1、Asia Resources Holdings Limited亞洲資源控股有限公司,(Stock Code 股份代號:899),ANNUAL REPORT 2012 年報,*For identi cation purposes only 僅供識別,2,4,10,18,28,40,43,45,47,49,51,1,Contents目錄,CORPORATE INFORMATIONBIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENTCORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORTCHAIRMANS STATEMENT,MANAGEMEN
3、管治報告主席報告與管理層討論及分析董事會報告獨立核數師報告綜合全面收益表綜合財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合財務報表附註,FINANCIAL SUMMARY,財務摘要,亞洲資源控股有限公司二零一二年年報,152,2,Corporate Information公司資料,BOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsMr.Chim Kim Lun,Ricky(Chairman)Mr.Chan Sung Wai(Deputy Chairman)Mr.Chan Hau Kong(removed on 9 August 2011)Mr.Wong King Lam,J
4、oseph(resigned on 31 May 2012)Non-executive DirectorMr.Tong Leung SangIndependent Non-executive DirectorsMr.Yiu Fai Ming(not re-elected on 9 August 2011)Mr.Zhang XianlinMr.Tse Yuk Kong(retired on 9 August 2011)Mr.Lum Pak SumMr.Kwok Hong Yee,Jesse(appointed on 8 November 2011)COMPANY SECRETARYMs.Leun
5、g Lai Si,RosenaPRINCIPAL BANKERSChina Construction Bank CorporationAgricultural Bank of ChinaBank of China(Hong Kong)LimitedCITIC Bank International LimitedThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedAsia Resources Holdings LimitedAnnual Report 2012,董事會執行董事詹劍崙先生(主席)陳崇煒先生(副主席)陳厚光先生(於二零一一年八月九
6、日被罷免)黃景霖先生(於二零一二年五月三十一日辭任)非執行董事湯亮生先生獨立非執行董事姚輝明先生(未於二零一一年八月九日膺選連任)張憲林先生謝旭江先生(於二零一一年八月九日退任)林栢森先生郭匡義先生(於二零一一年十一月八日獲委任)公司秘書梁麗施女士主要往來銀行中國建設銀行股份有限公司中國農業銀行中國銀行(香港)有限公司中信銀行國際有限公司香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司,3,Corporate Information公司資料,AUDITORSHLB Hodgson Impey ChengChartered AccountantsCertified Public AccountantsREGISTERE
7、D OFFICEClarendon House2 Church StreetHamilton HM11BermudaPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESSIN HONG KONGUnit 04,34/F.,Bank of America Tower12 Harcourt RoadCentral,Hong KongREGISTRARS(IN BERMUDA)HSBC Bank Bermuda LimitedBank of Bermuda Building6 Front StreetHamilton HM11BermudaREGISTRARS(IN HONG KONG)Tricor
8、 Secretaries Limited26/F.,Tesbury Centre28 Queens Road EastHong KongWEBSITEhttp:/http:/,核數師國衛會計師事務所英國特許會計師香港執業會計師註冊辦事處Clarendon House2 Church StreetHamilton HM11Bermuda香港主要營業地點香港中環夏愨道12號美國銀行中心34樓04室過戶登記處(百慕達)HSBC Bank Bermuda LimitedBank of Bermuda Building6 Front StreetHamilton HM11Bermuda過戶登記處(香港)
9、卓佳秘書商務有限公司香港皇后大道東28號金鐘匯中心26樓網址http:/http:/,4,Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理層履歷,EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr.Chim Kim Lun,Ricky(“Mr.Chim”),aged 42,appointed asan executive Director on 15 October 2008 and the Chairman of theCompany on 19 December 2008.Mr.Chim holds a Bachelor
10、degreein Arts from the University of British Columbia in Canada and hasover 10 years of commercial,industrial and investment experiences.Mr.Chim is also an executive director of Bestway InternationalHoldings Limited(stock code:718),which is listed on the mainboard of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
11、Limited(the“StockExchange”).He has been an executive director of HuscokeResources Holdings Limited(stock code:704)for the period fromSeptember 2007 to 2 September 2010,Yueshou EnvironmentalHoldings Limited(stock code:1191)for the period from May 2007to November 2009,Hengli Properties Development(Gro
12、up)Limited(stock code:169)for the period from June 2007 to December 2008,Bel Global Resources Holdings Limited(stock code:761)for theperiod from April 2007 to November 2008 and Karce InternationalHoldings Company Limited(stock code:1159)for the period fromAugust 2007 to April 2009.Mr.Chim is the son
13、 of Mr.Chim Pui Chung,who is the shareholderof Golden Mount Limited,a substantial shareholder of theCompany.Mr.Chan Sung Wai(“Mr.Chan”),aged 64,appointed as anexecutive Director on 15 October 2008 and the Deputy Chairmanon 16 January 2009.Mr.Chan has extensive experience in trading,real property and
