1、我国老字号的知识产权保护 摘 要 老字号是各界对我国各民族人民在长期的商业生活中创造、使用和传承的传统名号的称谓,它反应了我国各民族优秀的传统商业文化,是数百年来中华文化历史的沉淀和积累。根据商务部 2006 年“中华老字号”认定规范试行的规定,中华老字号China Time-honored Brand是指历史悠久,拥有世代传承的产品、技艺或服务,具有鲜明的中华民族传统文化背景和深厚的文化底蕴,取得社会广泛认同,形成良好信誉的品牌。随着经济的发展,老字号的号召力日益凸现,老字号凝聚的财产利益不断彰显。由于当前我国的法律体制还不完善,没有明确字号权的法律属性和法律地位,没有为老字号提供一个完整的
2、法律保护体系,有相当数量的侵犯老字号合法权益的行为不能得到有效的规制。这对老字号的信誉造成不利的影响,严重阻碍了老字号企业的健康发展。 老字号的知识产权保护对于老字号具有重要的意义,对当事人合法权益的保护,更是国家实现品牌战略、实现自主创新的一项重要任务,有利于提升民族品牌竞争力和弘扬中华民族传统文化。本文从我国现行老字号的相关立法现状和老字号权利冲突、老字号被抢注等现实问题为出发点,以比较分析为研究方法,对完善我国老字号的知识产权保护制度做初步的探讨。 本文分为四章对我国老字号的知识产权保护进行阐述。第一章“老字号概述”首先对老字号的概念、特征老字号与其他商业标志的关系进行了简要的阐述,在对
4、见,昀终能促进老字号的知识产权保护获得更充分的理论支持和更完整的制度依据。 【关键词】 :老字号 商标 知识产权保护I Abstract Time-honored brand is the particular title in Chinese business, which reflects the best of all ethnic groups traditional business culture, which is the precipitation. And accumulated of the history of Chinese culture for hundreds o
5、f years. According to the Ministry of Commerce in 2006 “Chinese time-honored brand” recognized norms Trial:China Time-honored Brand refers to the good prestige brand ,which have long history, and its skills, products, service came down generation by generation, distinctive Chinese traditional cultur
6、al background and profound culture, society, forming. It had been recognized widely by people. With the development of economy, the appeal of brand especially the time-honored brand has been rising continuously, property interest of the time-honored brand revealed continuallyDue to the current legal
7、 system is not perfect, the brand has not yet definite legal status legal attribute and legal status, the current legal system has not provide a complete legal protection system to Time-honored brand, there are a number of rights conflict of Time-honored brand ,and infringement behavior to Time-hono
8、red brand can not been solved effectively. This makes adverse effects on the prestige of Time-honored brand seriously, and hindered the healthy development of the enterpriseThe intellectual property protection is important for Time-honored brand; it is the protection of parties lawful rights and int
9、erests. It is an important task which affects the country realizes the brand strategy and the independent innovation. Also is good for enhancing the competitiveness of national brand and propagating Chinese traditional culture. Stared from the present situation that the relevant legislation of right
10、s conflict of Time-honored brand, the Time-honored brand always is anticipated registered, Based on the research method- comparative analysis, this paper had did preliminary study for perfecting the protection system of intellectual property rights. This paper will be divided into four chapters on i
11、ntellectual property protection of Time-honored brandThe first chapter firstly setouts the concept and characteristic Time-honored brand briefly, then analyzes relation the Time-honored brand with other commercial marks, after the analysis of legal attribute, , This paper will confirm intellectual p
