1、生活大爆炸第二季03剧本看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第二季3集: The Barbarian Sublimation-Sheldon:Fellow warriors, This is Sheldor the conqueror.Fellow:同伴 warrior:武士 conqueror:征服者 战友们,我是征服者Sheldor。We are about to enter Axidus fortress.enter:进入 fortress:堡垒,要塞我们将要挺进Axidus堡垒。Now, this is a long run, so lets do another bladder
2、 check.bladder:膀胱 check:检查这是一场持久战,请大家做好排尿工作。All right, Barry, well wait for you again, but you really should see a doctor.好的Barry我们再等等你,不过我建议你最好去看医生了。Sheldor is AFK.AFK:离线网络用语 Sheldor暂时离开网络用语Penny, are you experiencing some sort of difficulty?experience:遭受 difficulty:困难Penny你好像有什么困难的样子?-Penny:Yes. I
3、 cant get my stupid door open.没错,我的门打不开了。-Sheldon:You appear to have put your car key in the door lock- are you aware of that?appear:似乎 be aware of:意识到你有没有意识到你是正在用车钥匙开这扇门?-Penny:Yeah.是的。-Sheldon:All right, then.那好吧。-Penny:Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!妈的,妈的,妈的,妈的!-Sheldon:Would it be p
4、ossible for you to do this a little more quietly?你能尽量不出声吗?-Penny:I cant get the damn key out.这该死的钥匙拔不出来了。-Sheldon:Well, its not surprising- that Baldwin lock on your door uses traditional edge-mounted cylinders, Whereas the key for your Volkswagen uses a center cylinder system.Baldwin:鲍德温(姓氏) tradit
5、ional:传统的 edge:边缘 mounted:安装的 edge-mounted:边缘齿cylinder:圆柱体 Whereas:而,但是 Volkswagen:大众汽车 center:中心 那是肯定的,你那扇门上的鲍尔温锁用的是传统的边缘齿,而你那辆大众的钥匙用的是中间齿系统。-Penny:Thank you, Sheldon.谢谢你Sheldon。-Sheldon:Youre welcome.别客气。Why did you put your car key in the door lock?那你到底干嘛要把汽车钥匙塞到门锁里去?-Penny:Why? Ill tell you why-
6、 because today I had an audition.audition:试镜想知道为什么吗?我来告诉你,今天我有一次试镜。It took me two hours to get there, I waited an hour for my turn, and before I could even start they told me I looked too Midwest for the part.turn:机会,顺次 Midwest:中西部 我跑到那儿去花了两小时然后又等了一小时才轮到我,而在我开始之前他们却说我长得太中西部化了。Too Midwestwhat the hel
7、l does that even mean?太中西部化,这他妈的算什么意思?-Sheldon:Well, the American Midwest was mostly settled by Scandinavian and Germanic people. They have a characteristic facial bone structure.settle:定居 Scandinavian:斯堪的纳维亚的 Germanic:日耳曼的 characteristic:特有的 facial:面部的 bone:骨骼 structure:结构在美国中西部定居的人们大多都是斯堪的纳维亚人和日耳曼
8、人,他们脸部的结构是很有特色的-Penny:I know what it means, Sheldon!我知道这是什么意思Sheldon!God! You know, I have been in L.A. for almost two years now, and I havent gotten a single acting job. Ive accomplished nothing, havent gotten a raise at work, havent even had sex in six months, And just now, when I was walking up t
9、hose stairs, a fly flew in my mouth and I ate it!L.A.:洛杉矶 acting:表演 accomplish:完成,实现 get a raise:得到提薪 fly:苍蝇flew:fly的过去式,飞上帝啊,我来洛杉矶已经快两年了还没演过一出戏,我什么事业都没完成,工资也没涨而且有六个月没做爱了,就刚才我在上楼梯的时候一只苍蝇飞进我嘴巴里,我居然把它吃下去了。-Sheldon:Well, actually, insects are a dietary staple in many cultures. Theyre almost pure protei
10、n.actually:实际上 insect:昆虫 dietary:饮食的 staple:主食 protein:蛋白质实际上昆虫是很多国家餐桌上的必备食品,差不多就可以把它们看作蛋白质。-Penny:Oh, son of a bitch!他妈的!-Sheldon:I believe the condensation on your frozen foods weakened the structural integrity of the bag.condensation:冷凝物 frozen:冷冻的 weaken:使削弱 structural integrity:结构的整体性我认为是的那些冷冻食
11、物的融化削弱了你纸袋的强度。But returning to your key conundrum, perhaps you should call a locksmith and have him open the door for you.conundrum:难题 locksmith:锁匠 我们还是回到你那钥匙的问题上吧,你应该去叫一个锁匠来帮你开门。 -Penny:I did. He said hell get here when he gets here.我叫过了,他说他什么时候到就什么时候到。-Sheldon:And youre frustrated because he phras
12、ed his reply in the form of a meaningless tautology?frustrated:失意的 phrase:措辞 reply:回答 meaningless:毫无意义的 tautology:赘述你是不是因为他给你重复而无意义的回答而变得如此癫狂。-Penny:no! I am frustrated because I am a failure at everything and my breath smells like fly.failure:失败的人 breath:呼吸 fly:苍蝇没有,我之所以这样是因为我的人生充满了失败,还有我嘴巴里有苍蝇味道。-