14、 shipping industries.Mr.Chan also has extensiveexperience in financial and media business.He has been workingfor a number of years in the major media companies in Hong Kong,and is responsible for covering,editing and writing commentaries.Mr.Chan is also a chief editor of the petroleum magazine and h
15、ascomprehensive knowledge on the media industry in the PRC.Asia Resources Holdings LimitedAnnual Report 2012,執行董事詹劍崙先生(詹先生),42歲,於二零零八年十月十五日獲委任為執行董事並於二零零八年十二月十九日獲委任為本公司主席。詹先生持有加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學文學學士學位,並於工商業及投資方面擁有逾十年經驗。詹 先 生 亦 為 香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司(聯交 所)主 板 上 市 公 司 百 威 國 際 控 股 有 限 公司(股 份 代 號:718)之 執 行 董 事
16、。彼 曾 於 二零零七年九月至二零一零年九月二日期間出 任 和 嘉 資 源 控 股 有 限 公 司(股 份 代 號:704)、於二零零七年五月至二零零九年十一月期間出任粵首環保控股有限公司(股份代號:1191)、於二零零七年六月至二零零八年十二月期間出任恆力房地產發展(集團)有限公 司(股 份 代 號:169)、於 二 零 零 七 年 四 月至二零零八年十一月期間出任百營環球資源控股有限公司(股份代號:761)及於二零零七年八月至二零零九年四月期間出任泰盛實業集團有限公司(股份代號:1159)之執行董事。詹先生為詹培忠先生的兒子,而詹培忠先生為本公司主要股東Golden Mount Limit
17、ed的股東。陳崇煒先生(陳先生),64歲,於二零零八年十月十五日獲委任為執行董事並於二零零九年一月十六日獲委任為副主席。陳先生具有豐富之貿易、地產及航運經驗。陳先生亦於金融及傳媒業方面具有豐富經驗,彼已在香港主要傳媒公司任職多年,負責採訪、編輯及撰寫評論。陳先生亦為一份石油雜誌之主編,熟悉國內傳媒行業狀況。,5,Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理層履歷,Currently,Mr.Chan is also an executive director of KarceInternational Holding
18、s Company Limited(stock code:1159),whichis listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange.Mr.Chan hasbeen an executive director of Energy International InvestmentsHoldings Limited(stock code:353)for the period from November2008 to 12 April 2011 and Grand Field Group Holdings Limited(stock code:115)f
19、or the period from 14 November 2007 to 18 June2008.NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORMr.Tong Leung Sang(“Mr.Tong”),aged 62,appointed as a non-executive Director on 19 November 2010.Mr.Tong had over 40years extensive experience in the banking,securities and financeindustries.He served Bank of China Group,Hong Ko
20、ng for over 30years.He had been an Economic Researcher of the Bank of ChinaGroup from 1970 to 1989 and the Executive Director of BOCI(known as Bank of China Group before 1998)Securities Limited andBOCI(known as Bank of China Group before 1998)Commoditiesand Futures Limited from 1989 to 2002.He joine
21、d Luen FatSecurities Company Limited in 2003 and became the ExecutiveDirector and Chief Executive Officer of Luen Fat Futures(HK)Limitedsince 2009.Mr.Tong was also an alternate committee member of the ListingCommittee of Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the year of 1996-97,a committee member of The Hong
22、 Kong Stock Brokers Associationfor the year of 2001-02,a committee member of the membershipcommittee of the Hong Kong Securities Institute from 2000-2004as well as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Securities ProfessionalAssociation(“HKSPA”)from 1996-2001.He was appointed as thePermanent Honorable Chair
23、man of the HKSPA since 2004.,現時,陳先生亦為泰盛實業集團有限公司(股份代號:1159)之執行董事,該公司之股份於聯交所主板上市。陳先生曾分別於二零零八年十一月至二零一一年四月十二日期間及於二零零七年十一月十四日至二零零八年六月十八日期間出任能源國際投資控股有限公司(股份代號:353)及鈞濠集團有限公司(股份代號:115)之執行董事。非執行董事湯亮生先生(湯先生),62歲,於二零一零年十一月十九日獲委任為非執行董事。湯先生於銀行、證券及金融行業擁有逾四十年之豐富經驗。彼於香港中銀集團工作逾三十年。彼於一九七零年至一九八九年期間擔任中銀集團之經濟研究員,並於一九八九年
24、至二零零二年期間擔任中銀國際證券有限公司(於一九九八年前稱為中銀集團證券有限公司)及中銀國際期貨有限公司(於一九九八年前稱為中銀集團期貨有限公司)執行董事。彼於二零零三年加入聯發證券有限公司,並自二零零九年起成為聯發期貨(香港)有限公司之執行董事兼行政總裁。湯先生亦為香港聯交所上市委員會一九九六至九七年度之更替委員、香港證券經紀業協會二零零一至零二年度之理事,並於二零零零年至二零零四年期間擔任香港證券專業學會會籍委員會委員及於一九九六年至二零零一 年 期 間 擔 任 香 港 證 券 學 會(香 港 證 券 學會)會長。彼自二零零四年起獲委任為香港證券學會永遠名譽會長。亞洲資源控股有限公司二零一
25、二年年報,6,Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理層履歷,INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVEDIRECTORSMr.Zhang Xianlin(“Mr.Zhang”),aged 58,appointed as anindependent non-executive Director on 16 December 2008.Currently,Mr.Zhang is the executive director of China-N.Mr.Zhang graduated from Huazho
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