1、Corporate Assets Restructuring公司资产重组,Corporate assets Restructuring and Ownership Relationships公司资产重组与所有权关系,Spin-Offs公司分立(拆分上市),Company owns or creates a subsidiary whose shares are distributed on a pro rata basis to shareholders of parent company 公司拥有或创建子公司,其股份由母公司股东按比例持有。Subsidiary becomes publicl
2、y owned corporation 子公司成为公众持股公司,Parent company often will retain from 10%to under 20%of shares of the new subsidiary 母公司通常保留新设子公司10%20%的股份。Spin-off often follows the initial sale of up to 20%of the shares in an initial public offering(IPO)transaction known as an equity carve-out 在公司分立首次公开发行中,通常有20%的
3、新股出售这种交易称之为股权分离。,Event return studies of spin-offs 分立对收益的影响Significant positive 3-5%abnormal return to parent shareholders 分立对母公司股东产生35%的超额收益。Size of announcement effect positively related to size of spin-off 分立公告效应与公司分立的程度成正比。Spin-offs to avoid regulation experienced abnormal returns of 5-6%as comp
4、ared to 2-3%for the remainder of the sample 与通常2-3%情况相比避免规制的分立会有5-6%的超额收益No adverse effect on bondholders 对公司债券持有者没有负面影响。,Tax effects税收效应No positive abnormal returns for taxable spin-offs 纳税型公司分立,没有明显的超额收益。Positive abnormal returns for nontaxable 非纳税型公司分立,有超额收益。Controlling for size,tax effects disap
5、pear 控制分立的程度,税收效应消失。Both spin-offs and their parents are more frequently involved in subsequent takeovers母公司和子公司分立后,会更多地涉及后续的重组。Firms which engage in no further restructuring activity earn only normal returns 没有进一步进行重组活动的公司仅仅获取正常收益。Firms which engage in subsequent takeovers account for positive abno
6、rmal returns 进一步参与后续重组的公司获得超额收益。,Performance studies of spin-offs 公司分立绩效研究Bregman Annualized returns were 31.8%,18 points better than S&P 500 年平均收益率为31.8,高于标准普尔500指数18个百分点。Karen and Eric WruckSpin-offs outperformed overall stock market分立公司表现优于股票市场的总体表现。Few spectacular performances dominated results分
7、立公司的业绩表现特别突出的很少。Forbes study财富杂志研究表明Combined stock performance of parent and spin-off母公司和分立子公司的总体股价表现40%did better than S&P 500 有40优于S&P 500指数的表现60%underperformed 有60表现不佳,Anslinger,Klepper,and Subramaniam(1999)Sample of 12 spin-offs achieved returns over a two-year period of 26.9%compared to 17.2%fo
8、r the S&P 500 12个分立公司样本两年来获得26.9的总收益,而标准普耳500指数收益为17.2。8 spin-offs underperformed index 8个分立公司样本表现差于市场指数。Mixed results may reflect characteristics of industries 综合结果反映了行业特征Firms in industries with excess capacity or low sales growth underperform broader indexes 生产能力过剩或销售增长率低的行业,其中的公司业绩表现较市场指数相差很大。Re
9、sults should be related to industry peers 分立结果与同行业前景有关。,Tax aspects of spin-offs 公司分立的税收Spin-off qualify for tax-exempt status if parent company own 80%of voting subsidiary stock 若母公司拥有子公司80的表决权股票,则分立的子公司有免税资格。Spin-off transactions 公司分立的业务处理Companies spin off with two classes of stock 公司分立中的两类股票Pare
10、nt sells nonvoting class of stock in public offering and then spins off voting stock tax free 母公司在公开发行股票时出售没有表决权的股票,分立公司有表决权的股票免税。Parent can do an equity carve-out of 20%of the voting stock,spin off remainder and entire spin-off transaction is tax free母公司可以对20有表决权的股票进行股权分割,其余的进行分立处理,整个分立交易免税。,Compan
11、ies create new subsidiary 公司新设立子公司Parent company creates subsidiary母公司创建子公司Subsidiary has two classes of shares:Class A non-voting,Class B voting 子公司有两种类型的股份:没有表决权的A股,有表决权的B股Parent company owns all B shares母公司持有所有的B股Parent company distribute A shares to its shareholders 母公司股东分散持有子公司A股Parent company
