人教版高中英语Unit 13 The Water Planet (SEFC Book 2B) Integrating Skills说稿稿 .doc
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1、人教版高中英语Unit 13 The Water Planet (SEFC Book 2B)Integrating Skills说稿稿一、说教材( the analysis of teaching material )本单元话题是“水的星球”。本课时的课型为综合技能课,要求学生1)阅读文章Natures Nursery: Estuaries(河流入海口 天然养殖场), 把握主题句及篇章结构,以摄取说明文的基本写作方法;2)深刻理解河流的入海口对动植物和人类的重要性,进一步树立环保意识和主人翁责任感;3)学写说明文,掌握说明顺序和介绍过程的方法。本课时的教学有利于增强学生的环保意识,培养学生热爱
2、大自然、自觉保护河海环境和其他水资源的基本素质。这是高中阶段为数不多的科技说明文写作课;由于话题较为深奥,因此也是高中英语教学的难点。教育部2001年所颁布的课标将写作纳入基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一,并在 “目标总体描述”和“语言技能”的栏目中对各级别的写作技能作了详尽的描述;要求学生学会自主收集资料,能写出常见体裁的短文,含说明文。大纲和考纲都要求学生能就已学课文的内容,笔头回答简单的问题;能根据提示,仿照所学过的题材和体裁限时写作。写作成为提高英语成绩的涨分点。说明文是高考常考点,也是拉分点。因此本课时在写作教学,尤其是说明文写作教学方面具有典范作用。二、说教学目标(the analy
3、sis of teaching goals)1、 Knowledge Goals (知识目标)1) ReadNatures Nursery: Estuaries, and try to find out the topic sentences and the structure of the passage . (阅读文章河流入海口 天然养殖场,找主题句,明篇章结构。)2) Memorize the following 14 words and phrases(识记下列单词和短语)nursery, recreation, gallon, mixed with, create a unique
4、environment, be filled with, enjoy all the benefits, face dangers, clean out water, make sensitive to, protect from, contribute to, a variety of, provide with3) Recognize these 6 words in the context(在上下文中认知如下词汇)estuary, tide, mammal, reproduce, pollutant, define2、Ability Goals (能力目标)Learn how to in
5、troduce the order and the process, give definitions and present the function of an object, and then write a short explanation passage.(学会如何介绍顺序和程序,下定义,示功能,写一段说明短文)3、Affective Goals (情感目标)Help develop students love for nature, water sources, and a strong responsibility of environment protection. (促进学
6、生热爱大自然,珍爱水资源,自觉承担起保护环境的责任)4、Teaching Important Points ( 教学重点 )1) Read the passageNatures Nursery: Estuariesand master its structure.(阅读文章河流入海口 天然养殖场,把握篇章结构)2) Learn to write an explanation passage.(学习写作一段说明短文)5、 Teaching Difficult Points (教学重点)How to write an explanation passage with the knowledge l
7、earnt today.(如何学以致用,写作一段说明短文)三、说教法 (the analysis of teaching methods)(一)图片法以辅助词汇教学。(二)图式阅读法以帮助学生构建文本意义,理清篇章结构。(三)过程体裁法。这是一种综合性的写作教学模式,由Badger & White 提出。其实施分三个阶段 :1、写前信息输入阶段 (the in-put in pre-writing)1)阅读范文。图式理论强调写作离不开阅读,阅读是写作的前奏。认知心理学认为,阅读模仿是一个有意识的、积极主动的、摄取信息并建构图式的学习过程。通过阅读范文,可以强化文体意识,使学生熟悉该体裁的模式,
8、培养对该体裁的敏感性,形成知识网络并储存于大脑之中。2)范文分析。将语篇结构与语言形式相结合,进行语篇教学,从而培养其为写作而建立的体裁意识。3)模仿分析。教师提供相关话题范文,让学生以学习小组的形式进行模仿分析,强化文体意识和篇章结构,巩固话题词汇与句型。2、写作中信息输出 ( the out-put in while-writing )1)模仿写作。教师设计有针对性的题目,使学生分步模仿某一体裁的语篇知识,如建构特定语篇所要使用的恰当词汇、时态、句式以及语篇图式等。2)独立写作。通过头脑风暴形式启发学生剖析题目。然后,学生根据所获得的有关知识自己独立地编写提纲、打草稿、成文。3)修改完善。
9、发放写作评价表,注重评价主体的互动与方式的多样性,采用同级反馈、自我修改、教师反馈和课后完善的方式,强化学生的主体意识。3、写后反思阶段 (the reflection in post-writing)学生准备一个写作成长记录袋( writing portfolio) ,存放所写的初稿、修改稿、评价表、定稿等,并不断反思得失以培养学生自我监控、自我评价策略。 四、说学法 (the analysis of learning methods)本课时将在精英班授课。该班学生思维活跃,英语基础较好,学习习惯和课堂行为习惯表现良好,故采用学习小组的形式进行合作学习,6人一组将课桌围坐在一起。分如下步骤实
10、施:1、话题预热。各学习小组课前查找资料,收集图片,摘抄或撰写段落(约100词),于开课前三分钟将图片和段落张贴于教室四周以营造学习环境。如A mobile-phone- A friend on the go; A MP4- A loyal companion; How to surf / chat on the Internet; ;How to play computer games/ download music等。小组成员分工合作,下定义,析功能,明步骤,改错误。允许有部分汉语。2、阅读范文。运用猜词、预测等快速阅读等技巧,整体把握语篇。3、范文分析。找主题句,析篇章结构,明说明顺序。
11、4、段落或佳句诵读。强化句型和结构意识。5、模仿分析。对照写作评价表和范文,交换修改,用百事贴写下互评意见,并在你认为好的句子下画笑脸娃娃。6、独立撰写,学以致用。五、说教学手段(the analysis of teaching aids)黑板、粉笔、多媒体、投影仪、百事贴、海报六、说教学程序(The analysis of the teaching procedures)Step I :Warming up (热身活动) ( 5 minutes ) (5分钟)What to teach: 1. New words: nursery, estuary(学习生词:nursery, estuary
