4、损害赔偿制度在我国现状及其制度建构的分析和设想。其又可分为四个方面的内容:一是对于违约精神损害赔偿制度在我国的立法、司法及学术现状的分析;二是对于在我国建立违约精神损害赔偿制度的具体制度构想,这也是本文的主要创新点所在;三是对于违约精神损害赔偿归责原则的论述;四是对于违约精神损害赔偿的赔偿原则的论述。关键词: 违约责任 侵权责任 精神损害赔偿 责任竞合 Abstract“The rule of compensation for mental distress only can exist in the infringement Liability”, this once was the the
5、ory of many states, but along with economical development, societys progress, material wealth maximum satisfaction, the people become more and more in the mental benefit pursue。Take this into consideration, most nations have made the exception stipulations in it. These nations generally acknowledged
6、: under some specific stipulations, are may and should give the compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract .Under the influence of this tendency, the author advocates that we should introduce the content: agrees with current tide, tendency of the law, orientation of the value,
7、 and the spirit of the government by law, and proposed the tentative plan of the corresponding system construction.Besides the introduction and conclusion, this article is composed by five parts, about 34000 characters.This article are composed by five parts .In the first part, is mainly the history
8、 inspection of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract, and mainly carries on from two parts: one, is the history evolution of compensation for mental distress, another is the expansion of contract. By these proofs, to certain that compensation for mental distress caused by
9、 the breach of contract is the legal science development necessity, which indicates the direction for the establishment of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract system In the second part, is mainly to the comparison for compensation for mental distress caused by the breac
10、h of contract. It divides into three parts: includes the mainland legal system, the British and American legal system and the international legislative documents. In the three parts, we choose the most representative country and the legislative documents to compare, then points out: under some speci
11、fic situations, are may and should give the compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract .This is international tide, which establish a good head for compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract.In the third part, is mainly to the debatable analysis for comp
12、ensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract, through to the major points which oppose the compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract, then carries on the analysis using the legal science theory to analyse these points, thus pointes out these are insufficient
13、to constitute the true barrier and the excuse , which sweeps the path for establishment of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract system.In the fourth part, is mainly to the limit rules for compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract. Because of exist
14、ing some characteristics , such as specific, invisible, subjective and so on, which enables us have to establish some rules to restrict it, through these limit rules , causes us to know it deeper, and have a prevention for the lawsuit explodes”, which lays the deeper foundation for the establishment
15、 of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract In the fifth part, this is the center in this article, is also the goal and foundation for this article, is mainly to the construction and tentative plan of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract in our
16、country. It divides into four parts , that includes these contents: One, the analysis of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract in our countrys legal, judicial and academic present situations. Two, the concrete construction for compensation for mental distress caused by th
17、e breach of contract in our country .Three, the elaboration of determination principle of liability of compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract .Four, the elaboration of compensation principle for compensation for mental distress caused by the breach of contract.Key words: l
18、iability for breach of contract; infringement liability ;compensation for mental distress; coincidental liability目 录引 言1第一部分 违约精神损害赔偿的法史学考察3一、精神损害赔偿制度的历史演进3二、合同关系的扩张5第二部分 违约精神损害赔偿的比较法考察6一、大陆法系6(一)德国6(二)法国7二、英美法系8(一)英国8(二)美国10三、相关国际法文件10(一)国际商事合同通则10(二)欧洲合同法原则11第三部分 违约精神损害赔偿的论争分析12一、可预见性理论12二、责任竞合理论1
19、4三、损害事实的判断17第四部分 违约精神损害赔偿的限制规则18一、合同适用规则18二、最低限度规则19三、减轻损失规则20四、过失相抵规则20五、因果关系规则21第五部分 违约精神损害赔偿的制度建构21一、我国的现状21二、制度建构26(一)模式的选择26(二)精神目的性合同27三、违约精神损害赔偿的归责原则30四、违约精神损害赔偿的原则33(一)违约补偿原则33(二)数额限制原则34(三)法官的自由裁量34结 语35参考文献36后 记38引 言违约精神损害赔偿是指因为违约行为引起相对方严重的精神损害时,受害方可以提起违约之诉,并请求精神损害赔偿的一种违约救济方式。依照传统的学术论著,无论是
21、特定的情形之下因违约造成他人精神损害时,应允许受害人通过违约之诉要求赔偿。在本文展开论述前,有必要先明确以下几个基本概念:“非财产上之损害”与“精神损害赔偿”。英美法系国家一般将损害(Loss)分为“pecuniary”与“non-pecuniary loss”,英国的McGregor教授在其经典著作McGregor on damages(第15版)一书中认为,“前者指的是所有金钱与物质上的损害,例如商业利益的丧失或医疗费用的支出,后者包含了所有不是发生在个人的金钱或物质财产上的损失,例如肉体上的痛苦或感情上的伤害。作为金钱上的损失,前者能够用金钱加以计算,尽管有时在难以证明的情况下这种计算必
22、定是粗略的。然而,后者是无法用金钱衡量的。金钱不是作为其他金钱的替换品,而是对其他比金钱更重要的东西的替代,这是法院所能采用的最好办法”。程啸:违约与非财产损害赔偿,载于民商法论丛第25卷,香港金桥文化出版有限公司2002年版,第71页对“pecuniary loss”一词我国大陆与台湾学者一般译成“财产损害”,但对于“non-pecuniary loss”,大陆法学界译为“精神损害”,而台湾学者则译为“非财产上之损害”。对于此,我个人认为,“精神损害”与“非财产上之损害”如果从语义以及二者的逻辑关系上看,严格说来,“精神损害”其内涵和外延与“非财产上之损害”不完全相同,前者仅仅是后者的一部分
23、。对此,我们可以从英美学者对非财产损害所作的概括中清晰的看到这一点。例如Harvey McGregor认为,非财产损害(non-pecuniary)包括以下内容:(1)疼痛和痛苦,可期待的生活愉悦的丧失(pain and suffering ,loss of amenities and of expectation of life);(2)身体的不便和不适(physical inconvenience and discomfort);(3)社会的不信任,对名誉的伤害(social discredit: injury to reputation);(4)精神损害(mental distress)
24、;(5)社会关系的丧失(loss of society relatives)。但是,作为精神损害赔偿制度之下的精神损害概念是一个特定的概念,本质上是指受害人所感受到的身体上或精神上的痛苦。在这一点上,不管是法国法的“精神损害”,或德国法上的“非财产上之损害”,或瑞士法上的“抚慰金”,或日本学者通说认为的“财产以外的损害”概念的含义,并无本质上的区别。胡平:精神损害赔偿制度研究,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第59页正因为如此,笔者同意曾世雄教授对此问题的观点,即“不必拘泥于辞句,以免因辞害义,最重要者乃非财产上损害赔偿理论之探讨应以全部架构为重,过分强调个别辞义对于全部架构之剖析未必有益。”
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