1、摘 要留置权作为一种法定担保物权,体现了民法的公平正义原则,其效力优先于抵押权、质权等融资性的担保物权,在保护一般债权人的合法权益方面作用突出。但是担保法将留置权的适用范围局限于保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同等几类合同类型,缩小了留置权的适用范围,与现实需要之间产生脱节。改革开放以来,我国市场经济迅速发展,企业间的交易日益频繁,如果企业间的留置行为仍适用担保法中要求“债权与债务之间具有牵连关系”的规定,必然导致企业交易成本提高,严重限制了企业交易的积极性。中华人民共和国物权法(以下简称物权法)规定的商事留置权将企业之间的担保从一般担保中分离出去,降低了企业债权人行使留置权的门槛,给债权人以更
2、全面的保护,这必将有利于企业间的交易往来。物权法第 231 条规定:“债权人留置的动产,应当与债权属于同一法律关系,但企业之间留置的除外。”依该规定,占有和债权即使不是属于同一法律关系,也可以成立留置权,此即商事留置权制度。其符合商事交易追求效率的要求,具有存在的积极意义。商事留置权作为我国立法中首次确立的留置权种类,其与一般留置权在很多方面有所不同。本文仅就商事留置权的构成要件进行比较分析,以期有助于该制度的正确适用与立法完善。论文第一部分主要探讨了商事留置权的确立及其价值。 物权法颁布之前,我国关于留置权的规定主要集中在民法通则和担保法中,但是这些法律中规定的留置权适用范围过窄、适用条件过
3、于苛刻,影响了其效用的发挥, 物权法中规定的商事留置权制度解决了这方面的难题。文章从历史渊源、适用范围、产生原因、对权利义务主体的要求、成立要件及效力等六个方面,分析了民事留置权与商事留置权的区别,具体阐释了商事留置权的价值内涵,突出说明商事留置权的存在具有划时代的意义。第二部分深入剖析了商事留置权构成要件中的积极条件。积极条件必须全部具备,商事留置权方能成立。文章从债务人不履行到期债务、债权人合法占有债务人的动产、债权人占有的动产与债权无需属于同一法律关系及债权人与债务人双方必须是企业等四个方面分析了商事留置权的积极要件,并对占有、牵I连关系等概念进行了界定。留置物的范围必须以动产为限,应设
4、立商事留置权的善意取得制度。第三部分为商事留置权构成要件中的消极条件。文章从法律规定不得留置的情形和当事人约定不得留置的情形两方面具体分析了商事留置权的消极条件,并对无因管理、不当得利、禁止流通物等概念进行了界定。对于商事留置权的适用范围,文章指出基于无因管理和不当得利而占有的动产可以适用商事留置权制度,禁止流通物不能成立商事留置权。关键词:商事留置权;民事留置权;积极条件;消极条件IIAbstractLien is a statutory security interest, reflecting the civil law principle of fairnessand justice.
