【英语论文】Expanding Recruiting Channels to Achieve the Human Resource Requirement.doc
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1、Expanding Recruiting Channels to Achieve the Human Resource RequirementSubmitted by Zhou JingtaoStudent ID number 081015150032Supervised by Shangguan FengyuA paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign S
2、tudies University北京外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学士学位论文作者签名: 周静涛日期:2011年06月02日摘 要笔者就业于深圳海辉软件有限公司,从事人力资源招聘的工作,致力于为公司的客户提供专业化的软件开发工程师候选人挖掘与招聘服务,以满足客户日益增长的业务发展及人力资源的需要。 自2011年春季以来,
5、的客观评估,本文中设计的招聘方式得以顺利实行,不但达成项目预定目标,保质保量的完成工作任务,也为公司招聘部门提供了好的建议和成功的样本。实践证明,招聘人员要更主动的融入市场,贴近客户和候选人的需求,积极当好联系纽带,从而带动公司、客户及候选人三方的共赢局面。关键词: 软件外包 ;人才招聘 ;扩展招聘渠道AbstractThe author works as a recruiter in hiSoft Co. Ltd, committed to provide sourcing and recruiting service on software development engineer (he
6、reafter called SDE), to meet the fast growing business and HR needs of clients of company. Since spring 2011, clients No. keeps growing, and software outsourcing expands, the demand on SDE hence becomes huge; However, the talents market seems not so active as so-called “quit peak season” in passed y
7、ears. Update rate of candidates resume slowed down, and Shenzhen city becomes less attractive to SDE candidates due to the salary level of mainland China raised to near Shenzhen payment. Hence, the recruit task is tough and every recruiter faces the pressure. The team author worked undertakes the re
8、cruit task of key line of key clients with limited time, and the task completion will involve with recruiters KPI and yearly bonus. In such circumstance, each member of the team has to be ready to fulfill the task as soldier ready for a war. Reviewed daily performance of the team members, analysis t
9、he candidates results, we found out what shall be improved, e.g. sourcing channel limited to famous recruiting websites. We analysis through SWOT, and find the solution to solve current problem and improve work efficiency as following: enrich recruit methods, expand recruit channels, hence increase
10、candidates database to accomplish the mission. According to IMC theory, we planned following actions to expand the recruit channels: For one hand, participating more recruit activities, and holding more advertising speech activities; For another, we conduct the program to encourage in-service staff
11、to recommend candidates with bonus, taking advantage of in-service staffs connection; Meanwhile, maintain original recruit sites, and use new methods, e.g. technical forum, chat group, and micro blog to release recruit announcement, and let the candidates apply for the recruit. Based on the survey a
12、nd analysis in advance, careful implementation, and objective assessment, the recruit plan was complemented successfully. That contributes to not only the mission of recruitment, but also to a good suggestion and successful example. Practice tell us, recruiters should revolve in the market, meeting
13、requirements of clients, and candidates, work as the connection to bring the company, clients, and candidates to win-win-win direction.Key words: Software Outsourcing; talent recruiting; expanding the recruiting channelsTable of ContentsPages1.Introduction12.Problem Identification and Analysis22.1 P
14、roject problem22.2 Problem analysis22.2.1 Situation analysis22.2.2 Needs analysis32.2.3 SWOT analysis43.Project Objective and Hypothesis53.1 Project Objective53.2 Project Hypothesis54.Project Rationale65.Project Design75.1 Planning of Activities75.1.1 Activities planned to take place75.1.2 Critical
15、path of activities85.1.3 Time scale of activities85.1.4 People involved and their responsibilities105.2 Cost Analysis105.3 Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project115.3.1 Monitoring plan115.3.2 Evaluation plan115.4 Risk Analysis125.4.1 Risk Analysis125.4.2 Protective measures to be taken136
16、.Project Implementation137.Results and Discussion167.1 Results167.2 Discussion188.Conclusion19Bibliography21Appendix I: The award scheme of internal recommendation activity22Appendix II: The screen copies of micro-blog, QQ group and poster23Expanding Recruiting Channels to Achieve the Human Resource
17、 Requirement1. IntroductionI am a recruiter in the PTA (Professional Talent Acquisition) department of Shenzhen HiSoft Software Company. This company is a trusted technology services partner with proven global capabilities, quality standards, and delivery processes that guarantee business value. Now
18、 hiSoft is currently the highest ranked Chinese player in IAOPs (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals) Global Outsourcing 100. My daily work is recruiting professional talents, like software development engineers, and meeting the human resource requirement for partner companies pro
19、jects.Since spring 2011, clients No. keeps growing, and software outsourcing expands, the demand on SDE hence becomes huge; However, the talents market seems not as active as so-called “quit peak season” in passed years. Update rate of candidates resume slowed down, and Shenzhen city becomes less at
20、tractive to SDE candidates due to the salary level of mainland China raised to near Shenzhen payment. Hence, the recruit task is tough and every recruiter faces the pressure. The team author worked undertakes the recruit task of key line of key clients with limited time, and the task completion will
21、 involve with recruiters KPI and yearly bonus. In such circumstance, each member of the team has to be ready to fulfill the task as soldier ready for a war. Reviewed daily performance of the team members, analysis the candidates results, we found out what shall be improved, e.g. sourcing channel lim
22、ited to famous recruiting websites. We analysis through SWOT, and find the solution to solve current problem and improve work efficiency as following: enrich recruit methods, expand recruit channels, hence increase candidates database to accomplish the mission. According to IMC theory, we planned fo
23、llowing actions to expand the recruit channels: For one hand, participating more recruit activities, and holding more advertising speech activities; For another, we conduct the program to encourage in-service staff to recommend candidates with bonus, taking advantage of in-service staffs connection;
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