1、PART ONE INTRODUCTION The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management 1 Lecture Outline Strategic Overview The Managers Human Resource Management Jobs Why is HR Management Important to all Managers? Line and Staff Aspects of HRM Cooperative Line & Staff HRM: An Example From Line Manager to HR Manage
2、r The Changing Environment of HR Management HRs Changing Role A Changing Environment Measuring HRs Contribution: Strategy, Metrics, and The HR Scorecard An Emphasis on Performance Metrics The HR Scorecard The High Performance Work System (HPWS) The New HR Manager New Proficiencies The Need to “Know
3、Your Employment Law” Ethics and HR HR Certification HR and Technology Improving Productivity Through HRIS The Plan of This Book The Basic Themes and Features Overview Part I: Introduction Part II: Recruitment and Placement Part III: Training and Development Part IV: Compensation Part V: Employee Rel
4、ations In Brief: This chapter gives an overview of what Human Resource Management is and how it relates to the management process. It illustrates how managers can use HR concepts and techniques, line and staff managers responsibilities, HRs role in strategic planning, and the plan of this book. Inte
5、resting Issues: Human Resources play a key role in helping companies meet the challenges of global competition. Strategic objectives to lower costs, improve productivity and increase organizational effectiveness are enabled by human resource strategies and technologies. Students will learn how HR pl
6、ays a strategic role in creating high performance work systems that employers need today to thrive. I. The Managers Human Resource Management Jobs The Managementprocess involves the following functions: planning, organizing, staffing,leading, and controlling. Staffing involves: conducting job analys
7、es; planninglabor needs and recruiting job candidates; selecting job candidates; orientingand training new employees; managing wages and salaries; providingincentives and benefits; appraising performance; communicating; trainingand developing managers; building employee commitment; beingknowledgeabl
8、e about equal opportunity, affirmative action, and employeehealth and safety; and handling grievances and labor relations.A. Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers? Managers dontwant to make mistakes while managing areas such as hiring the wrongperson, having their company taken to court bec
9、ause of discriminatoryactions, or committing unfair labor practices.B. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM Although most firms have a humanresource department with its own manager, all other managers tend toget involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, andtraining.1. Line Versus Sta
10、ff Authority Authority is the right to make decisions,to direct the work of others, and to give orders. Line managers areauthorized to direct the work of subordinates. Staff managers areauthorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing theirbasic goals. HR managers are generally staff m
11、anagers.2. Line Managers HRM Responsibilities Most line managers areresponsible for line functions, coordinative functions, and some stafffunctions.C. Cooperative Line and Staff HR Management: An Example In recruitingand hiring, its generally the line managers responsibility to specify thequalificat
12、ions employees need to fill specific positions. Then the HR stafftakes over. They develop sources of qualified applicants and conductinitial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate test. Thenthey refer the best applicants to the supervisor (line manager), whointerviews and selects the
13、ones he/she wants.D. From Line Manager to HR Manager: Line managers may make careerstopovers in staff HR manager positions. NOTES Educational Materials to UseII. The Changing Environment of HR ManagementA. HRs Changing Role Human Resource responsibilities have becomebroader and more strategic over t
14、ime as organizations human resourcerequirements have become more complex. The role of HR has evolvedfrom primarily being responsible for hiring, firing, payroll, and benefitsadministration to a more strategic role in employee selection, trainingand promotion, as well as playing an advisory role to t
15、he organization inareas of labor relations and legal compliance,B. A Changing Environment - Globalization of the world economy and othertrends have triggered changes in how companies organize, manage anduse their HR departments.1. Globalization refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales,o
16、wnership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad. Forbusinesses everywhere, the rate of globalization in the past decadehas been enormous, and has several strategic implications for firms.More globalization means more competition, and more competitionmeans more pressure to lower costs, make empl
17、oyees moreproductive, and do things better and less expensively.2. Technological Advances have been forcing, and enabling, firms tobecome more competitive. HR faces the challenge of quicklyapplying technology to the task of improving its own operations.3. Exporting Jobs has been prompted by competit
18、ive pressures andthe search for greater efficiencies.4. The Nature of Work is changing due to new technological demands.In addition, the shift from producing products to producing anddelivering services is a contributor to the change from “brawn tobrains”. Dramatic increases in productivity have all
19、owedmanufacturers to produce more with fewer employees. In general,the jobs that remain require more education and more skills. Theshift to using nontraditional workers such as those who hold multiplejobs, “contingent” or part-time workers or people working inalternative work arrangements has enable
20、 employers to keep costsdown.5. Human Capital refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills,and expertise of a firms workers. There is a growing emphasis onthe importance of knowledge workers and human capital and the HRmanagement systems and skills needed to select, train, and motivatethese
21、employees.6. Workforce demographics are changing. The workplace isbecoming more diverse as increased numbers of women, minoritygroupmembers, and older workers enter the workforce. The aginglabor force presents significant changes in terms of potential laborshortages, and many firms are instituting n
22、ew policies aimed atencouraging aging employees to stay, or at attracting previouslyretired employees. NOTES Educational Materials to UseIII. Measuring HRs Contribution: Strategy, Metrics, and the HR Scorecard HRs central task is always to provide a set of services that make sense interms of the com
23、pany strategy. Trends of globalization, increasedcompetition, a changing workforce and more reliance on technology havetwo main implications for how companies now organize, manage, and rely ontheir HR operations. First, HR managers must be more involved inpartnering with their top managers in design
24、ing and implementing theircompanies strategies. Second, the focus on operational improvementsmeans that all managers must be more adept at expressing theirdepartmental plans and accomplishments in measurable terms.A. An Emphasis on Performance Management expects HR to providemeasurable, benchmark-ba
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