00080中國新經濟投資 中期报告.ppt
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2、d Statement ofComprehensive IncomeInterim Condensed Statementof Financial PositionInterim Condensed Statementof Changes in EquityInterim Condensed Statement ofCash FlowsNotes to Interim CondensedFinancial Statements,公司資料管理層討論與分析其他資料中期財務資料審閱報告中期簡明財務報表中期簡明全面收益表中期簡明財務狀況表中期簡明權益變動表中期簡明現金流量表中期簡明財務報表附註,二零一
3、一年中期報告Interim Report 2011,1,2,Corporate Information公司資料,BOARD OF DIRECTORSEXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Craig Blaser Lindsay(Chairman)Mr.Wang Junyan(Chief Executive Officer)Mr.Gu XuINDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Siu Kam ChauProfessor Xu YangshengMr.Doyle Ainsworth DallyAUDIT AND REMUNERATION COMMITTE
4、EMr.Siu Kam Chau(Chairman)Professor Xu YangshengMr.Doyle Ainsworth DallyCOMPANY SECRETARYMs.Lin Sio Ngo(ACIS,ACS)AUDITORSErnst&YoungCertified Public Accountants18th FloorTwo International Finance Centre8 Finance Street,CentralHong KongINVESTMENT MANAGERCITIC Securities InternationalInvestment Manage
5、ment(HK)Limited17/F,Chuangs Tower30-32 Connaught Road CentralCentral,Hong KongCUSTODIANHSBC Institutional Trust Services(Asia)Limited1 Queens Road CentralHong KongADMINISTRATORHSBC Trustee(Cayman)LimitedP.O.Box 484,HSBC House68 West Bay RoadGrand Cayman KY11106Cayman Islands中國新經濟投資有限公司China New Econ
6、omy Fund Limited,董事會執行董事Craig Blaser Lindsay 先生(主席)王俊彥先生(行政總裁)顧旭先生獨立非執行董事蕭錦秋先生徐揚生教授Doyle Ainsworth Dally 先生審核與薪酬委員會蕭錦秋先生(主席)徐揚生教授Doyle Ainsworth Dally 先生公司秘書練少娥女士(ACIS,ACS)核數師安永會計師事務所執業會計師香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心二期18 樓投資管理人中信証券國際投資管理(香港)有限公司香港中環干諾道中 30-32 號莊士大廈 17 樓託管人滙豐機構信託服務(亞洲)有限公司香港皇后大道中 1 號行政管理人HSBC T
7、rustee(Cayman)LimitedP.O.Box 484,HSBC House68 West Bay RoadGrand Cayman KY11106Cayman Islands,Corporate Information公司資料,REGISTERED OFFICEP.O.Box 309Ugland House,South Church StreetGeorge Town,Grand Cayman KY1-1104Cayman IslandsPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS INHONG KONG AND HEADQUARTERS17/F,Chuangs Towe
8、r30-32 Connaught Road CentralCentralHong KongCOMPLIANCE ADVISERChina Everbright Capital Limited40/F,Far East Finance Centre16 Harcourt RoadHong KongHONG KONG SHARE REGISTRARComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LtdShop 1712-1716,17th FloorHopewell Centre183 Queens Road EastWanchaiHong KongLEGAL
9、ADVISERSas to Cayman Islands Law:Maples and CalderP.O.Box 309Ugland House,South Church StreetGeorge Town,Grand Cayman KY1-1104Cayman Islandsas to Hong Kong Law:Clifford Chance,Hong Kong28th Floor,Jardine HouseOne Connaught PlaceCentralHong KongWEBSITE,註冊辦事處P.O.Box 309Ugland House,South Church Street
10、George Town,Grand Cayman KY1-1104Cayman Islands本公司於香港主要營業地點及總部香港中環干諾道中 30-32 號莊士大廈 17 樓合規顧問中國光大融資有限公司香港夏愨道 16 號遠東金融中心 40 樓香港證券登記處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心17 樓 1712-1716 室法律顧問開曼群島法律:Maples and CalderP.O.Box 309Ugland House,South Church StreetGeorge Town,Grand Cayman KY1-1104Cayman Islands香港法律:高
11、偉紳律師行,香港香港中環康樂廣場 1 號怡和大廈 28 樓網站,二零一一年中期報告Interim Report 2011,3,4,),),),),Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析,On behalf of the board of directors(Directors”)of China New Economy Fund Limited(the“Company”),I present to you the Companysinterim results for the six months ended 30 June2011.The Com
12、pany is a closed-ended investmentcompany established on 1 February 2010.Byinvesting globally in both private and publicenterprises supported by the new economiesof Greater China,the Company is devoted toachieving long-term capital appreciation forprofessional investors.INVESTMENT REVIEWFollowing the
13、 successful listing of the Companyon the Main Board of The Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited(the“Stock Exchange”)on 6January 2011(the“Listing Date”),the Companyheld four investments in listed companies on30 June 2011.The largest one is in a socialnetworking internet platform focusing on themainland
