On the relationship between Staff Training and the Quality of Customer Service.doc
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1、On the relationship between Staff Training and the Quality of Customer Service英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)Course:Practical Business Project DesignAssignment:02 (Units 6-10)Assignment title:Data Collection/Appendices, Project Implementation, Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, Abstracts, and the first draf
2、t of the whole paperBased on the project design you have completed in the previous stage, you are asked to implement your project and then compose the core parts of your BA degree paper in this assignment. Please refer to units 6-10 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to th
3、is assignment. The information in brackets indicate the specific unit you can refer to. There are SIX parts in this assignment.Part One Data Collection/Appendices (Unit 6Activity 2)DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENTS:In your online courseware, two categories of forms/methods are introduced to collect primary da
4、ta: l Observation and logsl Surveys and interviewsPlease present the types of forms you plan to use to collect data in this project, which are going to be attached as appendices in your BA degree paper. You should give a title to each of the form, such as “Focus Group Discussion Outline”, “Training
5、Evaluation Form” and “Questionnaire”. But first, please restate your project objective and hypothesis to which your tutor can refer while they evaluate the types of data you are going to collect.Project objective: My project goal is to improve the overall performance of our staff so as to better sat
6、isfy our customers needs for qualified and conscientious staff. Therefore, the objective of my project is to carry out a two weeks training course for new staffs on the key topics as follows:Increasing professionalism on the frontline Project hypothesis: Based on the study of theories and measures r
7、elated to customer service, the thesis comes up with a hypothesis for the project. It is hypothesized that a well trained, not merely a courteous, workforce will be the best tool to ensure high-quality customer service. OJT (on the job training) is one means by which to achieve that end.Insert your
8、description after the prompts in the space below.I designed an adequate amount of activities to complete my project in two month. In regard of trainees, I plan the following activities:Arrange trainer to take a discussion with trainees about their needs and wantsPrepare the training material for all
9、 the traineesl Make a evaluation of the whole trainingIn regard of trainer, I plan the following activities:l Decide on the trainer(choose from our qualified staff or invite professional trainer from training company), the training time as well as the training placel Interview trainer to judge his o
10、r her qualificationl Discuss with trainer about the training material and training contentsl Pre-assessment of traineesl Prepare the field trip behavior modeling case study role-play etc. to support the OJT.l Invite company manager or experienced staff to deliver lectures during the training coursel
11、 Arrange evening activities which make the course more attractive and enable trainees better understood the training objectives.l Post-assessment of traineesIn regard of training facilities, I plan to do the following things:l Make reservation of the classroom and the relevant equipmentl Arrange the
12、 hotel and meals as well as the transfer coachl Negotiate the price with hotel and coach supplierIn regard of monitoring and evaluation, I plan to do as follows: l Draft out the flow-chart of activities with timings.l Work out The Project Framework.l Keep a Project Master File.l Set out evaluation c
13、riteria.l Collect data/results from trainees feedback.l Interview customers l Take a follow-up survey among the trainees one month laterAll the above activities will be finished in five steps:The first step is to get budget approval. The second step is to decide on the trainer, training material and
14、 other relevant work.The third step is to make arrangement of the training facilities.The fourth step is to take on the training course and field practice.The fifth step is to do training evaluation.Form I:Activity Flow chart with time-scaleWEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 3WEEK 4WEEK 5Draft out the training plan a
15、nd apply for the budgetGet budget approval from the head officeInterview trainerDecide on thetraining materialandPre-assessment of trainees Prepare the training material for all the traineesArrange discussion to get trainees needs and wants Hand over and take over of works between trainees and the r
16、est of staffsDecide on training time and training placeReserve the classroom, hotel and coachBrief all staffs about the training planWEEK 6Start the training courseWEEK 7Training course continuesWEEK 8End of training and Make a evaluation of the whole training Invite company manager or experienced s
17、taff to deliver lectures Arrange vening activitiesarrange trainees to follow up a three days tourA follow-up surveypost-assessment of traineesFOR TUTORS:You are required to provide between-text comments on the students writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight you
18、r comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutors Comments” below.评价指标Assessment Criteria评估(Acceptable/Revise)请打勾进行评估()合格需修改用了不同的工具来采集数据。A variety of tools are used to collect data.通过这些表格/工具等可获取充分的数据。Sufficient results can be obtained by
19、using these forms.表格中的题项或问题设计严谨,有助于检验项目假设。The items or questions in the forms are well-designed to help verify the credibility of the project hypothesis.语言正确、准确,无歧义。Each form is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.Tutors Comments:Part Two Data Presentation (units 6 & 9)DIRECTIONS FO
20、R STUDENTS:After having implemented your project and analyzed the data collected, you are now asked to describe in detail what you have found. You should describe your findings with the support of necessary graphs, charts, tables, etc. This important part will later on be presented in your BA degree
21、 paper under the heading such as “Data Presentation” or “Project Findings”.Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: no fewer than 800 words.)I categorize the data (results) collected for the project in four groups and found out that, generally
22、speaking, our staffs have gotten a significant improvement in their work performance after the implementation.The previous problem analysis: Before the project was taken, we carried out an activity of new employee performance appraisal.These appraisal showed that our new staffs was short of the capa
23、bility in the aspect of work quality, efficiency, and teamwork.Records of the implementation of the project as shown above, i.e. the Project Checklist, Project Managers Diary, and Project Members Daily Feedback Form. These records showed the activities we had taken from the beginning to the end of p
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- On the relationship between Staff Training and Quality of Customer Service
