1、Great Expectations 远大前程,Great Expectations远大前程,-Jin Doudou,Great Expectations 远大前程,Author,Character Analysis,Theme and Symbols,Plot,Doubles,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),A,B,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),Life experience,Charles Dickens was born on February 7,18
2、12,and spent the first nine years of his life living in the coastal regions of Kent,a county in southeast England.Dickenss father,John,was a kind and likeable man,but he was incompetent with money and piled up tremendous debts throughout his life.,查尔斯狄更斯生于1812年二月七日,九岁前一直生活在英格兰东南部肯特郡的沿海地区。狄更斯的父亲约翰是个和
3、蔼可亲的人,但不善理财,一生为巨额债务所累。,A,B,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯,Life experience,When Dickens was nine,his family moved to London.When he was twelve,his father was arrested and taken to debtors prison.Dickenss mother moved his seven brothers and sisters into prison with their father,but she arranged for the young
4、Charles to live alone outside the prison.,狄更斯九岁那年,随家人移居伦敦。12岁时,其父因债务问题被抓进债人监狱。他的母亲带着7个弟妹搬进监狱与父亲同住,却留狄更斯一人独自在狱外生活.,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),A,B,Life experience,Outside,he worked with other children pasting labels on bottles in a blacking warehouse.Dickenss found the three months he spent apar
5、t from his family highly traumatic.Not only was the job itself miserable,but he considered himself too good for it,earning the contempt of the other children.,在外面他与别的孩子一起,在炭质颜料仓库给瓶子贴标签(炭质颜料是一种用来给火柴或肥料等产品做黑色素的人造煤烟)。狄更斯的工作不仅辛苦,而且他认为对他来说是大材小用,因而遭到其他孩子的白眼。狄更斯与家人分住了三个月,这段时间给他的心灵造成了巨大的伤害。,Charles Dickens
6、查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),A,B,Life experience,After his father was released from prison,Dickens returned to school.He eventually became a law clerk,then a court reporter,and finally a novelist.His first novel,The Pickwick Papers,(匹克威克外传)became a huge popular success when Dickens was only twentyfive.,父亲出狱后,他重
7、新回到学校。后来狄更斯先在一家律师事务所当职员,后来还做过法院书记官,最后才成为小说家。狄更斯25岁时完成了他的第一部小说匹克威克外传,并且取得了巨大成功。,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),A,B,Life experience,He published extensively and was considered a literary celebrity until his death in 1870.,后来他发又表了大量的小说,被誉为文学界的泰斗。他于1870年病逝。,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),Novels,The
8、First Period(1836-1841)1836 Sketches by Boz 特写集 1836-1837 The Pickwick Papers匹克威克外传 1837-1838 Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 1838-1839 Nicholas Nickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝1840-1841 The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店 1841 Barnaby Rudge 巴纳比拉奇,Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),Novels,The Second Period(1842-1850)1842 American Notes 美
9、国札记 1843-1845 Martin Chuzzlewit 马丁朱述 尔维特 1843 A Christmas Carol圣诞颂歌 1844 The Chimes教堂钟声 1845 The Cricket on the Hearth灶上蟋蟀 1846-1848 Dombey and Son 董贝父子 1849-1850 David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔(His best book),Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯(18121870),Novels,The Third Period(1851-1870)1852-1853 Bleak House 荒凉山庄 185
10、4 Hard Times 艰难时世 1855-1857 Little Dorrit 小杜丽 1859 A Tale of Two Cities 双城记 1860-1861 Great Expectations 远大前程 1864-1865 Our Mutual Friend(the worse,last)1870 Edwin Drood)艾德温德鲁德之迷(unfinished),Charles Dickens 查尔斯狄更斯,为纪念狄更斯英国巨资兴建文学主题公园 为了纪念19世纪的文学巨匠查尔斯狄更斯,英国计划斥巨资兴建一座类似“迪斯尼世界”的相关主题公园。建成之后,这将成为世界上第一座以文学为
11、主题的大型主题公园。该主题公园暂命名为“狄更斯世界”(Dickens World)。伦敦商人凯文克里斯蒂(Kevin Christie)策划了这个项目。凯文同时表示,建设这个主题公园是希望更多的年轻人牢记狄更斯。,纪念公园,Great Expectations 远大前程,Plot,The story is divided into three phases of Pips life expectations.When Pip was young,he wanted to become a blacksmith like his brother in law.His meeting with H
12、avisham changed his attitude towards life,and he admired he decent way of living like a gentleman.He met Estella and fell love with her,but he cannot marry her because of his inferior status and his expectations changed-raise his social status and to become a gentleman,get a better education and the