14、 China market.Amid the decline of the global and Chinamarkets in the first half of the year,theCompany reported an unaudited net assetvalue of approximately HK$0.87 per share asat 30 June 2011.The net asset value of theCompany decreased during the six monthsended 30 June 2011 due to unrealised mark
15、tomarket losses taken on the investment positionsin the portfolio.The Company will continue tomonitor the investments carefully and expectimprovement in its valuations as marketconditions improve.Chinese companies that have listed in theUnited States markets have had a difficult timein the first hal
16、f of this year due to concerns ofpossible corporate governance issues withsome of these companies.This negative marketsentiment has affected the valuations of wellmanaged Chinese companies as well.中國新經濟投資有限公司China New Economy Fund Limited,本人謹代表中國新經濟投資有限公司(本公司董事會(董事會 欣然向股東提呈本公司截至2011 年 6 月 30 日止六個月之中
17、期業績。本公司為一家於 2010 年 2 月 1 日成立的封閉式投資公司。透過投資全球獲大中華地區新經濟支持之私人及公眾企業,本公司致力於為專業投資者取得長期資本增值。投資回顧繼本公司於 2011 年 1 月 6 日(上市日期 在香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所主板成功上市後,本公司於2011年6月30日持有四項上市公司投資,其中最大一項為專注於中國大陸市場的社交網絡平台。在本年度上半年全球及中國市場下滑背景中,本公司呈報2011年6月30日未經審核資產淨值每股約 0.87 港元。本公司於截至 2011 年 6 月 30 日止六個月資產淨值減少,此乃由組合中的投資持倉產生未變現按市值計價的虧損所
18、致。本公司將繼續審慎監控投資,並預期本公司估值將因市況改善而有所提升。在美國市場上市之中國公司於本年度上半年因部分該等公司擔憂可能面臨的企業管治問題而處於困難境地。此負面市場情緒亦已影響對管理妥善的中國公司進行的估值。,機。,Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析,The Company remains Greater China focusedand will continue to approach the marketsvery conservatively,taking a long term view toinvestment strat
19、egy.In the coming months,wewill continue to monitor closely the inflation andinterest rates in Greater China and their impacton economic activities at both the corporateand consumer levels.LIQUIDITY,FINANCIAL RESOURCESAND GEARINGThe Company has obtained stock borrowingfacilities for the six months e
20、nded 30 June2011.As at 30 June 2011,the market valueof the Companys utilised stock borrowingwas HK$2,243,421(31 December 2010:Nil)and was secured by bank deposits ofHK$3,000,000(31 December 2010:Nil).The Company has maintained a sufficientcash position which will allow it to captureopportunities wit
21、h good upside when theopportunities present themselves in both listedand private equities.As at 30 June 2011,the gearing ratio,definedas total borrowings divided by shareholdersequities,was 0.85%(31 December 2010:Nil).INTERIM DIVIDENDThe Directors do not recommend the paymentof an interim dividend f
22、or the six months ended30 June 2011(31 December 2010:Nil).,本公司仍看重大中華市場,並將繼續以非常謹慎的態度涉足有關市場和採取長遠的投資策略。於未來數月,我們將繼續密切監控大中華地區的通脹水平及利率以及其在企業與消費者層面對經濟活動的影響。流動資金、財務資源及資本負債比率本公司於截至2011年6月30日止六個月已獲得借股融資。於 2011 年 6 月 30 日,本公司已動用之借股市值為 2,243,421 港元(2010 年 12 月 31 日:無)及以銀行存款3,000,000港元(2010年12月31日:無)作抵押。本公司維持充裕現
23、金狀況,從而使本公司在上市及私募股權方面出現機遇時把握上漲趨勢之良於 2011 年 6 月 30 日,資產負債比率(按借貸總額除以股東權益計算)為0.85%(2010年12月31日:無)。中期股息董事不建議派付截至2011年6月30日止六個月的中期股息(2010 年 12 月 31 日:無)。,二零一一年中期報告Interim Report 2011,5,6,Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析,CAPITAL STRUCTUREOn 6 January 2011,the Company completeda share placement an
24、d a total of 303,000,000ordinary shares of HK$0.1 each were placedat a price of HK$1.03 per share for a totalcash consideration,before the related issueexpenses,of HK$312,090,000.CHARGES ON COMPANYS ASSETSAND CONTINGENT LIABILITIESExcept for the Companys utilised stockborrowing of HK$2,243,421 was s
25、ecured by aCompanys bank deposits of HK$3,000,000,there were no other charges on the Companysassets or significant contingent liabilities as at30 June 2011.CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ANDCOMMITMENTDuring the six months ended 30 June 2011,theCompany made no capital expenditures or anyother commitments.MATERI
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- 00080中國新經濟投資 中期报告 00080 中國新經濟投資 中期 报告