1、ENGLISH TRAINING COURSE FOR CHIEF ENGINEERS,上海海事大学李品友 主讲,PREFACE,1).The examination2).The contents of the course3).Names of engine parts,tools and marine oils,1).轮机英语课程考试简介,(1).轮机英语听力与会话评估项目,(2).轮机英语阅读与写作,轮机英语考试,评估,笔试,会话,短句,对话,翻译,关联题,选择题,听力,短文,朗读,叙述,问答,(1).轮机英语听力与会话评估项目,短句 10*2=20分对话 10*3=30分短文 4*5*
2、2.5=50分,朗读 1*20=20分叙述 1*20=20分问答 10*6=60分,(2).轮机长英语大证考,单项选择题 76*1=76分阅读理解题 4*4*1.5=24分,2).轮机英语授课内容,第一部分:轮机英语基础词汇第二部分:轮机英语阅读第三部分:轮机英语书写,3).Names of Engine Parts,Tools and Marine Oils,(1).Main Engine(2).Auxiliary Machinery(3).Valves&Pumps(4).Tools&Meters(5).Marine Oils,(1).Main Engine,two-stroke marin
3、e diesel enginefour-stroke marine diesel enginelow speed diesel enginemedium speed diesel enginehigh speed diesel engine,Cylinder,cylinder headcylinder blockcylinder linercooling water spacecooling water jacket,Piston,piston crownpiston skirtpiston pinpiston ringpiston ring groovepiston cooling spac
4、episton rod,Cross-head,cross-head pincross-head bearingcross-head slipper(guide shoe)cross-head guide platetop(small)end bearing,Crankshaft,crankshaft bearingcrank pincrank journalcrank webcrankshaft deflectionbig(bottom)end bearing,Shafting,thrust shaftintermediate shafttail shaftthrust bearingthru
5、st padstern tube bearing,Propeller,bossbladefixed pitch propeller(FPP)controllable pitch propeller(CPP),Fixed Parts,bed-plateframecrankcasecrankcase door tie-bolt(tie-rod,through bolt),Scavenging,uniflow scavengingcross scavengingloop scavengingscavenging port(inlet port)exhaust port(outlet port),Tu
6、rbo-charging,exhaust gas turbochargerturbinecompressoremergency blowerconstant pressure systempulse system,Fuel oil system,double bottom tanksettling tankdaily service tankfuel pumpfuel injectorfuel injection cam,Lubricating oil system,sumpcylinder lubricatortelescopic pipeoil filterdrain tank,Cooli
7、ng water system,opening cooling systemclosed cooling systemcentral cooling systemexpansion tank(head tank),Compressed air system,air compressorair bottle(receiver,reservoir)starting air valvestarting air distributorair coolerscavenging receiver,Control system,governorreversing devicereversing servom
8、otorcontrol standcontrol roomUMS(Unattended Machinery Space),(2).Auxiliary Machinery,marine boilerrefrigerating plantsteering gearoil separatoranti-pollution equipmentdeck machinery,Marine boiler,donkey(auxiliary)boilerexhaust gas boilerwater tube boilerfire tube boilerfurnaceoil burner,Refrigeratin
9、g plant,domestic refrigeratorrefrigerating compressorcondenserthermostatic expansion valveevaporatorrefrigerant,Refrigerating Plant,Theoretical cycle of refrigeration,Steering gear,electric-hydraulic steering gearfour-ram hydraulic steering gearstocktillerhunting gear,R,P,T,steering wheel,transmitte
10、r,receiver,hunting gear,floating lever,feed back,link with,pivot,cylinder,ram,rudder stock,valve block,tiller,cross-,head,cylinder,isolating valve,pump,motor,buffer spring,Oil separator,Purifierclarifierseparator bowlbowl discgravity discnomogram,Anti-pollution equipment,Incineratoroily water separa
11、torcoarse separating compartmentoil collection spacefine separating compartmentcatch plate,Deck machinery,Cargo handling gear,cargo winch,deck cranewindlasscapstan,mooring winchhatch covergangway lifting gear,(3).Valves&Pumps,Safety valvepilot valvenon-return(check,one-way)valvestop(shut-off,cut off
12、)valveby-pass valvechange-over valveover-flow valvemake-up valve,Pumps,Centrifugal pump Positive displacement pumpreciprocating pumprotary pumpejector pumpballast pumpbilge pumpsanitary pumpsewage pumptransfer pump,priming pump,booster pump,(4).Tools&Meters,Impact wrenchpipe wrenchengineer hammeradj
13、ustable spannerscrew driverbridge gaugefeelerelectrode welding machine,Meters,Micrometerthermometerpressure gaugesalinometerviscosimeterflow meteroil mist detectorindicatorpower meter,ammeter,volt meter,ohmmeter,(5).Marine Oils,marine diesel oilmarine fuel oilintermediate fuel oilcylinder oil(high a
