1、摘 要人类社会跨入二十世纪以来,随着科学技术的突飞猛进,专业分工的进一步细化,社会生活进一步地走向现代化、科技化和专业化。在司法活动中,借助专业人士来解决专业问题已经成为世界范围内司法活动发展的趋势。据有关统计,目前在诉讼中案起一个科学、规范、高效的司法鉴定制度是改革的趋势。英美专家证人制度有着悠久的历史,是较为成熟的制度。为探寻我国司法鉴定制改革的新出路,有必要全面深入的探讨英美法系的专家证人制度,将联系我国具体实情,使之成为适应我国国情和诉讼文化的制度。笔者通过研究英美法系专家证人制度的内容和特点,并联系我国司法现状,为我国司法鉴定制度的改革与完善提出了自己的一些想法。首先,笔者简单介绍了
2、司法鉴定的概念,司法鉴定的概念有广义和狭义之分,我国司法鉴定制度的改革和完善就是针对狭义的司法鉴定;接着详细论述了我国鉴定制度存在的种种问题,包括司法鉴定的启动程序严重失衡,鉴定人出庭率极低,鉴定人收费标准混乱,鉴定结论的质证和认证缺乏实质性,不够完善等等。因而,我国司法鉴定制度的改革和完善是迫在眉睫的。 其次,笔者对英美专家证人制度进行了详细的介绍和评价。英美专家证人制度具有悠久的历史,它经过不断的发展和完善,已经成为相当成熟的制度。笔者详细介绍了英美专家证人的概念、性质和地位,英美专家证人制度的启动,英美专家证人的资格和审查,英美专家证人的义务和法律责任、专家证言的质证和认证等内容,全面地
3、展示了英美专家证人制度的特点;接着将大陆法系鉴定制度和英美法系专家证人制度进行全面的比较和分析,对英美专家证人制度的优点和弊端作出评价,得出我国司法鉴定制度的改革和完善必须借鉴英美专家证人制度的原因和意义。 最后,笔者借鉴英美专家证人制度,改革和完善我国司法鉴定制度。本部分是本文着重论述的内容。借鉴任何一种制度,都必然需要联系本国的实际情况,不能直接照搬全抄。英美专家证人制度是当事人主义对抗制下的产物,将其全盘引入我国,不符合我国司法实际,必须借鉴英美专家证人制度之长处来弥补我国司法鉴定制度的不足,同时有必要规避英美专家证人制度存在的种种弊端。笔者从我国司法鉴定程序的启动方面、鉴定人制度方面、
4、鉴定结论质证及认证方面、构建专家辅助人制度方面分别详细阐述了改革和完善的具体内容,其中包括鉴定人必须出庭作证,鉴定人承担违法作证的法律责任,鉴定结论必须有庭前开示程序等等。关键词:司法鉴定制度;改革;英美专家证人制度AbstractSince the beginning of the twentieth century, along with the rapid development of science and technology, and refinement of the professional division of the judicial activities, social
5、 life further alignment modernization, the technology turns to turn with the profession. In judicial activities, relying on professionals to resovle the issue has become a worldwide trend in the development of the judicial activities. According to statistics, currently there are more and more cases
6、involving the judicial authentication in the litigation. The conclusions directly affect the impartiality of the judicial trial. Therefore the research of the judicial authentication has an important practical significance. But in China, the traditional litigation model built on the basis of the sys
7、tem of the judicial authentication has many defects. It has seriously affected the impartiality of justice. Therefore it is of great necessity to amend the system of judicial authentication, to establish a scientific, standardized and efficient system of the judicial authentication is a trend of ref
8、orm.There is a long history of expert witnesses in the Common law system and the system is a more mature one. In order to find a way to reform judicial authentication system in China, it is necessary to do comprehensive research in depth on the system of expert witnesses in the Common law system. On
9、 the basis of such research, combining the special conditions and the reality of China, we should make the system of expert witnesses in the Common law system adapt to Chinas national conditions and the litigation culture system. Through the study of content and features of expert witnesses in the C
10、ommon law system, the author puts forward her own proposals about the reform and improvement of judicial authentication system in China.First of all, there is an introduction to the judicial authentication system, including the concepts and special conditions and the reality of judicial authenticati
11、on system in China. Currently the concepts of judicial authentication includes the broad concept and narrow concept, the reform of judicial authentication system in China is for the narrow judicial authentication; Then Talk about the conditions of the judicial authentication in China, including the
12、starting right of judicial authentication, expert witnesses, the extremely low rate of experts appearing in court as witnesses, the charge of expert witnesses is disorder, the verification of experts conclusion lacking of substantive. Therefore it is of great necessity to reform and improve judicial
13、 authentication system in China. Secondly, there is an introduction and evaluation to the system of expert witness, including the concept, nature,status,qualifications, employment, review of qualifications, the starting right, obligations, admissibility for expert evidence and so on. There is a long
14、 history of the system of expert witnesses in the Common law system, and through the continuous development and improvement, it becomes a more mature system; Then the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of system of expert witness and compares the systems of expert witness between the C
15、ommon Law countries and Civil Law countries.At last, this is the most important part in the article. Combining the special conditions and the reality of our country, it is necessary to draw on the expert witness system to build a perfect judicial authentication system in our country. The actual cond
16、itions of our country do not allow us to copy the system of expert witness. How to reform and improve judicial authentication system in our country, the author puts forward her own proposals, including the aspects of starting right, expert witnesses, the expert evidence, expert advisor,such as exper
17、ts appearing in court as witnesses, obligations and admissibility for expert evidence and so on.Key Words:Judicial authentication system; Reforms; Expert witness in the Common law system目 录摘 要IABSTRACTIII引 言1一、我国司法鉴定制度存在的问题2(一)司法鉴定的启动程序严重失衡2(二)鉴定人普遍不出庭3(三)鉴定人收费标准混乱不一4(四)对鉴定结论的质证缺乏实质性5(五)鉴定结论的认证制度不够完
18、善5二、英美专家证人制度评介7(一)英美专家证人制度的内容7(二)对英美专家证人制度的评价15三、借鉴英美专家证人制度改革和完善我国司法鉴定制度25(一)我国司法鉴定程序启动方面的改革和完善25(三)鉴定结论的质证和认证30(四)建立我国专家辅助人制度32结 语35参考文献36致 谢40引 言二十世纪以来,随着现代科学技术的发展和社会分工的日益细化,人类自身认识能力的有限性与知识领域的无限性之矛盾愈发难以调和,导致社会生活中的每一个人都局限于特定的领域,仅仅能够掌握自己所属领域的专业知识。这种社会分工的细化带来的问题也体现在诉讼中,案件的复杂化和专业化使得如今的诉讼中需要解决专门性问题的情况越
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 硕士论文 我国 司法鉴定 制度 改革 完善 专家 证人 视角
