1、原创初中英语短剧剧本BillyandAladdinslamp 原创初中英语短剧剧本 Billy and Aladdins lamp 男孩比利和阿拉丁神灯表演需12分钟 布景:舞台中间一张桌子和椅子,桌子上有一堆零食。舞台另一边有三张桌子三张椅子面朝舞台中央,有一块画板,上有Paul,埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门。 Scene 1: Narrator: Sandy and Sue are going to Billys house. Its Billys birthday. Billys 9 years old today. (Sandy is carrying a box. Sue knocks at
2、the door.) Sue: Billy, open the door, please. Were Sue and Sandy. Billy: Just a minute. (Billy finishes eating a bar of chocolate and drinking a bottle of lemonade, and then opens the door). Sue: Happy birthday, Billy. Sandy: Happy birthday, Billy. Here is a present for you. Billy: Thank you, Sandy.
3、 Thank you, Sue. You are so nice. (Billy wants to touch the box. Sue stops him.) Sue: Wait a moment. Do you want to get the present? Billy: Of course! (Billy做迷惑状.) Sue: All right. But we have a game for you. Billy: A game? Sue: Yes! (做神秘状) Sue: Liz! Lillie! Liz, Lillie: Here we are. (带着神秘的微笑,蹦跳着从房间出
4、来) Sue: Liz, Lillie will dance for you. Then you tell us whos Liz, whos Lillie, OK? If youre right, you can get the present. Billy: All right then. (思考一会儿做无奈状) Scene 2: (Liz and Lillie begin to dance and sing very happily) Liz: Im Liz. Lillie: Im Lillie. Lillie: Shes Liz. Liz: Shes Lillie. Lillie: I
5、m not Liz. Liz: Im not Lillie. Tom: Shes Liz. (围着两人转一圈打量后指向Lille) Sandy: No, shes Lille. (围着两人转一圈打量后指向Liz) Sue: No, shes Liz. Shes Lilie. (推开Tom和Sandy, 先指 Liz后指 Lille) Liz: Am I Liz? Lillie: Am I Liz? (Billy做迷糊状) Sandy: Billy, whos Liz? Whos Lillie? (带着看好戏的表情) Billy: ErErShes Liz. Shes Lille.(随手乱指)
6、Liz: No, youre wrong! Lillie: No, youre wrong! (模仿Liz的语调和动作再说一遍). One more chance! Liz and Lillie move fast and change their positions.(挽手转圈跳舞) Sandy: Whos Liz? Whos Lillie, Billy? Billy: ErErSorry, I dont know.(更迷糊状) Sue: Oh, Billy, you dont know whos Liz, whos Lillie. You cant get the present. But
7、 this present is very special. (蛊惑状) Billy: Really? (眼睛发亮,做非常想要礼物状) Sue: Do you still want the present? Billy: Yes. Sue: OK. If you dance for us, I will give you this present. Billy: Dance? But I cant dance well. Liz: It doesnt matter. I will be your teacher. Can you try? (逗弄Billy状) (Billy犹豫一会儿,又看了看
8、包装精美的礼物。) Billy: All right then, I will try.(犹豫无奈状) Scene 3: Liz and Lillie helps Billy wear a shirt. Liz: Now, follow me. (Liz dances like a swan and Billy follows her clumsily. Other children are laughing) Billy: Can I get the present now? Sue: All right. Here you are. Billy: Is it a Jack-in-the-b
9、ox? Sue: No, it isnt. (Billy opens the box and takes out the lamp) Billy: Whats this? A lamp? Sue: Yes, its a lamp. But it isnt an ordinary lamp. Its Aladdins lamp. Billy: Aladdins lamp? (不可置信状) Sue: Yes, we find it for you. You can make 3 wishes and then they will come true. Billy: Really? I cant b
10、elieve that. (Sandy 点燃灯,火焰晃动,一个低沉的声音传出) Aladdins lamp: Young boy, I am asleep for 1 thousand years. Now, you wake me up again. You can make 3 wishes. They will come true. So, what are your wishes? (声音微带被打扰的不快) (Billy惊讶,愣神) Aladdins lamp: Oh, a silly boy! I am sleepy again. Sandy: Billy, tell your wi
11、shes quickly! (焦急状) Billy: ErEr(努力思考状) I am fat. I am silly. I am a poor student. Miss Williams doesnt like me. Can you make me thin, clever? I want to be a good student, a very good student. I want Miss Williams to like me very much. Aladdins lamp: Thats easy. (神灯说咒语) Aladdins lamp: Change! Childre
12、n: Wow! (男孩们离场准备下一场。女孩离场等最后一场) Scene 4: Narrator: Aladdins lamp changes the fat silly Billy into a thin and clever Billy. P.E, geography, math, history, all subjects are easy for him. Now, its P.E class. Billy, Sandy and Tom are in the playground. 体育老师胸前挂口哨上场,一手拿足球,上场后放下足球。 P.E teacher: Get into lin
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- 原创 初中英语 短剧 剧本 BillyandAladdin slamp