14、lkalinity)engine(crankcase,system)oilhydraulic oilanti-rust emulsion oilgrease,Chapter 1 名词,1)名词的种类2)名词的数3)名词的格4)名词的性5)名词的用法,1)名词的种类,(1)专用名词(2)普通名词,(1)专用名词,第一个字母要大写。如:the P.R.of ChinaNew YorkCOSCOPICCIMO,(2)普通名词,个体名词,如:seaman,engineer,pump集体名词,如:people,crew,government物质名词,如:oil,water,gas,air,grease抽
15、象名词,如:labour,work,reliability,2)名词的数,engines,shafts,coolers,tankers,hoses,gases,boxes,fizzes,wrenches,bushes,cargoes,knives,shelves,.cities,auxiliaries,.Seamen,feet,teeth,axes,data,.,3)名词的格,(1)主格(2)宾格(3)所有格,(1)主格,词形不变。,(2)宾格,词形不变。,(3)所有格,engineers handbook,seamens club,tomorrows machine,five miles d
16、istance,Chinas foreign trade,the earths surface,ABC of science,a revolution of the crankshaft,the factory of the university,.,4)名词的性,gentleman,master,steward,sun,lady,stewardess,moon,earth,country,ship,.Spanner,engine,fan,.,5)名词的用法,(1).作主语(2).作表语(3).作宾语(4).作定语(5).作状语,(1).作主语,The usual coolant used i
17、s fresh water.Lubricating oil of the low pressure system supplies the main and other bearings.The turbocharger runs with a terrible noise.,(2).作表语,Freon12 is normally a gas when at atmospheric pressure and temperature.The main bearing is an interchangeable precision bearing.Refrigeration is the proc
18、ess of lowing the temperature of a substance below that of its surrounding atmosphere.,(3).作宾语,Clean the inner part of the cooler with chemical compound.Test the refrigerating system for leakage.Tighten hand wheel screw before starting.,(4).作定语,The ships crew are all on board.The shaft power require
19、d is 4.5 kw.fuel oil filter,crank shaft,cylinder liner,piston ring,oil separator,.,(5).作状语,Wait a moment,please.It is two feet long,three meters high and four inches thick.The pump weighs 50 kilograms.,Chapter 2 冠词,1).不定冠词 a2).不定冠词 an3).定冠词 the,1).不定冠词 a,a seaman,a motorman,a university,The protecti
20、on devices should be tested twice a year.,2).不定冠词 an,an engineer,an angle,an hour,The ship sails 15 miles an hour.,3).定冠词 the,This is the workshop where various tools and equipment for repair work are kept.Please show me the Classification Certificate and the dockyard report.There is a man in the en
21、gine room.The man is our chief engineer.There is only one China in the world,that is the P.R.Of China.Taiwan is the largest island in China.,a,an,the or/?,In _ suction stroke _air is sucked into _ cylinder through _ inlet valve.In _ compression stroke _ air is compressed.,Chapter 3 代词,1)人称代词2)物主代词3)
22、自身代词4)相互代词5)指示代词,6)疑问代词7)连接代词8)关系代词9)不定代词,1)人称代词,The ship entered the harbour._was brought to anchor.Will _please show me your fuel oil specification?Fill the requisition and then sign _.Could you show _ the certificate of the refrigerating sets?-Who is the engineer on duty?-Its _.,It 的用法,It is stor
23、my today.It is twelve oclock.It is five miles only.It is all settled now.,It 的用法,It is recommended to the service personal to read this manual through carefully and to follow the instruction s given.We considered it necessary that the oil separator should be examined immediately.,2)物主代词,_(他的)tool is
24、 on the bench._(我的)is in the locker.I didnt use _(我的)steel measuring tape.I used _(你的).That multi-purpose wrench of _(你的)is quite easy to use.These tools are _(他们的)._(你们的)are over there.,3)自身代词,I cant express _ in English.When the pressure of lubricating oil has dropped down to a value less than rat
25、ed,the engine stops by _.The governor is driven by the engine _.We built the 25,000 t ocean-going cargo ship _.,4)相互代词,Lubricating oil is used for reducing the friction between two metal surfaces rubbing against _.The seamen help _ in carrying out the task.We should point out _ mistakes and have a c
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