1、会展英语句子翻译例句 1. 有没有什么好的想法提出来以供讨论? Any interesting idea you can bring forward for discussion? 2. 能就这一话题更深入的说一下吗? Can you go a bit further into your topic 3. 说的再具体一点! Please be more specific 4. 你了解这个市场前景吗? Do you have any idea about the market product? 5. 国内香水市场刚刚在起步阶段, 国外品牌必将不失时机地进入这一新兴市场。 Our domestic
2、 perfume market is just in its take-off stage, so the foreign brand-names will surely lose no chance to get into this virgin market 6. 他们会通过参加国际展会来营销自己的产品。 They are active in marketing their products by means of participating in international shows 7. 很明显,广告和零售渠道是大多数化妆品企业发掘新市场的主要手段,运用这些渠道,许多国内外品牌已经在
3、上海获得了巨大的市场份额。参展对他们并不意味着必不可少的营销途径。 Its clear to all that the advertising and retailing channels are the main means for most cosmetic enterprises to tap into a new market , with those channels quite a number of international and domestic brands have got a remarkable market share already in Shanghai. A
4、n exhibition for them means no longer an essential marketing way. 8. 如果本次香水展采用商对商的模式,那么,参展商和专业观众的数量都会很有限,达不到理想的展出规模。如果设计成商对客的模式,那又与百货商场、销品茂没有任何区别, 因为在这些场所,你可以找到几乎所有在中国受欢迎的著名香水品牌。 If the show, which only covers perfume products, is on a B to B basis, then the number of exhibitors and trade visitors w
5、ould be too limited to achieve a satisfactory exhibition scale. If it is meant to be a B to C show, it makes no difference from those department stores and shopping malls, where you can find almost every famous brand of perfumes already popular in China. 9. 这一点你说的有道理。 You made a point on it 10. 本次展会
6、旨在为参展商提供机遇,一边拓展市场、强化品牌形象、寻找新客户、展示新 技术。 This show is aimed to provide an opportunity for the exhibitors to expand their market, enhance company image, seek new customers, display new technology and so on. 11. 为达到有效的宣传,需要联络大众媒体、行业杂志、行业网站、行业协会及在上海设有总部的海外企业。 For an effective publicity, its necessary to
7、approach mass media, professional journals, industrial websites, trade associations and societies and shanghai based foreign businesses as well 12. 这促使我想到了高科技展览。 It prompts me to think of a hi-tech exhibition 13. 这跟我们的项目有什么关系? Anything to do with our project 14. 这一主题恰恰契合当前形势。 The theme keeps abreast
8、 with the present situation 15. 这次讨论很有成效。希望每个人都能为这个新议题献策献力。 A very fruitful discussion, I hope everyone can contribute your efforts to this new proposal 16. 上海在环保业和水处理技术方面占据领先地位。 Shanghai holds a leading position in the environmental protection industry and water treatment technology. 17. 我们的展览定位不同。
9、其他展览关注的是工业领域,我们可将展览定位于日常用水的净化。 18. 参展商包括设备生产商、零部件供应商、设备批发商、研发机构等。目标观众群包括代理商、进出口公司、风投公司、水务公司、污水处理厂、环境监测站、环境工程公司、环保专家及*相关部门。 As professional visitors, those water works, sewage treatment plants, 19. 我是新手,需要你的指导。 Im a green hand and need your directions to me 20. 这里有一些基本的材料、数据供你参考。你可以先搭一个报告的大体框架。 Here
10、are some of the basic materials and data for your reference. You may first of all set up a main structure of the report. 21. 我认为这次展会应定位为商业展,但也要有公众的参与。 I think the show should be positioned as a trade show, but with involvement of the general public. 22. 至于展会组织框架, 你可以列入一些行业协会作为主办单位、协办单位、支持单位、代理人之类。 A
11、s for the show organization structure, you may list several industrial associations as preliminary organizers, co-organizers, supporters, agents and something like that. 23. 关于会场,你可以列一些会展中心作选项。我们还需要核查他们能提供的展期。 As for venue, you can list some possible exhibition centers as options. We still have to l