12、)2. Definition of “estuary” (estuary的定义)Why teach:Provide the basic words for reading and arouse the background knowledge of the topic .(为阅读提供基础词汇并击活相关话题的背景知识)How to teach: Teacher:1. Play the song “Deep Ocean” three minutes ahead of the class . Meanwhile, get group leaders to put their posters on t
13、he wall three minutes ahead of the class to create a nice atmosphere.(于课前三分钟播放音乐深深的海洋,其间学习小组长在墙上四壁张贴配有文字的海报以创设良好的学习氛围)2. Involve the word-formation knowledge to teach “nursery”. Then use pictures to teach “estuary.(分别利用构词法知识和图片教授标题题眼nursery, estuary)3. Present the pictures of estuaries of Yangts Riv
14、er, Pear River. Collect the definition of estuaries from several students. Then get all the students to scan the passage and find out the exact definition from paragraph1 in one minute. See whose definition is closest to the one in the text.(展示长江口和珠江口图片,收集有关estuaries的定义,再一分钟快速在文章第一段中查读准确的定义。看谁的定义最接近
15、课文)4. Ask students to predict the contents by the key words in the title. (让学生根据标题中的题眼,预测文章内容)Students:1. Put up the posters on the wall three minutes ahead of the class and enjoy the song. (课前三分钟张贴海报并欣赏歌曲)2. Guess the meaning of the new words by the word-formation knowledge and pictures.(分别利用构词法知识和
16、图片猜测生词nursery和estuary)3. Try to give a definition to the term ofestuaryafter watching the pictures of estuaries of Yangts River, Pear River. Then scan the passage and find out the exact definition in one minute. See whose definition is closest to the one in the text. (观看长江口和珠江口图片后为estuary下定义。一分钟快速在文
17、章第一段中查读准确的定义。看谁的定义最接近课文)4. Predict the contents by the key words in the title.( 根据标题中的题眼,预测文章内容 )Strategies when students can not meet the standard ( 调控策略):More examples and context to help students understand “nursery”.(当学生不能猜测nursery的词义,多举例,给语境)Step II : Pre-writing ( 10 minutes ) (写前活动, 10分钟)What
18、 to teach:The reading material -Natures Nursery: Estuaries(阅读文章河流入海口 天然养殖场)Why teach: 1. Train the students to find topic sentences and get the main structure of the passage.(训练学生的查找主题句的意识和把握篇章结构的能力)2. Learn the way of writing an explanation paragraph.(学习写一个说明文段落的方法)How to teach: Teacher:1. Give fiv
19、e minutes to read the passage and then raise questions(五分钟阅读文章, 然后提出阅读理解问题)Fast reading questions(快速阅读问题)1) What is the topic sentence of each paragraph?(每段的主题句是什么?)2) Choose the correct structure of this passage.(选择正确的文章结构图)Careful reading questions (细读阅读问题)1) What kinds of function of estuaries ha
20、ve been mentioned in the passage? (本文涉及河流入海口的哪些功能)2) How many aspects are mentioned when explaining “Estuaries are great for natures young ones.”? (当谈及“河流入海口是自然界生物繁衍的极好场所”时,文章提到了多少方面) 2. Read aloud the topic sentences together, paying attention to the transitional words underlined. Read the last par
21、agraph by themselves.( 大声齐读各段主题句,注意下画线的关联词。自读最后一段)3. Check if students can memorize the useful words and phrases on the slide. (检查学生是否能识记幻灯上的有用词汇和短语)Students:1. Skim the passage to find answers to the fast reading questions two minutes.(两分钟快速浏览文章并回答快速阅读问题)2. Scan the last three paragraphs to find ou
22、t the answer to careful reading questions in three minutes.( 查读最后三段并回答快速阅读问题)3. Read aloud the topic sentences together, paying attention to the transitional words underlined. Read the last paragraph by themselves. ( 大声齐读各段主题句,注意下画线的关联词。自读最后一段)4. Memorize the useful words and expressions on the slid
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- 人教版高中英语Unit 13 The Water Planet SEFC Book 2BIntegrating Skills说稿稿 人教版 高中英语 Unit SEFC Integrating
