1、人与动物关系若干法律问题研究 人与动物关系若干法律问题研究 Some Law Problem Studies on the Relation between Person and Animal【中文摘要】 人与动物的关系是一个很古老的问题了,但人们从法律上给以关注的时间并不长。根据达尔文的进化论,人类本身就是生物进化长河中动物界物竞天择,优胜劣汰的结果。也就是说,人与动物的关系最初只是物种与物种之间的差异。随着人类的进化和发展,人类从动物界脱胎了出来。如今,人类俨然成了地球的主宰。人类按照自己的意愿不断地改造着自然,决定着动物的命运。人类不适当的行为导致动物受害甚至灭绝已经成为人与动物关系中最
5、快建立完善动物保护法律体系,体现尊重动物的生命权的法律理念。需要指出的是,考虑到目前我国理论界对于人与动物的关系还没有形成一个比较统一的观点,而且国民在这方面的认识少,法律意识仍较淡薄,从法律层面让很多人接受还需要一定的时间,所以笔者法律构想中主要涉及的是应然层面的论证,而不是具体的某部动物保护立法的建构。【英文摘要】 The relationship between person and animal is a very ancient problem.According to the Darwinian Theory of Evolution,the mankind are animal
6、kingdom survival of the fittest in natural selects,championship inferior result for discarding.That is to say,persons relationship with animal is first just the difference of species and species.Along with the mankinds evolution and development,the mankind took off a foetus to come out from the anim
7、al kingdom.Now,the mankind became permafrost to dominate solemnly.The mankind reform nature constantly according to own will,and decide the destiny of animal.The behavior of mankinds inadequacys causing the animal victimize to destroy completely even has already become the most out of harmony factor
8、 of the relation between person and animal.20 centuries perhaps even more early,especially from 19 centuries,along with the development of the environmental protection sport,people started investigating own behavior,starting reknowing persons relationship with animal,and making use of law to control
9、 own behavior.The persons relationship with animal started taking place quality to fly to change.People have been having a research for long time on persons relationship with animal.In the local theories studies aspect currently, some scholar lays claim to law can adjust persons relationship with an
10、imal,the other scholar lays claim to an environment method in response to is a person and nature of equal,and another scholar lays claim to give animal a legal status.In the law practiced aspect,there have been more than 100 nations to draw up the relevant document to protect animal currently.These
11、all explain that studying the relationship between person and animal is the current that the whole world develops. This text mainly studies a few problems as follows.For example,Can the law adjust persons relationship with animal? Can the law rule the right of animal? Which is the law position of an
12、imal? And so on.This text will point out some problems to introduce the present condition of the relation between person and animal in our country.The writer thinks the law can adjust the relation between person and animal.We should build up perfect law system of the animal protection as soon as pos
13、sible while insisting the law guest premise with constant body position of animal under the current state of the nation,the body respects the law principle of the life power of animal now.What is need to be pointed out is that our country theories field hasnt become a more united standpoint for pers
14、ons relationship with animal currently,the citizens understanding in this aspect is little,and the law realizations still weaker thin.So the writer will mainly involve the argument of level,not the concrete certain animal protection lawmaking of construction or purchase.【中文关键词】 人与动物关系; 动物保护; 动物法律地位;
15、 动物保护立法 【英文关键词】 the relation between person and animal; animal protecti on; animal legal status; animal protection law 【论文目录】摘要 6-8 Abstract 8-9 绪言 12-16 1.1 研究动机和目的 12-14 1.1.1 研究动机 12-14 1.1.2 研究目的 14 1.2 研究方法和研究范围 14-16 1.2.1 研究方法 14 1.2.2 研究范围 14-16 1.我国人与动物关系的现状 16-19 1.1 动物生存现状概述 16-17 1.1.1 脊
16、椎动物的概况 16-17 1.1.2 昆虫的概况 17 1.1.3 无脊椎动物的概况 17 1.2 人与动物关系中存在的问题 17-19 2.法律上研究人与动物关系的意义 19-24 2.1 建设和谐社会的需要 19-20 2.2 制度伦理化和伦理制度化的需要 20-21 2.3 保护生物多样性的需要 21-22 2.4 国际间合作的需要 22-24 3.国内外人与动物关系的理论观点及分析 24-31 3.1 国外人与动物关系的理论观点及分析 24-27 3.1.1 国外人与动物关系的理论观点 24-26 3.1.2 对国外人与动物关系的理论观点的分析 26-27 3.2 国内人与动物关系的理
17、论观点及分析 27-31 3.2.1 国内人与动物关系的理论观点 27-30 3.2.2 对国内人与动物关系理论观点的分析 30-31 4.国内外人与动物关系的立法状况及分析 31-38 4.1 国外人与动物关系的立法状况及分析 31-36 4.1.1 国外人与动物关系的立法状况 31-34 4.1.2 国外人与动物关系的立法状况分析 34-36 4.2 国内人与动物关系的立法状况及分析 36-38 4.2.1 国内人与动物关系的立法状况 36-37 4.2.2 国内人与动物关系的立法状况分析 37-38 5.对人与动物关系的法律构想 38-45 5.1 明确人与动物的法律地位 38-40 5.2 明确动物保护立法的目的 40 5.3 明确立法中”动物”的定义 40-42 5.4 明确动物保护的基本原则 42-43 5.4.1 所有动物平等的原则 42 5.4.2 动物保护与经济发展协调原则 42 5.4.3 动物保护的公众参与原则 42-43 5.5 完善动物保护法律体系 43 5.6 完善动物保护的监管体制 43-45 结论 45-46 参考文献 46-48 致谢 48-49 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 49