1、20208个口语话题表口语话题 话题1:meeting friends 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:我的朋友Jack,来自美国,他13岁了,他能说一点汉语 Whos your friend? Where is he from? How old is he? What can he speak? What do you think of him? 第六节:说话。 要点提示:1.我的朋友Mary,15岁了 2.她, 3.我, 话题2:Things around you (identify things: shape, size, and colors) 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提
2、示:你有一只黑色的手表,它是圆形的,不大也不小,是你妈妈给你的。 1. What color is your watch? 2. What does the watch look like? 3. What size is the watch? 4. Who gave the watch to you?5. Why did she give you the watch? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 我叔叔送了一只手机给我,它是又漂亮又有用的。 2. 它可以用来 3. 我 话题3:Colours 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:Paul喜
3、欢收集杯子,有红色的,黄色的,兰色的杯子,他最喜欢兰色的杯子,它是Paul 做的 What does Paul like to do? What colour cups does he have? What color is his favorite cup? Who made it ?whats your hobby? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.Alice 是个漂亮的女孩,她有很多连衣裙 2.她有。 3.她。感受 话题4:Making new friends. 情景提示:Grace是你班新来的同学。她15岁,来自美国,你想和她交朋友。 1.
4、 Who is your new classmate? 2. How old is she? 3. Where does she come from? 4. What do you want to do?5. What kind of friends do you like? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 林涛在温州,他想交一位新笔友。 2. 笔友能。 3. 他 话题5:The family (introducing and identifying people) 情景提示:你家里有三个人,你爸爸,妈妈和你。你们住在温州,在这里生活了XX年了。
5、 1 How many people are there in your family? 2Who are they? 3Where do you live now? 4How long have you been living here? 5What do you think of your hometown? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.我家在温州,有一个幸福的家庭 2.我爸爸妈妈的职业 3.我今后 话题6:Things in the classroom (indentify ownership) 情景提示:Jenny在教室里捡到了一支铅笔
6、,她询问了5个同学,但他们的铅笔都在课桌里,最后她弄清楚了铅笔是Tom的。 1. What did Jenny find in the classroom? 2. How many classmates did she ask? 3. Where are their pencils? 4. Whose pencil is it? 5. What do you think of Jenny? 第六节:说话。 要点提示:1. 我们教室在三楼,它是明亮并干净 2. 教室里有。 3.我。 话题7:Things around the house 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:我书桌上有一台电脑,
7、是我爸爸买给我的。4年前我开始玩电脑,每星期玩两次。 1. Where is your computer? 2. Who bought the computer for you? 3. When did you start playing computer?4. How often do you play computer? 5. What do you think of playing computer? 第六节:说话。 要点提示:1. 我家的房间有大有漂亮,我每天都打扫 2. 我的。在 3. 我。 话题8:spending time with friends 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情
8、景提示:你喜欢交朋友,Tom是你的好朋友,你喜欢他性格活泼外向,你们经常上网用英语聊天。 1. Do you like to make friends? 2Whos your best friend? 3Why do you like him? 4What do you usually do with your friends? 5What do you think of your friendship? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 我有很多朋友,我们都有共同的爱好 2. 周末我经常和朋友做 3. 我们 话题9:food (likes and
9、 dislikes) 话题22food (ordering food) 第五节:情景提示:你喜欢吃饺子,最喜欢吃牛肉饺子。每周吃一次,每次吃一大碗。 1. Whats your favorite food? 2. What kind of dumplings do you like best?3.How often do you eat them? 4. What size bowl of dumplings do you usually have? 5. Why do you like dumplings? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. Sa
10、m 是美国人,但他不喜欢垃圾食品。 2. 他不喜欢(两样垃圾食品) 3. 他认为(感受) 1 话题10:shopping (size, colors and prices) 第五节:情景提示:昨天,你去买了一件大好的蓝色T恤衫,价格50元。 1. What did you buy yesterday? 2What size did you choose? 3What color is it? 4How much is it? 5What do you think of the T-shirt? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 我妈妈喜欢购物,这个
11、周末她计划去购物。 2. 她准备买 3. 她认为 话题11:dates 第五节:情景提示:世博会将在x月x日开幕,持续半年时间。我和爸爸下个月要去那里。 1. When will World Expro in Shanghai begin? How long will it last? When are you going there? Who are you going with? What are you going to do there? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示: 1. 今天是9月10号,是教师节。 2. 我们打算做。 3. 我们感到