13、n marry Estella.Pip realized the money and social status is not the most important thing in life.What is important is love and loyalty.Mans true value has nothing to do with his money and status.,Great Expectations 远大前程,Plot,Pip lived a humble existence with her ill-tempered older sister and Joe Gar
14、geryher sisters strong but gentle husband.Miss Havisham was an embittered(满腹怨恨的)wealthy woman,who hired Pip occasionally to company her and Estellaher beautiful but haughty(傲慢的)adopted daughter.Pip aspires to leave behind his simple life and be a gentleman,but he still became the apprentice of Joe a
15、fter stopping visit Miss Havisham,to have a livelihood as a blacksmith.Later,a London attorney,Mr.Jaggers came and informed Pip that he was to come into the Great Expectation of a handsome property and would be trained to be a gentleman at the behest of an anonymous benefactor.,Great Expectations 远大
16、前程,Plot,In London,Pip learned the details of being a gentlemen and was supported by a generous allowance.He found himself in the same circles as Estella,who is also pursued by many other men.He adopted the physical and cultural norms of his new status,and the class attitudes.When Joe came to visit P
17、ip,Pip was embarrassed by Joes unlearned ways,despite his protestations of love and friendship for Joe.In the end,Pip was introduced to his benefactor,and learned the startling truths.His benefactor was that escaped criminal,who threatened him when he was a child,while Estella was the criminals daug
18、hter.He cast into doubt the values he once embraced so eagerly,and found that he couldnt regain many of the important things that he had cast aside so carelessly.,Great Expectations 远大前程,Magwitch马格韦契,Joe Gargery乔葛吉瑞,Mrs.Joe Gargery乔葛吉瑞夫人,Biddy毕蒂,Estella艾斯黛拉,Miss Havisham赫薇香小姐,Great Expectations 远大前程
19、,Pip皮普,As a character,Pips two most important traits are his immature,romantic idealism and his innately good conscience.On the one hand,Pip has a deep desire to improve himself and attain any possible advancement,whether educational,moral,or social.His longing to marry Estella and join the upper cl
20、asses stems from the same idealistic desire as his longing to learn read and his fear of being punished for bad behavior.However Pips idealism often leads him to perceive the world rather narrowly and his tendency to oversimplify situations based on superficial values leads him to behave badly towar
21、d the people who care about him.When Pip becomes a gentleman,for example,he immediately begins to act as he thinks a gentleman is supposed to act,which leads him to treat Joe and Biddy snobbishly and coldly.,Great Expectations 远大前程,Pip皮普,On the other hand,Pip is at heart a very generous and sympathe
22、tic young man,a fact that can be witnessed in his numerous acts of kindness throughout the book(helping Magwitch,secretly buying Herberts way into business,etc.)and his essential love for all those who love him.Pips main line of development in the novel may be seen as the process of learning to plac
23、e his innate sense of kindness and conscience above his immature idealism.,Great Expectations 远大前程,Not long after meeting Miss Havisham and Estella,Pips desire for advancement largely overshadows his basic goodness.After receiving his mysterious fortune,his idealistic wishes seem to have been justif
24、ied,and he gives himself over to gentlemanly life idleness.But the discovery that the wretched Magwitch,not the wealthy Miss Havisham,is his secret benefactor shatters Pips oversimplified sense of his worlds hierarchy.Then he realizes that ones social position is not the most important quality one p
25、ossesses,and that his behavior as a gentleman has caused him to hurt the people who care about him most.Once he has learned these lessons,Pip matures into the man who narrates the novel.,completing the bildungsroman.,Pip皮普,Great Expectations 远大前程,不成熟的,浪漫的理想主义和与生俱来的良知,是小说人物皮普在性格方面的两个最重要的特点。一方面,皮普非常渴望
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