1、Welcome to the ANSYS AUTODYN Update,To Hear the AudioYou must have a computer with a soundcard and speakers or headphones.Please click“Yes”when prompted to join the VoIP session.,To Ask QuestionsPlease use the Q&A panel in the lower left-hand corner of your screen.Questions will be answered at the e
2、nd of the presentation.,Release 11 Update ANSYS AUTODYN in Workbench,Bence I.GerberRegional Manager,Explicit ProductsANSYS,I,2006 ANSYS,Inc.All rights reserved.,2,ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary,ANSYS AUTODYN Update,OutlineAUTODYN Release 11.0ANSYS WorkbenchEnhancements to AUTODYN SolversNew Material ModelsEn
3、hancements to AUTODYN Pre/PostNew Licensing Installation and Running ProceduresSummary,AUTODYN Release 11.0,Release 11.0 is a major step forward in continuing the User Friendly,Easy to Use tradition AUTODYN development(over v6.1 almost worth 5 levels)Integrated into ANSYS WorkbenchAccess to CAD Geom
4、etries(Geometry IF)Quick and easy geometry generation(DM)Access to classic FEM models(FE Modeler)Access to powerful meshing(Meshing and A*I)Continued enhancements to AUTODYN solvers,material models,pre/post processing,ANSYS AUTODYN Update,OutlineAUTODYN Release 11.0ANSYS WorkbenchEnhancements to AUT
5、ODYN SolversNew Material ModelsEnhancements to AUTODYN Pre/PostNew Licensing Installation and Running Procedures,What is ANSYS Workbench?,A framework for performing multi-disciplinary simulation,What is ANSYS Workbench?,Data is shared between applicationsProject page manages files and applications,B
6、idirectional CAD Associativity,We must use,and re-use your CAD models,and ultimately drive changes in your designs,Parameters from CAD to WB,Parameters from WB to CAD,CAD Integrated,CAD Neutral,Primary modeling is done in CADBi-directional parametric link,Workbench,ANSYS Geometry Interfaces,Workbenc
7、h Meshing,Simple mesh controls,Workbench Meshing,Add detailed mesh controls if needed,Workbench Meshing Methods,Optional meshing methods can be assigned on a part-by-part basisCommon mesh controls,Hex-Dominant,FE Modeler External Mesh,Initial Mesh,Skin Detection in FE Modeler,Simulation Results,ICEM
8、 CFD/AI*E Overview,Available inside ANSYS Workbench(Advanced Meshing app.),or standaloneTargeted at high-end analysts,with specific needs for meshing which handles:Complex geometryDirty geometryCAD and STL geometryHand-crafted mesh3rd party solvers,Workbench-Guiding Principles,CAD-connected(but agno
9、stic)ParametricPersistentHighly-automated meshingMeshing thats aware of the applied physicsUser has ability to“drill down”to control mesh methods,controlsIndependents zones are“neighbor aware”,ANSYS AUTODYN Update,OutlineAUTODYN Release 11.0ANSYS WorkbenchEnhancements to AUTODYN SolversNew Material
10、ModelsEnhancements to AUTODYN Pre/PostNew Licensing Installation and Running Procedures,Enhancements to the Solvers,New trajectory based 3D contact algorithmIncreased flexibility(no external gap)Significant efficiency improvementsGroup Contact(in addition to Part Contact)Select faces to participate
11、in contactErosion redefines faceExtended material models for ANP-TetAutomatic Mass ScalingCourantFriedrichsLewy(CFL)time step saved for each element.(Maximum scaling:100)New pressure equilibrium option for Euler HP-MPI message passing for Parallel Processing(Linux only),Trajectory Contact,Extended m
12、odels for ANP-Tet,Mass Scaling,ANSYS AUTODYN Update,OutlineAUTODYN Release 11.0ANSYS WorkbenchEnhancements to AUTODYN SolversNew Material ModelsEnhancements to AUTODYN Pre/PostNew Licensing Installation and Running Procedures,New Material Models,HyperelasticNew Powder Burn modelExtended Granular str
13、ength modelJWL-MillerSimple thermobaric representation,Hyperelastic Rubber Model,Neo-HookeanMooney-RivlinYeohOgdenArruda-Boyce,Hyperelastic Rubber,Powder Equation of State,Slowburn(Powder)EOS a two phase modelThe material is modeled prior and after ignition as solid and gaseous statesThe release of
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