《铁娘子:坚固柔情(The Iron Lady)》英中字幕.doc
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1、One forty-nine please.一块四毛九How much is the milk?这牛奶多少钱?Forty-nine pence.四十九便士Thank you.谢谢Thank you.谢谢- Too much. Much too much butter. - I like butter.- 太多了,黄油抹太多了 - 我喜欢吃黄油Milks gone up.牛奶涨价了49p a pint.49便士一品脱了Good grief! Well have to economise.好伤心!看来我们要节衣缩食了I suppose we could always sell the car. O
2、r take in paying guests!或许我们可以把车卖了 或者让做客的人付钱Watch out. Shes on the prowl.当心哦,她在伺机而动呢Eat your egg.吃你的鸡蛋吧Goodness! There you are.天呢!您在这儿呀Yes. Here we are.当然,我们在这儿铁娘子I dont understand how it happened,真不明白是怎么回事how could she possibly have got out? Its very very important -她是怎么溜出去的? 这件事非常重要Please just mak
3、e it really clear.这件事一定要说清楚Whos on after you?你后面是谁值班?xxx?Beautiful day. Oh, youve made a start.多美好的一天啊 噢,你已经准备开始了Carols coming soon, Ill get some bags.卡萝尔马上就来了 我给你准备一些包装袋Anything you want to go to Mark, Ill bring up a suitcase for it.如果有任何东西想要给马克 我会拿一个旅行箱来装No no no no. The grey.不不不,灰色这件You sure?你确定?
4、Yes. .Definitely the grey.那当然 当然是灰色这件Righty ho.真是保守派Boss knows best.一切老大说了算Dont let her take my paper away.让她不要拿走我的报纸Oh, I havent had a chance to look at that yet, dear.噢,我还没来得及看那个报纸呢Sorry.抱歉Atta-girl.好姑娘Damn.该死Blot it.Blot it.抹掉,抹掉.pardon.您说什么?Now look what youve done.看看你干的好事Are they to keep the lo
5、onies out or you in?这些人是要把疯子赶出去 还是要把你关家里?Ill be off then.我走了Wear your scarf. Theres a chill out there.戴围巾 外面挺冷的Good morning Lady Thatcher.早上好,撒切尔夫人Are you alright? How are you feeling?你还好吗? 感觉如何?Im fine, thank you Susie.我很好,谢谢你苏西Ive just been reading about the bombings.我正在读爆炸袭击的报道Yes. Frightful.是啊,真
6、可怕Sorry.对不起These are the books for you to sign.这些是需要您签名的书I brought as many as I could find. Shall we go through your appointments?我尽量把能找来的都拿来了 我们再一起看看行程预约表吧?We said wed go through them today.我们说过今天要一起看看Yes, of course, dear. Today.当然,亲爱的,是今天The invitation has come from Downing Street for the unveilin
7、g of your portrait.唐宁街(英国首相府所在地)发来了 您的画像揭幕仪式的邀请函Ill put it on the mantelpiece, and theres an invitation from Lord Armstrong for我会把邀请函放在壁炉台上 阿姆斯特朗勋爵也发来邀请lunch on the first Friday of next month.请您下个月第一个星期五一起吃午餐I said no because youve got a concert that afternoon but if youd like to.我回绝了因为您那个下午有一个音乐会 但
8、是如果您想去.It looks like a very interesting programme.音乐会的节目单看上去很不错What are they playing?表演些什么?I think they said Rogers and Hammerstein.应该是罗杰斯和哈姆斯坦 (Richard Rodgers 和 Oscar Hammerstein II,著名美国歌曲作者组合)Silly man.笨家伙He hasnt got his scarf on.他忘记戴围巾了Did someone cover the butter?有人把黄油盖起来了吗?Ill go.我去Leave it.