12、roperty rightsII attribute of Time-honored brand, and analysis the importance of intellectual property protection of Time-honored brand from the angle of economic, social, and cultural. The second chapter analyses the legal protection of Time-honored brand, pointed out the right forms of Time-honore
13、d brand and the causes of conflict. The second chapter analyses the legal protection of traditional name of a shop, pointed out the old right of traditional forms and the causes of conflict. From the angle of comparison, the third chapter compared the international conventions and typical countries
14、legislation mode, base on this, this paper analysis the advanced experience in legislation. on the basis of comparative analysis ,exploring and thinking improve the intellectual property protection system of time-honored brand, standing for binging the brand right into intellectual property system,
15、and structure the intellectual property protection system of Time-honored brand from the trademark, patent, copyright law and the anti-unfair competition law , to provide more scientific reference opinions to decision maker, finally can promote the intellectual property protection of Time-honored br
16、and with theoretical more complete support and theoretical basisKey words:Time-honored brand Trademark Protection of Intellectual PropertyIII 目 录 中文摘要 ABSTRACT 目录 导言 1 1 老字号概述 3 1.1 老字号的概念和特征 3 1.2 老字号与其他商业标识的关系 6 1.3 老字号权益的法律属性 8 1.4 我国老字号法律保护的重要意义 12 2 老字号法律保护的现状及问题 14 2.1 我国老字号法律保护的现状 14 2.2 我国老字
17、号法律保护存在的问题 16 2.3 原因分析 19 3 国外法律制度对我国老字号知识产权保护的启示(22) 3.1 国际公约对字号权的国际保护 22 3.2 主要国家商标制度对字号的保护 23 3.3 国外立法经验对我国老字号知识产权保护的启示254 我国老字号知识产权保护制度的完善 30 4.1 在商标法中保护老字号 28 4.2 反不正当竞争的补充保护 31 4.3 我国老字号知识产权的行政保护 32 结语 33 注释 34 参考文献 36 后记 39 IV 我国老字号的知识产权保护 导言 老字号是各界对我国各民族人民在长期的商业生活中创造、使用和传承的传统名号的称谓,是一个约定俗成的概念
19、观念、道德风尚、行为修养、民族感情等观念文化,由于它是经营主体长期培育的商1业信誉的载体,并兼具商业标识的性质,所以还蕴含着宝贵的无形财产。根据商务部 2006年“中华老字号”认定规范试行的规定,中华老字号China Time-honored Brand是指历史悠久,拥有世代传承的产品、技艺或服务,具有鲜明的中华民族传统文化背景和深厚的文化底蕴,取得社会广泛认同,形成良好信誉的品牌。老字号经过长期的发展,有的甚至历经数次政权形式和经济形态的更迭,历经沧桑的发展历程就是我国经济、文化、社会的发展历史。老字号的没落,不可不谓我国优秀传统商业文化的消散,保护老字号,拯救老字号已经成为迫在眉睫的任务。
20、 字号尤其是老字号的号召力随着经济的发展日益凸现,老字号凝聚的财产利益不断得以彰显。近年来,老字号被侵权的事件频繁发生,老字号这一“ 金字招牌”被不法商徒觊觎和搭便车的现象层出不穷。例如, “同仁堂”、“女儿红”、“杜康”和“狗不理”在日本被抢注,“王致和”在德国被抢注,“瑞蚨祥”商标被侵权等等。尤其是中国加入WTO以后,面对着西方企业大举进入的情况下,它们的命运和前途引起了中国人的广泛瞩目。据 2004年 6月商务部在京举办“老字号企业创新发展”座谈会上发表的资料显示,建国初期,中国老字号企业约有 16000多家,涉及零售、餐饮、医药、食品加工、烟酒加工、居民服务含照相、美发、洗染、浴池等、
21、书店、丝绸、工艺美术和文物古玩等行业。但因种种原因,老字号企业迅速减少。其中 70%处于自生自灭状态,经营十分困难,20%2能够维持,只有 10%蓬勃发展。 由于当前我国的法律体制还不完善,没有明确字号权的1 法律属性和法律地位,没有为老字号提供一个完整的法律保护体系,有相当数量的老字号权利冲突和老字号侵权行为不能得到有效的规制。这对真正的老字号的信誉造成不利的影响,严重阻碍了老字号企业的健康发展。2 1 老 字 号 概 述1.1 老字号的概念和特征1.1.1 老字号的概念 “老字号”是中国商业活动和文化中特有的称谓,因其独特的经营方式和文化内蕴得到老百姓的认可和赞誉,在数十年乃至上百年间长盛
22、不衰,而由民众对这些字号的一种誉称。对于“老字号”,可以从字面和法律意义两方面加以进一步的认识。 1 字面意义上老字号的概念 从字面意义来看,“字号”在古代有两层含义,一是指以文字作为编次符号;二是指商店名称。 辞源的解释是, “所谓号者,名称也,在古时,商店标牌皆被称为字号,开3设商店,亦云开设字号”。可见,字号在我国古代为企业名称之替代词。现代汉语大词典对字号的解释为:第一,旗号、名号;第二,名气;第三,钱庄、商店、客栈等的名称。古今汉语词典对字号的解释为:商店名称、招牌。因此,从字面上说,字号是店铺、商店的名称。从功能上说,字号是经营主体用来彰显商家和产品个性特征的标识,这种包含着传承、
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 我国 老字号 知识产权保护
