解析《奥赛罗》悲剧的社会因素Analysis the Social Factors of the Tragedy Othello.doc
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1、【英文】毕业设计论文解析奥赛罗悲剧的社会因素Analysis the Social Factors of the Tragedy Othello ContentsEnglish Abstract.IChinese Abstract.II. Introduction1Analysis of Racial Discrimination.22.1. Theoretical Analysis.22.2. Racial Discrimination in Othello .32.3 The Influence of Racial Discrimination on Othellos Character.
2、6. Influence of the Feudal Patriarchy on Tragedy of Othellos Marriage.103.1. Theoretical Analysis.103.2 Othellos male chauvinism in his marriage. 113.3 Desdemonas over-obedience in her marriage.14. Conclusion .16Acknowledgements.18References19 Analysis the Social Factors of the Tragedy Othello Name:
3、 Pan Jianchao Major: English Tutor: He Zhanyi Abstract: Othello was written by Shakespeare in 1604 and it is the mostcontroversial one of Shakespeares four major tragedies. Traditional humanistreadings largely ignored the impact of social forces on the tragedy of the famous playthey just saw the pla
4、y as concerned simply with the flaws in Othellos Characteristics“Theory of Jealousy” has been dominant in Shakespeares research for a long time.According to many views on the tragedy of Othello in my opinion it was a doomedtragedy. Based on social factors this paper tries to explore the deep social
5、reasons oftragedy of Othello. Because of the tumor of racial discrimination in society the whitehas superiority of its race and culture while the black has to take the burden of theirsense of self-based psychology. In addition the feudal dark forces of the patriarchalculture and medieval religious c
6、onventions were still dominated the social ideologyso the social factors make a great influence on the causes of the tragedy Othello. Key words: social factors racial discrimination patriarchy tragedy 解析奥赛罗悲剧的社会因素 学 生:潘建超 专 业:英 语 指导老师:何占义 摘要:奥瑟罗是莎士比亚在 1604 年所创作的,它是莎士比亚四部主要悲剧中最有争议的一部。传统的人文主义读本大多忽视了社会
7、因素对这部著名悲剧的影响,而是仅仅简单认为这部戏剧主要关注的是奥赛罗性格的缺陷,“嫉妒说”曾在奥赛罗研究中一直占据着统治地位。根据对奥赛罗悲剧的不同观点,笔者认为,这是一部注定的悲剧。从社会因素出发,本论文探究了造成奥赛罗悲剧的深层社会原因。由于社会存在种族歧视这颗毒瘤,白种人有着种族及文化优越感,而黑人不得不承受自卑的心理压力,另外,父权制以及中世纪宗教习俗等封建黑暗势力依旧主导着当时的社会意识形态,因此,社会因素对奥赛罗悲剧的发生有着重大影响。 关键词:社会因素;种族歧视;父权制;悲剧.Introduction Othello is one of Shakespeares four maj
8、or tragedies. Although the plot of theplay is very simple it reflects many aspects of life. Since hundreds of years ago manycritics have been arguing on what the root of tragedy is. Just like KMNewtonpointed that “Othello has produced more controversial critical echo than any other ofWilliam Shakesp
9、eares tragedy plays.” Reference Guide to English Literature p401 Oneview is that jealousy and credulity make Othello lose his reason and human natureand another view is that the great power of evil causes the tragedy of OthelloHowever I think no matter what the view is the tragedy is inevitable and
10、it has aclose connection with Othellos society and time. In Othello through the tragedy ofthe very individual Shakespeare emphasized the influence of the society andindicated the relationship between the very individual and the society. Certainly acertain individual must be influenced by a certain t
11、ime and society. On the angle ofracial discrimination Othello just reflects the whites superiority of its race andculture and people living on the margins of society owning self-abased characteristicin their deep heart. In addition the feudal dark forces of the patriarchal culture and medievalreligi
12、ous conventions were still dominated the social ideology. It attached tremendoussignificance to the cause of unfettering individuals from feudal conventions. While itis widely acknowledged that “individual” here exclusively refers to the male in thesociety in other words the society was still forcef
13、ully dominated by men inaccordance with strictly hierarchy and women were still proceeding in inferiority andshowing up to meet mens needs. They were required to be subject to their fathersbefore marriage and to their husbands after marriage. Fathers authority andhusbands authority together make up
14、the doctrine of patriarchal culture. This led tothe male chauvinism and womens over-obedience prevalent around the wholeEuropean in that age. Although Othello and Desdemonas tragedy is more or less canbe blamed on them however our attitude to their tragedy is not disgusting and hatredbut mercy and r
15、egret Othello and Desdemonas death is deeply rooted in the socialand time the powerful forces of darkness like cruel waves engulfed them in thecurrents of history. All of the social reasons consist of the main factors of thetragedy Othello.Analysis of Racial Discrimination2.1Theoretical Analysis Rac
16、e on the international stage has been become an important topic for a longtime. We know that since the birth of mankind we had already been divided intodifferent races and then the fallacy of racial discrimination were appearing. Racialdiscrimination from the beginning of human history to now have n
17、ever stoppedarguing and race is also a very sensitive topic. “Racial discrimination is a kind ofprejudice and unfair attitude to the colored people”. (Liu Xiaojuan 2006)Namelyin broad sense except white person all the other colored people are the subject toracial discrimination. For the colored peop
18、le the racial discrimination is a nightmare. “In fact in thetime of Elizabeth with the expansion of the colonist the discrimination for the blackpeople became more and worse.” Bloom Harold.p87 We know in the early slave tradethe black people were the main victims. They were killed and sold. hey had
19、nofreedom and wisdom. They were nothing. For the white people the black people werethe tools for them to get profit. They were forced to work for the white people. The racial discrimination was also one of the causes of Othellos tragedy. Therewas no doubt that Othello a black moor lived in the time
20、and society ofdiscrimination. This discrimination did not come from some single people but fromall the walks of the country. 2.2 Racial Discrimination in Othello Racial discrimination reflected in every part of Othello. Though Othello is nobleMoorish descent he is a Moor so he is easily subject to d
21、iscrimination. ThoughOthello is an excellent commander in the wars when he in search for his identity in awhite world he is deeply feeling that he was a cultural otherness. “Othello is clearlyan outsider in Venice. He is belongs to different races and countries and come fromNorth Africa to help Veni
22、ce fight against the Turks. In addition Othello come fromdifferent communities of discourse and language so he is not someone who ismanaging Venetian culture and language.”Diane Andrews Henningfeld p25Because of his great military exploits he served in the Venice government and isrespected by the Ve
23、netian but this respect is conditional because he undertakes thetough task to protect the safety of the white government of Venice in other wordsuch respect is built on the basis of Othellos unique military gifts once he threatensto Venetians reputation status such respect can be thwarted. No matter
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- 奥赛罗 解析奥赛罗悲剧的社会因素 Analysis the Social Factors of Tragedy Othello 解析 悲剧 社会 因素