9、Margaret- 算了吧 - 玛格丽特.Good girl.乖孩子Tomorrow, no matter what they do, itll be business as usual.明天不管他们要做什么 我们还是照常营业Two of the small beef, Mr. Roberts.两块小牛肉,罗伯茨先生What is the life blood of any community? Its business.任何社会形式的血液是什么? 是商业Not just big business but small businesses, like mine.不仅仅是大生意,还有小的 比如我
10、的Margaret! CUPS!玛格丽特!拿杯子!We on this island are strong. Were self-reliant.我们是强大的岛国人民 我们自给自足Sometimes were plain bloody minded.有时候,我们极度志同道合But we also believe in helping each other.我们也相信互助的道理And I dont mean by state hand-outs.我并不是指政府的扶持.Margaret, do you want to come to the pictures?玛格丽特,想不想去看电影?She ca
11、nt come, shes got to study.她不能去,她要学习Miss Hoity Toity!高傲的小姐!Never run with the crowd, Margaret. Go your own way.永远不要随波逐流,玛格丽特 走自己的路打开吧 (玛格丽特罗伯茨收,邮局电报) Open it then.Ive got a place at Oxford.我被牛津大学录取了Dont let me down Margaret.不要让我失望,玛格丽特Mother?妈妈?My hands are still damp.我手还是湿的Margaret!CUPS!玛格丽特!拿杯子!Th
12、eyre talking about you again.他们又在聊起你了What time is it?几点了?Suns not quite over the yard arm. Time for tea.还未日上三竿 该喝茶了What have you got on your head?你到底在想什么呢?Found it in the cupboard and thought bugger it, its Friday, why not fancy dress?我在橱柜里找到的,就想穿穿看 今天礼拜五,干嘛不穿点好看衣服呢You look ridiculous.看上去笨死了Bosslady
13、 no like?老婆大人不喜欢?No, Denis, Bosslady no like.不,丹尼斯 老婆大人当然不喜欢Can I suggest you remove the sticker from the back of your car.我能不能建议您 把车背后的贴纸拿掉xxx抱歉我总是收现金的Well then take the sticker off! I call that false advertising!那就把贴纸拿掉啊! 这是虚假信息!xxx - I would say keep the change.- 我还有别人叫车了. - 我本来想给你小费but there isn
14、t any change.现在什么都没有了Hello June, any news? Ive brought every bag I could find.琼,有什么新消息吗? 我把能找来的袋子都拿来了xxxHello Ma.妈,你好吗Bloody taxi driver. Wouldnt take my card.该死的出租车司机 不刷卡I said dont have a sticker saying you take Visa and then insist on cash.我就说你不能车上贴个标志说 可以刷卡,但结果要收现金Can you believe it? I was rumma
15、ging around the bottom of my bag. He didnt get a tip.真不敢相信,我都把包翻了个底朝天 他一毛小费都没得I didnt know that you were dropping by today, dear.我不知道你今天要过来啊,亲爱的Yes, you said yesterday. You wanted to make a start on Dads things.啊,你昨天说了. 你想要开始收拾爸爸的遗物The cupboards? Then I can help you dress.先收拾橱柜? 我可以帮你穿戴一下Youve got M
16、ichael and-迈克尔还有.Jaqueline. Coming for dinner tonight.杰奎琳. 他们今晚来吃晚饭Of course.噢当然Were having halibut.我们晚上吃比目鱼Oh God. Isnt it terrible? They think its Al Quaida -天哪,真是太可怕了 他们认为是基地组织干的.Denis!丹尼斯!Itll be fine. Come on, get your head down, its ten to three, for Gods sake.没事的,去睡一会儿吧 已经三点差10分了,天哪At ten to
17、three this morning an explosion.今天凌晨2点50. 一场爆炸案.extensively damaged the Grand Hotel in Brighton造成了布莱顿旅馆的大面积毁损scene of the Conservative Party conference.那里正在举行保守党大会Where the Prime Minister and a number of her cabinet were staying.首相和她的一些内阁正下榻在这酒店They escaped unhurt -他们没有受伤Five people have died, many
18、others are injured, some critically.造成5人死亡,多人受伤 有一些是重伤The IRA have claimed responsibility.爱尔兰共和军宣称对此次事件负责We must release a statement, offering our condolences.我们必须发布声明 表示慰问I锟絤 sure theyve already-他们肯定已经.We must never, ever, ever give in to terrorists.我们绝对,绝对,绝对 不能对恐怖分子投降Good moring dear.噢早上好亲爱的Now m
19、a, are we going long or just below the knee tonight?妈,今晚是穿长裙,还是 只是膝盖下的就好了?Oh, below the knee I should think.噢,那就膝盖下的吧No! Dont move those. I havent finished sorting them.不,别动那些! 我还没有分类好I hear you went out today.听说你今天出门了.You mustnt go out on your own Mummy. Weve talked about that.妈,你不能一个人出门的 我们说好了的The
20、re was no milk.没有牛奶了Call Robert hell get it for you if Junes not up-给罗伯特打电话,他会给你买 如果琼还没有起床.I am not for the knackers yet.我还不是废物吧Now take it easy, Margaret.别这样,玛格丽特No one is saying that.没人这么说If I cant go out to buy a pint of milk then what is the world coming to.如果我连一品脱牛奶都不能自己去买了 这世界会变成什么样啊Really Car
21、ol.我说真的,卡萝尔.please dont fuss about it.别计较这个了Youve always been like this, fuss fuss fuss.你总是这样,小题大作You must find something better to do with your time.你得找点其他事情做啊Its most unattractive in a woman.女人这样最没吸引力了When I was your age.我想你这么大的时候.the last thing I wanted to do was fuss around my mother.最不愿意做的事 就是跟
22、母亲斤斤计较Four down, 9 letters.下面第四行,九个字母的字Something b something t something n.空格b,空格t,空格n.something something somthing. Refusal to change course-空格空格空格. 意思是拒绝换题目Obstinate.Obstinate(顽固的)What?什么?Pearls. Ill wear the pearls.我想戴珍珠项链There they are. My little twins.真好,我的宝贝们Thank you, dear.谢谢亲爱的Its nearly all
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- 铁娘子:坚固柔情The Iron Lady 铁娘子:坚固柔情The Iron Lady英中字幕 娘子 坚固 柔情 The Lady 字幕