5、 It has the effect of priority on the financing of the security interests, suchas the mortgage, the pledge. It has a prominent role in protecting the legitimate rightsand interests of general creditors. But the scope of a Lien is confined to storagecontracts, transport contracts, processing contract
6、s and some other contract types bythe Guaranty Law. The scope of a lien is reduced, and other contract types are notprotected by the lien except the ones mentioned above. This cant meet the actualneeds. Since reform and opening up, Chinas market economy develops rapidly withfrequent transactions bet
7、ween enterprises. Business transaction costs will increase andthe enthusiasm of business transactions will be limited If the retention behaviors ofenterprises still apply to Guaranty Law, commercial lien regulated by “PropertyLaw of the Peoples Republic of China”(hereinafter referred to as “Property
8、 Law”)separates security in enterprises from general security. This has lowered the thresholdwhen creditors apply to lien, and has provided comprehensive protection for creditors.All of this will be conducive to dealings between businesses. Article 231 in “PropertyLaw” says: The chattels taken as li
9、en by the obligee and the obligees rights shall fallinto a same legal relationship, except for the lien between enterprises .This sectionprovides an exception to a lien, which is that a lien will be set up even if thepossession and the claim dont fall into a same legal relationship, and this is thec
10、ommercial lien. It meets the requirements that commercial transactions pursueefficiency, with positive meanings.As a type of lien established for the first time in our legislation, commercial lienis different from the lien in many ways. This article will discuss the elements of thecommercial lien, i
11、n order to facilitate the correct application of the system and thelegislation.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the establishmentof the commercial lien and its value. Before the “Property Law” was promulgated, thelien was mainly regulated in “Civil Code” and ”Guarant
12、y Law”, but the scope of thelien regulated in these laws is narrow, and the condition is harsh, all of which effectthe effectiveness of the lien. The commercial lien regulated by “Property Law” solvesthese problems. This article will discuss the differences between the civil lien and theIIIcommercia
13、l lien in six aspects. They are the history, scope, causes, the requirementson rights and the obligations, elements and the effectiveness. Then give a briefsummary to the value of the commercial lien, and highlight the meaning of theexistence of the commercial lien.The second part analyses the posit
14、ive conditions of the elements of thecommercial lien deeply. The commercial lien can set up only when all the positiveconditions exist. This article will discuss the positive conditions in four aspects. Theyare the debtor fails to pay mature debts, the creditor possesses the debtor s movableproperty
15、 legally, possession of the movable property and claims of the creditors donot belong to the same legal relationship, both the creditor and the debtor must beenterprises. Then definite possession and debt linking to the property, the subject ofthe commercial lien is limited to movable property, and
16、set up a commercial lien withacquisition in good faith.The third part analyses the negative conditions of the elements of thecommercial lien. This article will discuss the negative conditions in two aspects. Theyare the situations prohibited by law and the situations that the parties agree to prohib
17、it.Then define voluntary management, unjust enrichment, prohibition of circulation ofmaterials, movable property possessed according to the voluntary management andthe unjust enrichment can use the commercial lien, prohibition of circulation ofmaterials is not used to set up the commercial lien.Key
18、words: Commercial Lien; Civil Lien; Positive Conditions; Negative ConditionsIV引 言引 言我国担保法所规定的留置权作为一种法定担保物权,其效力优先于抵押权、质权等融资性的担保物权。随着社会的不断进步,原有的留置权已经不能适应社会发展的需要,与现实之间产生了严重的脱节,主要表现在其适用范围过窄、保护力度不强等方面。为了适应社会发展的需要,物权法扩大了留置权的适用范围,不再局限于保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同等几类合同类型,并且首次规定了商事留置权制度,以加强对企业债权人的保护力度。一直以来,企业之间的担保适用留置权的
20、析随着市场经济的不断发展和企业间交易的日益频繁,民事留置权已不能满足社会发展的需要,其适用条件过于严格而逐渐成为经济发展的掣肘,社会各界呼吁立法机关出台符合市场经济发展需要、有利于维持市场经济快速稳定发展的新制度,而以维护企业间交易迅捷、交易安全和商业信用为目的的商事留置权制度正好符合人们的预期,该制度的出现具有一定的历史必然性。(一)我国法律中留置权的相关规定我国关于留置权的相关规定,主要集中在民法通则、 担保法以及物权法中。1民法通则中规定的留置权在 1986 年民法通则颁布以前,我国立法上并无留置权制度。这主要是因为我国的民法理论长期以来并不承认独立的物权制度,同时,法律实务上也欠缺留置
21、权制度存在的依据。我国的留置权制度正式确立于 1986 年的民法通则,其第 89 条第 4 项规定:“按照合同约定一方占有对方的财产,对方不按照合同给付应付款项超过约定期限的,占有人有权留置该财产,依照法律的规定以留置财产折价或者以变卖该财产的价款优先得到偿还。”虽然在学理上留置权因其对留置物的支配权和对债权的优先受偿权而被定性为担保物权,但是民法通则只是将其作为债权的担保规定在债权中,并没有将其列为担保物权。2担保法中规定的留置权担保法第 84 条规定:“因保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同发生的债权,债务人不履行债务的,债权人有留置权。法律规定可以留置的其他合同,适用前款规定。当事人可以在合
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- 关 键 词:
- 我国 商事 留置权 要件 研究 论文
