《犯罪心理 第九季 第15集(Criminal Minds S09E0105)》英中字幕.doc
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1、目 录第1集2第2集21第3集49第4集71第5集93第1集5-5-David, I just saw armedsuspect going south down Holden.Hes in a dark Ford Taurus,turningright on Washington near Holden.Thats it. Thats him.In pursuit of a black Ford Taurus goingwestbound on Washington, crossing State.Arizona license plate 52B7HNHold on.Morgan!*Is
2、he serious?He moved in two months ago.Hes still putting together furniture?Its only 8:00 at night.Youve got to get him to stop.After this page, Ill go talk to him.Talk to him? Or bludgeon him?What,are they doing it on the floor?I need to study now.Put your headphones on.You know what? If youwont do
3、it,I will.I said I would do it after this page.Corin!Open the door!I know youre in there. I can hear you!The whole building can!Really?Open the door! Hello?Look,I hate to be a buzz-kill,butI have a huge test tomorrow.My roommates at it again,huh?Were right below you.Ill tell him you showed up.Ever s
4、ince he met this chick,theyvebeen going at it like rabbits.Maybe they should go to her place.Ill suggest that.Sorry.We were this close to going toOcean City,and I get the text.I was in the middle ofcalculating force times distancetimes the co-efficient of friction to determinehow fast I can make a h
5、airpin turn in a Prius.You dont have a hybrid,Spence.I know,but if I did, Id want to know.Werent we just here?Did your date understand?Ah,luckily were neighbors.You must be peeved.I get to Dulles, makeit through security,about to board the plane toBoston,and bam,I get the call.I say we all demand a
6、vacation.From who,the guy that works3 jobs? Good luck with that.Whoa,you never went home.No,I had these unit chief performanceappraisals to do when we got back.So how many all-nightershave you pulled this month?I dont know. Between the file reviewsand the appraisals,there isnt enough time.Erin would
7、,uh,always bringher work home with her.Yeah,I know. She definitelyunderplayed the amount of paperwork.So,how long do you think theyregonna ask you to do this double duty?Well,they asked me if Id beinterested in the job full-time.That would mean leaving the BAU.I bought myself some time by askingthem
8、 to at least post the position.Well,we both know the pros and cons.There are lots of them.Well talk about it later.Sorry you guys had tocome in again. Garcia?Yeah. Two women,SarahBeck and Jill Elks,were found in a park in Glendale,Arizona,within the last 3 days.Both of them weresingle, in their late
9、 20s,and following their normal,low-riskroutines when they were abducted.Where were they taken from?Sarah was on her way to a theater grouprehearsal,and Jill was abducted from her apartment.The unsub broke in through a window.Well,clearly,heshunting a specific type.He left the jewelry untouched.Yeah
10、,its not about robbery.Both women were sexually assaulted, and then they wereshot in the heart and left in that prayer position.Thats odd.Maybe its religious. It lookslike theyre leaning on a cross.Their hands are tilted forward.He could have made them supplicate andtheir hands clenched in rigor mor
11、tis.So theyre possibly prayingto atone for their sins.I doubt that. Both womenhave pretty clean backgrounds.Since the posing was done postmortem,maybe its a representation of the wayin which he made them beg for their lives.Weve definitely seen that before.Hes getting off on the power.Lets head to A
12、rizona. Wheels up in 30.Please,please, not so fast.Go.I cant.It hurts.Youre not gonna get away with this.Theyre gonna find you!Who knows where inspiration comes from?Perhaps it arises from desperation.Perhapsit comes from the flukes of the universe,the kindness of the muses.Amy Tan.All right,lets go
13、 over victimology.Both of these women were professionals,young,single,blond,both in their late 20s, and petite.And besides appearance,theres no apparent connection.The prayer position is unique.Both these women were left in parks.The dumpsites could be symbolic. I mean,a lot ofreligions are based in
14、 nature, celebrating the outdoors.Pilgrimages are often made to parks.Believers say theyre closerto God in places like that.Maybe he believes theyre surrogates fora woman who cheated on him or rejected him.Either way,the unsub participatesin high-risk behavior.He abducts and controls thevictims,take
15、s them to secluded locations,rapes them and killsthem, all within 12 hours.His yet to be determined ritualleaves no outward indicators.Well,we know he has a gun,the ability to abduct his victims,takethem to a lair,and discard them in a park.So he probably has a van or SUV.And hes planned things out.
16、He abducted one victim on her way to atheater,another one from her apartment.So he stalks them.The consistency of the disposal sites andmethodologies tells us that he has no knownor identifiable connection between any ofthe victims and in fact wants them to be foundin order to convey hisposed prayer
17、 message.Well,the parks will give us behavioralclues to help us fill out our profile.All right,we should splitup when we hit the ground.Hes probably alreadychosen his next victim.You want a double shot or a regular?Regular.You sure,Wallace?Its free since you work in the mall.Im fine.Hey,what time do
18、 you get off?Why,you got something planned?You want to go sit by the fountain?I would, but I got a date.I gotta go.See you tomorrow, Wallace.Ok. Thanks.Thank you.Yeah.Ill see you tomorrow.Woman: You want her, too,Wallace?Leave me alone.Leave me the hell alone.This type of detailedritualistic behavio
19、rtypically manifests itself in multiplekills over a short period of time.Ive increased themanpower on the street.I was even thinking aboutdoing a press conference.At this point,it would be better if we couldconduct our analysis without media interference.Well need a separateroom to do interviews.The
20、res one over there.Sergeant? Yeah?Another vic,Emma Coleman,was found in Bonsall Park.Thats a mile from here.And two miles from the other dumpsite,which tells us the unsubs zone ofcomfort is within a 3-mile radius.Ill reroute Morganand Rossi to the scene.And well see if we canlocate her next of kin.G
21、ood. Well need to talk to them.Ok.All right,Rossi, talk to me.Whats up?Only the sun. I like the sun.Cute. Thats real cute.Look,when I was the gym,conversationaround the free weightsis Hotch is interviewing to beStrausss permanent replacement.I know nothing.Come on,man, you sure about that?Why do I g
22、et the feelingyoure being a profiler?If you have any questions aboutHotch,maybe you should ask Hotch.Ok,look,I get it. Doing double duty after thesequester,fine,but taking on a desk job full-time?You know what they say about desk jobs.Thats how you get the ladies?No. Sitting is the new smoking.Thatl
23、l kill Hotch, and you know that.Well,its the same as last time,exceptthis woman has light-brown hair.Looks like she threw up.Maybe it was nerves.She knew she was going to die.She had on a wedding ring.Its right over there.He must have tossed it.Strange.Yeah,all of the othervictims were single female
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- 犯罪心理 第九季 第15集Criminal Minds S09E0105 犯罪心理 第九季 第15集Criminal Minds S09E0105英中字幕 犯罪 心理 第九 15 Criminal
