、s phaneritic, the magma cooled slowly, and the rock is plutonic. If the texture is aphanitic, the magma cooled rapidly, and the rock is volcanic. 3. How does elastic rebound theory explain when earthquakes occur? Where the rocks on the opposite side of a fault are on pieces of crust that are moving
15、in different directions, the rocks are initially locked in place by their strength and friction. The rocks do not move but they do deform. As the pressure builds, the strength of the rocks is eventually exceeded. They rebound to their original shape, but the crust on either side of the fault has mov
16、ed to a new location. 4. What are some uses of metamorphic rocks such as marble, slate, sulfide ore, talc, graphite, and clay? Marble is used as a building stone; some of the worlds most beautiful sculptures have been carved from it. Slate is also used as a building stone; in some regions where it i
17、s commonly found, it makes up the roofs of all the buildings. Sulfide ore minerals are some of the most important metals that we use in modern society. In addition, we use talc for talcum powder, graphite for pencils, garnets and corundum for gemstones or abrasives, some high temperature clay minera
18、ls for ceramics, and some temperature-resistant minerals for sparkplugs and other hot jobs. 5. Briefly explain why, according to the principle of isostasy, continental crust should be thicker than oceanic crust. A mass such as the continental crust that “floats” on an underlying mass, should do so a
19、t an equilibrium level, such that it extends at least as far beneath the upper level of the underlying material as it does above the surface of that material. Earth is a dynamic and evolving planet. Plate tectonic theory: The lithosphere is composed of rigid plates that diverge, converge, orslide si
20、deways past one another as they move over the asthenosphere. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur at the boundaries between the plates. The rock cycleillustrates theinteractions betweenEarths internal andexternal processesandhow the threerock groups areinterrelated. Geology is the study of the Earth Phys
21、ical geology is concernedwith the materials and processes whichcompose and operate onthe surface of,and within, Earth. Historical geology is concernedwith the origin and evolution of Earthscontinents, oceans, atmosphere, and life. The principal subsystems of the earth:Atmosphere / Biosphere / Hydros
22、phere / Lithosphere / Mantle / Core. 十大环境问题:气候变暖、臭氧层破坏、生物多样性减少、酸雨蔓延、森林锐减、土地荒漠化、大气污染、水体污染、海洋污染、固体废物污染。 A rock is a solid aggregate of one or more minerals, as well asnon-crystalline matter such as natural glass or organic materiallike coal.由固体颗粒天然地紧密 结合所形成的固体。 Minerals are naturally occurring, inorga
23、nic,crystallinesolids that have definite chemical composition and characteristic physicalproperties. 矿物是自然产出的均匀无机质固体,具有可以用化学方程式表示的化学成分,而且内部的原子、离子或分子以某种固定的几何图案有规律地排列。 Rock group: 火成岩(igneousrock) / 沉积岩(sedimentary rock) / 变质岩(metamorphic rock). Isotope 同位 / proton 质子 / neutron 中子 地壳中元素含量:氧硅铝铁钙硫磷镁。 Bo
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