13、Sheldon:There, there. Would you prefer to wait in our apartment?prefer to:较喜欢 乖啊,乖啊,你想到我们的屋子里等吗?-Penny:No, Sheldon, Id rather sit on this freezing-cold floor sobbing like a three-year-old.had rather:宁可 freezing:严寒的 sob:哭泣 不Sheldon,我想坐在这冰冷的地板上像三岁小孩一样哭。-Sheldon:All right, then.那好吧。-Penny:For gods sake
14、.sake:缘故看在上帝的份上。-Sheldon:Just when I think Ive gotten the hang of sarcasm.get the hang of:掌握 hang:口做法; 用法; 诀窍 sarcasm:讽刺我还当我掌握到挖苦的窍门了呢。Make yourself comfortable. Not fortable:使人舒服的你随便坐,那里不行。Sheldor is back online.Sheldor回来了。-Penny:Sheldor?-Sheldon:The conqueror.征服者。-Penny:What are you doing?你在干嘛?-Sh
15、eldon:AFK. Im playing Age of Conan, an online multiplayer game set in the Universe of Robert E. Howards Conan the barbarian. Sheldor back online.Age of Conan:科南时代 multiplayer game:多人游戏 Universe:世界,宇宙barbarian:野蛮人 暂时离开。我在玩科南时代一个网络游戏,背景是罗伯特E霍华德的科南野蛮时代。回来了。-Penny:Whats AFK?什么是AFK?-Sheldon:AFK. Away Fro
16、m Keyboard.暂时离开一下键盘。-Penny:Oh, I see.知晓了。-Sheldon:What does that stand for?stand for:代表你那是代表什么意思?-Penny:Oh, I see.知晓了。-Sheldon:Yes, but what does it stand for?我听见了,但那是代表什么?Now, just click on the enchanted boots to put them on.click:点击 enchanted:魔法 boots:靴子 点击那只魔化的靴子就能穿上了。-Penny:Mm, I dont know- can
17、I see them in another color?等等啊,我能换一种颜色吗?-Sheldon:Just click on them.点它就是了。Yeah, congratulations. You are now a level-three warrior.congratulation:祝贺 level-three:三级 warrior:武士祝贺你,你现在是一个3级的武士了。-Leonard:Whats going on?怎么回事?-Penny:Leonard, guess what? Im a level-three warrior.Leonard我是一个3级战士了。-Leonard:
18、Great. Do you know there are groceries outside of your apartment?groceries:食品 很好,你知道你门外东西掉了一地么?-Penny:Yeah, yeah, yeah. shh.知道,知道,知道,嘘。-Leonard:I only bring it up because your ice creams melting and its starting to attract wildlife.bring up:提及 melting:融化的 attract:吸引 wildlife:野生动物我只是想告诉你,你的冰淇淋已经融化了而且
19、招来了野生动物。-Penny:Uh-huh, yeah. Do I stay in the jungle or go towards the beach?stay:留在 jungle:丛林 beach:海滩知道了,我现在应该守在丛林里还是去海滩?-Sheldon:It doesnt matter- right now; youre looking for treasure.treasure:宝藏无所谓,你现在的任务是找宝藏。-Penny:Wait, wait, where are you going?等等,你去哪儿?-Sheldon:No, no. Youre okay. If you run
20、 into crocodiles, just kick them with your boots.run into:遇见 crocodile:鳄鱼 kick:踢不,不,没事,如果你碰到鳄鱼就用靴子踢它。-Leonard:You want to catch me up?你能告诉我怎么了吗?-Sheldon:Well, lets see, uh,好吧。She attempted to open her apartment with her car key because her face is overly Midwestern, um. She hasnt had sex in six mont
21、hs. and she ate a fly.attempt:试图 overly:过度的 Midwestern:中西部化她尝试用车钥匙来开门,因为她的脸太中西部化了,她六个月没做爱了,还有她吃了一只苍蝇。-Leonard:Seriously? Six months?Seriously:真的(表示吃惊)真的吗?六个月?-Penny:Oh, my god! A treasure chest! Im rich!chest:箱子天呐,一个财宝箱,我发财了。-Sheldon:Level three, and she thinks shes rich. What a new bird.new bird:新手
22、才3级就觉得自己发财了,真是个新手。-Raj:Okay. Were all set.好了,万事俱备。-Howard:Let her rip.Let her rip:俚语“让它去!”“开始吧!”开始吧。-Penny:Hi.-Leonard:Check it out- its just corn starch and water.corn starch:玉米淀粉 快看,这只是玉米淀粉和水。-Sheldon:They make up a non-Newtonian fluid, which is liquid, but solid under the percussive action of the
23、 speaker.make up:组成,构成 Newtonian:牛顿的 fluid:流体 liquid:液体 solid:固体 percussive:(乐器等)敲击的,冲击的 speaker:扬声器 它们组成非牛顿流体也就是液体,但是在音箱的冲击作用下呈现固态。-Howard:Thats what makes it get all funky.funky:时髦的,新潮的知道它的魅力所在了吧。-Penny:Yeah. Okay. Uh, listen, I need to talk to Sheldon.好吧,听着,我要和Sheldon说两句。-Howard:No, thats what sh
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