Metaphorical Account of Death in Dickinson’s Poems隐喻视角下的艾米莉.狄金森诗歌死亡主题的解读.doc
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1、Metaphorical Account of Death in Dickinsons Poems隐喻视角下的艾米莉.狄金森诗歌死亡主题的解读 AcknowledgementsMany thanks first go to Professor Wang Bin, my respective supervisor, who inspired my interest in cognitive linguistics from the very beginning. His influence on me and my work is tremendous. I am greatly indebte
2、d to him for his careful guidance and illuminating instructions throughout my study. He has provided me with tremendously useful material and given me informative suggestions and helped me overcome the difficulties with strict requirements and benevolent understanding during the whole process of my
3、thesis writing, from the selection of the topic, the making of the proposal and the construction of the theoretical framework, to the painstaking modification of the earlier drafts. Without his guidance and encouragement, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.I also owe great gr
4、atitude to other distinguished professors, such as Professor Dai Weihua, Assistant Professor Jin Wenlin and etc. My appreciation also goes to Shanghai University of Science and technology which has offered me valuable resources of teachers, lectures, references and academic nourishments giving me mu
5、ch inspiration to better my study.I would like to thank my roommates who have given me help from them I have learned a lot of valuable experience.Finally, I also owe great gratitude to my families, especially my dear wife, who has supported me both with finance and understanding from the very beginn
6、ing to the end of this thesis.艾米莉.狄金森死亡诗歌的概念隐喻分析与解读摘要 C. Lewis曾说过,隐喻是诗歌的生命,是诗人的主要文本和荣耀。没有隐喻,也就没有诗歌。作为美国最伟大的女性诗人,艾米莉.狄金森的诗歌充分的反应了这一观点。本篇论文依据莱考夫和约翰逊的概念隐喻理论为理论基石和研究视角,对女诗人的死亡诗进行认知解读;从艾米莉诗歌创造的实践和对死亡的哲学思考,作者从中得出文化创造是人类超越肉体死亡的一种方法,对于艾米莉.狄金森来说,她的不朽或永恒就在于她的诗歌里。因此我们就不难理解她终生隐遁生活,其目的有二,其一是为了腾出更多的时间与经历去进行诗歌创造;其
7、二是隐遁使她的艺术生命获得了再生。概念隐喻贯穿全文,为本篇论文的理论红线。考虑到诗人的诗歌浩如烟海,作者仅对诗人的典型作品进行认知解读,并把她的死亡诗歌划分为三类,分别是对死亡的恐惧与彷徨,直面死亡以及超越死亡。这样做的是因为诗人对死亡的认识是一个动态的上升的过程,其目的是通过步步分析最终得到诗人的理想境地超越死亡获得永生。 在具体分析研究中,作者从她的诗歌中提炼出几个基本的概念隐喻,分别是死亡是一次痛苦的旅程,死亡是人,死亡是睡眠,死亡是黑夜,死亡是隐遁,圆周是永生等。并分析这些概念隐喻的系统性和连贯性,进而得到对诗人死亡哲学的一个完整的充分的认识,以及对这些死亡诗歌有一个新的理解。本篇论文
8、共有五章,第一章引言,重点是综述国内外对诗人死亡诗歌的研究特点及方法。并提出自己的视角-概念隐喻视角;第二章是文献综述。第三章分析研究死亡诗歌里出现的有关死亡的概念隐喻。第四章承接第三章,分析研究死亡隐喻的连贯性和系统性,目的是对诗人死亡哲学有个比较完整的认识,第五章是结论部分,并指出本篇论文的不足与未来的研究工作。关键词:概念隐喻 死亡 诗歌 认知分析 连贯性 AbstractThis thesis gives a detailed analysis of Dickinsons death poems from conceptual metaphor theory. Based on the
9、 poetesss writing experience and philosophy of death, the author concludes that cultural creation is a way to overcome death. To Emily Dickinson, her immortality or eternity lies on her poetry. Therefore, we can say that her seclusion in her later life is mainly for saving time to write poems and ma
10、king her art life immortal.As the main thread that runs through the thesis, conceptual metaphor theory is a milestone in the field of metaphor research. The traditional theory represented by Aristole is confined to the rhetoric field. This thesis will just give a glimpse of metaphor history. In deal
11、ing with the poetesss death poems, the author will analyze some representatives of them. Moreover, the thesis will categorize these death poems into 3 kinds: poems of fearing death, facing death calmly and overcomging death based her changing attitude toward death. The author draws a conclusion that
12、 the poetesss ideal is to overcome death through means of poetry writing after a stepwise analysis. After a comprehensive study of death metaphors in Emily Dickinsons poems, the author abstracts several fundamental conceptual metaphors in each of 3 kinds of poems such as DEATH IS A PAINFUL DEPARTURE
