罗马尼亚的农村教育:现状和前景【外文翻译】 .doc
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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外 文 翻 译原文:Rural education in Romania: Present and perspectivesAbstractThe current study contains the main conclusions of a field research made in 61 Romanian villages whose objective is to capture specific characteristics of the forms and the rural educational institutions. The local educa
2、tional system under research depends on factors like: experience and degree education of the local educational staff; the logistic of the local educational institutions; the specific searching methods used by each institution; the interferences with the city community (rural-urbane interrelationship
3、). Starting on this conclusions and priority, trustfully thinking the objective data, the research papers present some achievementdirections for a better placed rural education.1. IntroductionKnowing the valuable cultural educational traditions who were offering during time vitality to the rural edu
4、cational world but also those who manage to develop or stop from evolving some of the rural educational institutions, we thought useful and necessary the undergoing of an empiric field research having as purpose the study of specific aspects of rural education following both directions in the histor
5、ical events (the horizontally and the vertically level), emphasizing on the value and the roles that the forms and the rural educational institutions have. The research made in 61 Romanian villages was oriented by the next objectives: identifying the human and material resources and also the forms a
6、nd the methods used to put in value the rural educational institutions; discovering the dysfunctional factors, the negative things who degraded in time some forms and systems of the rural education; setting up the long-term factors to place and replace the rural education to the level of their impor
7、tance and integrate it into development projects.Concerning the specific area of our investigation, the reviewing of some indicators such as: the material condition of the educational institutions (cultural home, school, local library), the volume and the quality of the personal having educational m
8、eaning, the forms and the educational methods of the specific rural educators on the local population etc., this review revealed by comparing a sort of good and bad factors who are imprinting the functioning of the rural educational institutions. The knowledge of these factors is very important beca
9、use this way the expectations factors can be discovered in attempt of developing the education in the rural areas. The field research results went us to the conclusion that the efficiency of the local educational system depends on the following factors: experience and degree education of the local e
10、ducational staff; the logistic; the specific searching methods used by each institution; the rural-urbane relationship.1.1. The functioning efficiency of the educational institutions depends on the professional degree of those working in it, show us the result of our project. For example, there wher
11、e the cultural homes directors had completed specific education in organized forms like courses of many years, you can tell about their vocational status by the activities they organized and the feed-back received from the village population, from their participation to the programs. This case appli
12、es only in two villages (Sarmas and Deda), places where indeed the cultural home deserve to be called cultural institution. More then that, the principals of this two institutions are the only ones in the researched area who besides their jobs they have two more professional responsibilities tide up
13、 with their cultural homes runner capacities, such as: principal of the Popular University and also leader of the local music band; librarian and upholder of the local museum. Therefore most of their time is spend for the good function of the institutions they run, fact which is better revealed by t
14、he activities they organize.Not the same thing happens in other locations like Suplac and Coroisanmartin where the cultural homes have only names and not leaders in fact, because in the curriculum is not to be found any cultural-educational activity. The cultural home used to be cultural once. Now t
15、he culture moved into bars, disco clubs and television an old village man said. Indeed, the cultural home today had only a symbolic meaning in most of the rural areas instead of what it meant to be in the past for the rural community as permanent education centre. Just the memories of the past, a fu
16、nctional past keeps it alive with its status of cultural institution. Sadly, today in most of the rural locations the cultural home there is an institution used in nocturnal loisir purpose like disco club, weddings, parties.The same as in the cultural homes case, in that concerning the communes libr
17、aries, the professional training of those running this institutions is very important, fact picked-up from the higher percentage of readers in library, especially from the percentage of adults readers over 14 years of age since on the area under investigation the percentage of the 14 years old reade
18、rs is the highest, out coming from this situation the accent made on school reading but also the weak implication of the adults in raising the importance of public reading.1.2.The material condition of the rural educational institutions its another indicator for its functional status, shows our rese
19、arch results. This explain why some of the cultural homes who have in their administration rooms for different instructive classes and under inventory use high technique devices and their budget count constant high funds (billions of Romanian lei) are looked for their educative potential, becoming f
20、ine institutions with a reach educative activity. As example we have cultural homes from Rusii-Munti, Sarmas, Raciu and Deda. We may say that those who are running these institutions have learned not only the cultural management, but especially the financial one.In other localities the buildings are
21、 badly ruined, time degrading what is left and as those buildings who comes from an old poque are to be preserved the happy reality is that are used for night clubs and other kind of entertaining.We should not forget that at the present time these institutions are working in self-financing regime, l
22、aw nr. 4421994 republished in 1997: rule nr.9 “Financing the current costs and the cultural homes capital is upheld by extra budget funds and money allocation coming from the local commune budget. This way, the cultural homes become - financial speaking - direct subordinated to the local commune cou
23、ncil. Sometimes, the situations created by this fact are becoming strange; the cultural homes held in the local commune board of directions hands have from time to time strange activities like dancing nights. No questions for investments and renovate the buildings then. For changing the sadly realit
24、y there is need for specific training of principals, an extraprofessional experience to handle this kind of situations, to manage running the institution budget with financial projects and out coming funds.From the 61 villages under investigation, 17th doesnt have a school and from the 44th rural sc
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