The differences between Chinese and English Humor and the reasons from a cross cultural perspective.doc
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1、黄山学院毕业论文黑体初号题目:The Differences between Chinese and English Humor and the Reasons from a Cross-cultural Perspective学生姓名:-系 别:外国语学院专 业:英语学 号:20802013006班 级:08英本3班指导老师:李瑜二一二年四月AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Li Yu , my supervisor, for all the time and energy he ha
2、s put into training me as a student of English when I studied at Huangshan University. Without his painstaking supervision and help, this thesis could never have been finished. The faculty is knowledgeable and rigorous towards research and tireless in teaching. They have influenced me a lot and help
3、ed me not only establish academic goals, grasp basic research methods but also learn how to communicate with others. Here I want to express my great respect and sincere thanks to them.I am also grateful to my classmates at foreign language department at our college. AbstractHumor plays a significant
4、 role in peoples daily life. It can make us happy and relive our anxiety and stress. It is just because of its functions that humor is widely used in many aspects. However, due to different cultures, Chinese humor is different from English humor. What is thought funny in one country might be conside
5、red nonsense or misunderstood in another country. Thus we need to know the differences so as to understand the humor better. By using the comparative and descriptive approaches, this essay compares the differences between Chinese and English humor and analyses the causes. Researches show that Chines
6、e humor differs from English humor in many aspects such as origin, style, content, function, skills and technique, the way of producing. Different values, different ways of thinking, different ideology and culture background all account for these differences.Key Words: Chinese and English humor; dif
7、ferences; causes摘要幽默在人们的生活中有着非常重要的作用。它能给人们带来欢乐,减轻忧虑和压力。正因为幽默的重要作用,它在各方面都被广泛应用。然而,由于不同的文化差异,中国幽默和英语幽默存在差异。一个国家中被认为有趣的事在另一个国家就会被认为没有意义或者被误解。因此我们需要了解其中的差异以便可以更好地领悟幽默。本文比较了中西方幽默的差异并分析了原因。研究表明中西方幽默在源流,风格,内容,作用功效,技巧和表现手法和产生方式等方面存在差异。不同的价值观,思维方式,意识形态和文化背景是造成这些差异的重要原因。关键词:中西方幽默;差异;原因CONTENTSAcknowledgements
8、iAbstractii摘要iii1. Introduction11.2 Significance of the research11.3 Methods11.4 General organizations22. Literature review22.1 Definitions of humor22.2 The characteristics of humor32.3 Classification33. Differences between English and Chinese humor43.1 Different origins of humor43.2 Different evalu
9、ation towards humor53.3 Different styles of humor in China and western countries63.4 Different contents of Chinese and western humor63.5 Different techniques of expression73.7 Different culture background of Chinese and English humor84. Causes of differences between Chinese and English humor94.1 Dif
10、ferent national characters94.2 Different ideologies and aims94.3 Different ways of thinking104.4 Different culture115. Some suggestions to understand English and Chinese humor125.1 Improving cultural sensitivity125.2 See things from the point of view of others125.3 One cultures meat is another cultu
11、res poison136. Conclusion13Bibliography15The Differences between Chinese and English Humor and the Reasons from a Cross-cultural Perspective1. Introduction Now I will give a brief introduction about the objective, significance, methods and organization of my research on the Chinese and English humor
12、. 1.1 Research objectiveHumor plays an important role in our life. It can reduce the influence of our bad mood and brings happiness to us. It is also good for our interpersonal communication. To some extent, it is an important part of our life. Since it is so important, many psychologists, linguists
13、 and anthropologists at home and abroad have made significant contributions to humor studies such as S.Frued, Lin Yutang, Gong Weicai , A.A.Berger, Hu Fanzhu and so on. Humor can reflect a countrys culture. However, there are few researches about cross-culture humor. It is interesting and important
14、to find out the differences between China and English humor. This thesis is to find the differences in order to better understand and appreciate humor and avoid misunderstanding.1.2 Significance of the research Because the Reform and Opening up policy, China has more communication with other countri
15、es. However, humor in one country may be misunderstood in another country. So it is urgent to do the study and find out the differences. The economic globalization has brought more and more multinational corporations to China. However, there may be misunderstandings of humor due to culture differenc
16、es. The current research hopes to solve this problem.Moreover, there is a lot of literature on humor from the perspectives of linguistics, philosophy, psychologies and aesthetics. Because few researches are from a cross-culture perspective, this research hopes to intrigue peoples interest.1.3 Method
17、sIn this thesis, descriptive method is used to give you a brief understanding about the definition, classification, characteristics of humor. Comparative approach and explanation are used to compare the differences between Chinese and English humor and explain the causes. Other methods such as summi
18、ng up experience and reading documents for reference are also used.1.4 General organizationsThis paper is made up of six parts. Part One is the brief introduction about the objective, significances, methods and the general organization of this study. Part Two is a brief survey concerning the definit
19、ion, classification, characteristics of humor. Part Three summarizes the differences between Chinese and English humor. Part four explains several aspects that cause these differences. Part Five gives some suggestions on how to understand cross-culture humor and enhance our cultural sensibility. The
20、 last part is a summary for the whole thesis.2. Literature reviewIt is necessary to have some basic knowledge of humor before we discuss and compare Chinese and English humor. This chapter will make a brief survey on humor about its definitions, classifications and characteristics. Then this essay w
21、ill do a further survey to compare the differences between Chinese and English humor from a cross-cultural perspective.2.1 Definitions of humorHumor is always used in our daily life, but few people can give a satisfactory answer of such questions like “what is humor? ” or “what is the definition of
22、humor?”. So first a brief survey will be made on the definition of humor.According to the online Longman English dictionary, the definition is like this.a. the ability or tendency to think that things are funny, or funny things you say that show you have this abilityb. the quality in something that
23、makes it funny and makes people laughHumor is, according to ancient theory, any of four bodily fluids that determine human health and temperament. Hippocrates postulated that an imbalance among the humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) resulted in pain and disease, and that good health
24、 was achieved through a balance of the four humors; he suggested that the glands had a controlling effect on this balance.The English word humour derived from the Latin word humor. Originally, it is a medical term, meaning liquid which controls human health and emotion. Humor is the tendency of part
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- The differences between Chinese and English Humor reasons from cross cultural perspective