12、话题12: School subjects 第五节:根据情景回答问题。情景提示:Bob是第六中学学生,他最喜欢语文,也喜欢体育课,体育课令人兴奋。他每周有2节体育课。 What school is Bob in?Whats his favorite subject?Why does he like P.E class?How often does he have P.E classes? What does he often do after school? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.我是一名中学生,我要学很多的科目 2.我最喜欢的两门科目是
13、。 3.我。 话题13:Join a club (Talking about abilities) 情景提示:你会游泳且会打网球,认为打网球非常棒。你想要加入校网球俱乐部。 Can you swim? What other sport can you do? What do you think of it? What club do you want to join? Why do you want to join the tennis club? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1、我们学校有很多俱乐部,我会游泳和打网球 2、我想加入 3、我认为 话
14、题14:Daily routines 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:你通常早上6点起床,然后看15分钟书。你大概在7点钟吃早餐,然后去上学。 When do you usually get up? What do you do after that? What time do you have breakfast? Then what do you do? What do you think of your daily life? 第六节:说话。 要点提示:1、我通常每天早上7点起床, 7:30上学 2、我通常。 3、我认为。 话题15: transportation 第五节 根据情景
15、回答问题 情景提示:你家离学校大约2公里,你通常和你的朋友Tom一起骑自行车去上学,大约要花15分钟到学校。 How far is it from your home to school? How do you get to school? Who do you usually go to school with? How long does it take you to get to school? Why do you ride a bike to school? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 王先生是语文老师,他家就在学校附近。 2. 他
16、通常 3 他认为。 话题16 Rules 第五节:情景提示:你是一名育英学校的学生,你们学校有很多校规,如上课不能吃东西,必须穿校服等。你觉得校规太严。 Where do you study? What cant you do at school? What must you do at school? What do you think of the school rules?Do you like your school? Why? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.我爸妈对我很严格,我家里有很多规矩 2. 我不喜欢。 3. 你认为 话题17.
17、animals in a zoo(describing animals and expressing preferences) 第五节、情景提示 熊猫很可爱,你特别喜欢熊猫,你经常和朋友去动物园看它们。 Which kind of animals do you like best? Why do you like them? Where do you see them? Who goes there with you? Do you like to keep them? Why or why not? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.Mary喜欢动
18、物,她经常去动物园, 2.她最喜欢。 3.她。 话题18、Everyday activities 第五节、情景提示 现在是晚上6点,你正在看电视,爸爸在看报纸,妹妹在做家庭作业,而妈妈在做饭。 12. What are you doing? 13. Is your father reading a book? 14. What is your sister doing?15. What is your mother doing?16. What are you going to do for your mother after supper? 第六节、说话 要点提示:1.周二是学校大扫除日,我
19、们正在大扫除。 2、我们正在 3、我.。 2 话题19:Weather 第五节:情景提示:今天,天气晴朗,Tom和朋友在海南度假,看到一些男孩在踢足球,人们玩得很开心。 Hows the weather today?Where are they on vacation?What are the boys doing ?How are the people? What do you usually do when it s sunny? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1. 我的家乡在温州,春天常常下雨 2.在雨天,我们做。 3.我 . 话题20:Nei
20、ghborhood 第五节:根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:你家住在公园附近,你每天早上去公园里做运动。你的隔壁邻居很友好。 Where do you live? What do you usually do there? When do you do it? What are your neighbors like? What do you think of your neighborhood? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.他家住在公园近,他的隔壁邻居很友好 2.他家附近有。 3.他认为 话题21:Physical appearance (de
21、scribing peoples looks) 第五节:情景提示:我有一位网友,她的名字叫Sally。她很高,留着短头发,但是她过去留着长头发。周末她喜欢呆在家里看书。 1. What is the name of your friend? What does your friend look like? She used to have short hair, didnt she?What does she like doing on weekends? What do you look like? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1.我有一个好朋友
22、,她的名字叫Sally。 2. 她。 3. 我。 话题 23. School trips (events in the past) 第五节: 根据情景回答问题。 情景提示:上星期六你去郊游了,你们坐公交车去了景山动物园,你看到了很多的动物。 Where did you go on school trip?When did you go?How did you go there?What did you do there?How was your school trip? 第六节:说话。请根据话题和要点提示,用英语在1分钟内说一段话。 要点提示:1、上周二是我们学校旅行日,我们去了温州江心屿 2
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- 20208 口语 话题