12、may have option to buy back proportion of subsidiarys stock it does not now own 对于母公司有权回购发行在外的子公司股份。Parent company is not required to buy back shares or to put more money into subsidiary 母公司没有子公司股权回购义务,或追加投资义务。Creation of subsidiary allows parent to separate risk of subsidiary business from its core
13、 operations shareholders decide whether to increase or decrease their own risk 新设分立子公司有助于母公司分散主营业务风险,股东有权决定是否通过分立减少自身风险。,Equity Carve-Outs股权分离,Equity carve-out is an IPO of some portion of the common stock of a wholly owned subsidiary 股权分离是指子公司部分普通股进行首次公开发行。Also referred as“split-off IPOs”也称为“分立首次公开
14、发行”。Resembles seasoned equity offering of the parent in that cash is received from a public sale of equity 与母公司股票再发行类似,其资金来源于公开销售股票。,Other changes when subsidiary equity is“carved out”子公司股权分离时引起的其他变化IPO of common stock of subsidiary initiates public trading in a new and distinct set of equity claims
15、 on assets of subsidiary 子公司普通股首次公开发售针对子公司资产进行新的明确的股票索取权的公开交易。Management system for operating the assets is likely to be restructured 资产运营管理系统可能需要重构。Public market value for operations of subsidiary becomes established 建立子公司运营的公开市场价值Financial reports are issued on the subsidiary operations 根据子公司的运营状况
16、编制财务报告,Equity carve-outs can be used by a firm to raise equity funds directly related to the operation of a particular segment or industry 股权分割可用于公司为特定项目或行业的运行直接筹集股权资金。Equity carve-outs also used as first step in spin-off and split-ups 股权分割也常常是公司分立和新设分立(母公司清算解散)的第一步。,Comparison to spin-off 与公司分立对比Si
17、milar to voluntary spin-off in that it results in subsidiarys equity claims traded separately from the equity claims on the parent entity 股权分离与公司自愿分立相似,二者均导致子公司独立于母公司进行资产索取权交易。Differences区别In spin-off a distribution is made pro rata to shareholders of parent firm as dividend;in equity-carve-out,stoc
18、k of subsidiary is sold in public markets for cash which is received by parent 公司分立时,股息按母公司股东的持股比例分配;股权分离时,子公司的股份公开市场出售,所得资金由母公司获得。In spin-off,parent firm no longer has control over subsidiary assets;in carve-out,parent generally sells only minority interest in subsidiary and maintains control over
19、subsidiary assets and operations 在公司分立中,母公司不再控制子公司的资产;而股权分离中,母公司通常仅出售子公司的少数股权,并持续控制子公司的资产和运作。,Comparison to divestitures与资产剥离比较Similar in that cash is received相同点在于均获得资金Differences区别Divestiture is usually to another company 资产剥离通常是将资产出售给另外的公司。Control over assets sold is relinquished by parent-seller
20、 and trading of subsidiary is not initiated 母公司出售方放弃了售出资产的控制权,不构成发起子公司的交易。,Transaction examples 实际案例GM-DelphiIn August 1998,the GM board of directors voted to separate Delphi from GM 98年8月,GM董事会决定将Delphi从GM中分立出来。In February 1999,Delphi completed its IPO of 100,000,000 shares of common(17.7%equity ca
21、rve-out)while GM held remaining 465,000,000(82.3%)of Delphis outstanding stock 99年2月,Delphi成功发行1亿股普通股(分离股权17.7%),GM持有Delphi其余的股权,占Delphi总股本的82.3%。In April 1999,board of directors approved spin-off of 452,565,000 of GMs Delphi shares through a dividend of 0.7 shares of Delphi for one share of GM comm
22、on stock 99年4月,公司董事会同意分割GM持有的Delphi 股4.52565亿股,通过每10股Delphi 换7股GM的股权置换方式实现。Remaining 12,435,000 of GMs shares were contributed to the General Motors Welfare Benefit Trust GM公司其余的股份1243.5万股由GNWBT持有。Delphi became a fully independent,publicly traded company(split-up)after the spin-off 公司分立后,Delphi 成为完全
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