13、, DEATH IS A PERSON, DEATH IS SLEEP, DEATH IS NIGHT and CIRCUMFERENCE IS IMMORTALITY, DEATH IS SECLUSION and so on. Then the author analyzes them combining with Emily Dickinsons life experience. Finally, coherence and systematicity of these metaphors are studied with a view to getting a comprehensiv
14、e knowledge of the poetesss philosophy of death and providing a new perspective to understand these death poems as well.This thesis is divided into 5 chapters. In chapter one, the author will give a brief overview of metaphor study, Emily Dickinsons death poems and the relation among death, literatu
15、re and metaphor. In chapter 2, the author reviews the history of Emily Dickinsons death poem study. In chapter 3, death metaphors in Emily Dickinsons poems are extracted and analyzed. In chapter 4, coherence and systematicity of death metaphors are studied to get a better understanding of the poetes
16、ss view on death. In chapter 5, the author make a conclusion of this thesis and points out some limitations and future to do.Key Words: conceptual metaphor; Emily Dickinson; cognitive approach; poetry; coherence and systematicityChapter 1 introduction1.1 An overview study of metaphorTraditionally, m
17、etaphor is taken as a figure of speech and is regarded as an effective rhetorical device to persuade people. Viewpoints of this rhetorical school can be traced back to Aristotle and Cicero. Such theories include Aristotles comparison theory, Quintilians substitution theory and Blacks interaction the
18、ory. These theories treated metaphor just a rhetorical device. With the publication of Metaphors we live by (1980, Lakoff&Johnson), metaphors have been studied mainly from cognitive perspective. Lakoff and Johnson as well as their colleagues have thought that metaphors have not only rhetorical funct
19、ion but also cognitive function. They believed that not only the human conceptual system involves in the processing, understanding and making use of metaphor, but the conceptual system itself is metaphorically structured. Thus, metaphor is found to be pervasive in our everyday life, in language and
20、most importantly, in thought and action. In other words,metaphor plays a basic role in defining the way we perceive the world, the way we think and act to that perceived world. The reason why metaphors in linguistic expressions are possible is that there are metaphors in a persons conceptual system
21、(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980: 6). Their theory on metaphor is known as conceptual metaphor theory.1.2 Metaphor and poetryMetaphor is all essential component of poetry and it is a basic building block that makes poetry. And it has long been considered as a most important device of the poetic imagination a
22、nd it is the life principle of poetry and treated as the poets main text and honor. G. Bachelard said that the brain of a poet is actually and completely a container holding a set of metaphorical syntax. Aristotle once said in the end of Poetics, “But the greatest thing by far is to be a master of m
23、etaphor, and it is one thing that cant be learned” and in the Rhetoric, “From metaphor we can best get hold of something fresh,” and “Metaphor moreover gives style clearness, charm and distinction as nothing else” (W. Shys. Robert). And the great poets themselves paid great attention to the role of
24、metaphor in the poetry. Robert Frost remarked, “There are many other things I have found myself saying about poetry, but the briefest of these is that it is metaphor, saying one thing in terms of another.” Poets frequently use it not only to simulate the reader to think and imagine, but also provoke
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- Metaphorical Account of Death in Dickinsons Poems 隐喻视角下的艾米莉.狄金森诗歌死亡主题的解读 Dickinson 隐喻 视角 艾米莉 狄金森 诗歌