12、ook over available time slots they can offer 24. 参展费的最终敲定要等到市场调研之后。 The participation fee will come out after a market survey 25. 为了准备早期的招展工作,需要拟定并设计一份招展书。 I want you to work out a project prospectus so as to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. 26. 你可以先搭一个框架,涵盖招展书通常所应有的全部条目,然后再把我随后给你的材料填进去 I t
13、hink you may first work out a framework, which includes all necessary items a brochure should have, and fill in the stuff we give you later 27. 关于参展费,跟以前一样,将会有两种选择。一种是标准摊位,9平米起租。另一种是光地展位,18平米起租。 As usual, there will be two options, one for standard booth, 9 sqm and up, the other for raw space, 18 sq
14、m as minimum for exhibitors application. 28. 那我们就先留空以后再填写定价。 Then well give some room to fill out the set price afterward. 29. 有了这些资料,我们就可以推动一场有效的营销战略以备你们的招展工作。 With this information we would launch an effective marketing campaign for your sales work 30. 能耽搁你几分钟吗? Could you spare me a few minutes? 3
15、1. 真不知道如何是好。 Im at a loss what I should do 32. 你要清楚打电话的目的,并知道如何使电话那一端的客户心情舒畅,愿意听你说。 You must realize what purpose you make a call for, and how to make the other end feel comfortable to listen to you 33. 难怪我每次都被这种问题给问住了。你开门见山地说吧。 No wonder I always got stuck when asked those kinds of questions, I see
16、. 34. 由于贵公司是本行业的领军企业,如果租用较大的场地, 我们可提供优惠套餐。 As you are the leading player in this sector, we can offer a preferential package to you if you take a large space. 35. 我们的生意已经走上正轨,正忙于大把的订单。 Our business is on the track and we are busy with piles of orders. 36. 就这样吧。 Thats it 37. 反正,多了解一下情况也没什么坏处。也许,我们的展会
17、最新动态能让你及时了解最新进展。 Anyway its no harm to know more about whats happening around you, right? Maybe some show updates would be good for you to keep pace with the latest progress. 38. 这个会场到CBD有便捷的交通,对观众来说更便利。 Its more accessible for trade visitors with convenient traffic means to this CBD 39. SNIEC适合大型商贸
18、展会,而我们的展会是针对细分市场的专业化展会, 集中在一个专门的领域。因此,我们把它设置在高科技、贸易公司聚集的地区。 SNIEC is suitable to stage large-scale tradeshows there. As ours is very professional for a niche market, its only focus on specialized sectors. Thats why we place it in the district concentrated with high-tech and trading companies. 40. 这与
19、我们原先的计划有冲突。 There is a conflict with our previous plan of another show. 41. 每个展会有它自己的目标群体。我相信我们的访问者数据库能让你遇到新的客户。 Every show has its own fixed target groups, and I think you can meet up with a great many new customers from our visitor databanks. 42. 如果你在本月的最后一周前发来申请函,可享有提前预定折扣,即摊位费八五折。 Youll enjoy an
20、 early-bird discount by sending us your application form the last week of this month, 15% off the stand price. 43. 如果参加这次展会毫无效益,那即使花最 小的预算也没有意义。 It makes no sense if we get no benefits to take part in this show even with minimal budget. 44. 我们可以保证为你们提供全方位的宣传。只要你确定了预定展位,我们可以将你们的公司介绍放入展会最新动态中,并在下个月发给潜
21、在客户。另外,我们还在网站上设置了一个展商精选板块,可以上传你们的产品简介。这些资料越早放上网,人们就能越多的了解你们的技术。 I can assure you well provide an all-round publicity for your participation. If you confirm your booth space now, we will put your company introduction in our show updates, which will be delivered to potential visitors next month. Moreo
22、ver, we have a selected exhibitor section on our website to upload your product briefings. The earlier its online, the more people know your latest technology. 45. 提醒一下,你得要先签一份参展合同以便确定展位。我会用特快专递发给你合同一式两份。 Id like to remind you have to first sign a participation contract so as to confirm the booth. I
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- 会展 英语 句子 翻译
