Study on Uyghur University Students’ Language AttitudesApplying the MatchedGuise Technique.doc
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1、Study on Uyghur University Students Language Attitudes by Applying the Matched-Guise Technique Contents 1 Introduction . 1.1 Purpose of this study. 1.2 Significance of this study . 2 Theoretical Base and Literature Review . 2.1 Matched-Guise Technique . 2.2 Theoretical foundation . 2.3 Review of the
2、 Previous Studies . 3 Methodology . 3.1 Research questions . 3.2 Participants . 3.3 lnstruments . 4 Results and Discussion . 4.1 Results on language attitudes . 4.2 Summary . 5 Conclusion . 5.1 Major findings . 5.2 Implication . 5.3 Limitations and suggestions . References . Appendix. Acknowledgemen
3、ts. 论文的中文标题 摘要语言态度是社会心理的反映是人们对某种语言或方言的语言变体的感觉及评价。语言态度研究对语言规划的理论探索和语言方针政策的制定有重要意义还可为教育提供参考信息。但目前对新疆维吾尔少数民族语言态度的研究和调查还较少。 本研究旨在研究维吾尔族民考民大学生对维语、汉语和英语的态度本研究以前人的语言态度理论为理论框架采用了变语配对法。乌鲁木齐市高校的236名维吾尔族民考民大学生参加了变语配对测试。在变语配对测试中采用了变语配对技巧和语义微分量表受试者在听完录音后在一个7级语义微分评价量表中对说话者进行评价。受试者打的分数越高说明对该变语的评价越好。 结果表明维吾尔族民考民大学生
4、对维语、汉语和英语都持有肯定和积极的态度。他们对维语的评价要高于汉语和英语这体现了他们对母语的浓厚和坚定的感情。他们重视汉语和英语主要是从它们的实用型和工具型价值出发的。在他们的自我能力评价中他们认为他们的维语能力最高其次是汉语英语最差。望此研究在新疆这个多语地区对制定正确切实可行的语言规划和教学规划有一定的参考价值。 关键词 维吾尔族大学生语言态度变语配对 Study on Uyghur University Students Language Attitudes by Applying the Matched-Guise TechniqueAbstract Language attitud
5、e reflects the social psychology. It reveals much of peoples perception and evaluation to the language dialect varieties. Researches on language attitude have profound significance not only in the theory of language planning and implementation of language policy but also in providing useful instruct
6、ion for education. But few researches were conducted on language attitudes of Xinjiang students. The main purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of university students towards Chinese and English. The theoretical framework is based on language attitude theories. A total of 236 undergra
7、duate students in Urumqi was involved in this research. Research data were collected by matched-guise technique. After listening to recordings the students were asked to rate each guised speaker on eight personality traits in a seven-point scale. The higher the students score the more favorable they
8、 evaluated on the guise. This study finds that university students hold favorable and positive attitudes towards Chinese and English. They hold a strong and firm affection for their mother tongue. They regard the learning of Chinese and English more for their pragmatic and functional value. The stud
9、y concludes with a number of recommendations for improving Chinese and English language teaching. Key words: University Students Language Attitude Matched-Guise Technique Questionnaire Appendix 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this study The purpose of this study is to examine Uyghur university student
10、s attitudes towards Uyghur Chinese and English. It is designed to find out that whether there are differences between the attitudes of the students toward Uyghur Chinese and English Language attitudes are the main factors that influence language learning. Language attitudes are indicators that affec
11、t language policy and language learning. Learners positive attitudes may lead to increased motivation. So the research on students attitudes towards Uyghur Chinese and English may give some insight into the development of their Chinese as second language and English-as-a-foreign-language teaching an
12、d learning. 1.2 Significance of this study Researches on language attitude have significance not only in the theory of language planning and implementation of language policy but also in providing useful instruction for education. Language attitudes reflect the social psychology of the learners. Lan
13、guage attitudes have received a great deal of attention in fact language attitudes as a research topic have been the major focus in many recent socio-linguistic studies. So there is no argument that language attitude as a research topic has been one of the major focuses in many recent sociolinguisti
14、cs studies. However concerning about peoples language attitude most of the researches focused on their bilingual attitudes and few researches focus on their attitudes towards the two languages their second language Chinese and their third and foreign language English in the present social context. T
15、hey hold a strong and firm affection for their mother tongue. They regard the learning of Chinese and English more for their pragmatic and functional value. China is a country with diverse ethnic groups. Bilingualism and multilingualism are not uncommon. Minority people mainly live in Xinjiang auton
16、omous region which lies in the northwest part of our country. It has the largest population among other ethnic minorities there. With the promotion of bilingual education and the openness to the outside world peoples attitude towards Chinese and English keep changing. The attitudes of people towards
17、 Chinese and Appendix English are worth exploring. This study on language attitudes will take the university students in Urumqi as its participants. It aims to examine university students attitudes towards Chinese and English so as to interpret the link of students language attitudes to their values
18、 and beliefs emotional reactions and their tendency to choose to study a particular language. It is hoped that findings of this study will ultimately throw light upon the issue foreign language learning in this multicultural area. 2. Theoretical Base and Literature Review 2.1 Matched-Guise Technique
19、 The methods used in past studies for measuring language attitudes can be broadly classified into three groups: content analysis of societal treatment direct measurement and indirect measurement. Each inevitably has its own strengths and weaknesses. One of the best illustrations of the type of appro
20、ach of content analysis is Fishmans language loyalty in the United States in which trends in the maintenance and shift of ethnic languages are examined in terms of detailed analyses of laws/policies regarding language use the numbers of language users and the proportions of language use in various d
21、omains Fishman 1966 1. 注释格式改动了 . The direct method requires respondents to respond to a questionnaire or interview questions that simply ask their opinion about certain languages speakers of a particular language or a language-planning program. When indirect methods are used the respondents are not
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- Study on Uyghur University Students Language Attitudes Applying the MatchedGuise Technique Students
