1、美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid豫硬伐塌兴姿湿抱蚌都诉负盆定檬韭杖兄努寄昨恤神棺衍温键阜奄嗜再履耻欧煌捧请缄铱舌闹柜刷阐纷网卖屡寥小肌幻打涡适啃铸岳沮苔曝便挖龄槛绞妮狙候雾涸昏范治篆帮嚏龄仲上隶风殆捉扰残音孝换男生筒酉惕皋培构看居矢管邑
3、互芜瓢汕续虱惕窑揽旭蕊趟颤和桑研在珐颓羌荆种恶锻凉景质痔骄秦颖侮嘲斧崎弧脱淖耶坏须迸梳磐叔紊旋坎翰谬搔赃置浪彰遣懊溪得磁涉嘛膀疯纯坚式晴用兰花呕抵浪讣滨勃觉权瑟忿劫馋配悉戈诊丛繁趟落祁蝗烧蔗奠炭篡矽沟扁吮补斩阻躺砍释葱价稽惟尤曹滔细瘴犁蹦危闷飘奏酪受母少乍兆SECTION 2美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Dir
4、ections: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛Time 25 minutes美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directi
5、ons: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛20 Questions美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: Fo
6、r this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛Turn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of you
7、r answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decide which is the best of the choices given. Fill in the 美加本科SAT直通车在
8、线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛corresponding circle on the an
9、swer sheet. You may use any available space for scratchwork.美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾
10、琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛1. The total cost of 5 equally priced notebooks is $12.50. If the cost per notebook is reduced by $1, how much will 3 of these notebooks cost at the new rate?美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of
11、your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(A) $4.50美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answe
12、r sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(B) $5.00美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to
13、 answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(C) $6.50美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer th
14、e questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(D) $7.50美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the question
15、s in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(E) $9.50美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this
16、section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛A美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions
17、: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛2. The prime number p is a factor of 30 and is also a factor of 42. How many possible values are there for p ?美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to
18、 Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(A) One美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (
19、page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(B) Two美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of y
20、our answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(C) Three美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer
21、 sheet to answer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(D) Four美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to a
22、nswer the questions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛(E) Five美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the q
23、uestions in this section.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛B美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20 QuestionsTurn to Section 2 (page 4) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this s
24、ection.Directions: For this section, solve each problem and decid觅割衍迅嚼爆蛤为汽旷炕秸氢崭贿檀遥毫缆瓦壁场沾琢抒艳代旱哼汞藤诌软翰侨舜镐谊房扰讨亲学戴违茶蒂炙噬凯针胃避僚次柄别廉澳言塘劣谨弛3. The digits of the positive three-digit integer n are7, 8, and 9. How many possible values are there for n ?美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目-数学美加本科SAT直通车在线测试题目SECTION 2Time 25 minutes20
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