1、国内外土壤环境质量标准概要,1.国外土壤环境质量标准体系 2.国内土壤环境质量标准概要 3.土壤修复相关标准,国外土壤环境质量标准体系,目 录,国外土壤环境质量标准概况美国土壤环境质量标准体系荷兰土壤环境质量标准体系加拿大土壤环境质量标准澳大利亚土壤环境质量标准其它国家土壤环境质量标准,国外土壤环境质量标准概况,保护对象的多样性暴露方式的多样性标准的多样性,保护对象的多样性,人体健康生态系统 植物 农作物 其它植物 野生动物 哺乳类动物 鸟类 无脊椎动物 生物过程地下水,暴露方式的多样性,皮肤接触直接摄入间接摄入呼吸吸入地下水饮用,标准的多样性,通用标准按土地用途分类标准按暴露方式分类标准土地
2、修复污染物清除,标准值设定示意图,欧洲国家标准设定级别,金属的可忽略风险浓度(mg/kg),有机物的可忽略风险浓度(mg/kg),金属的警示值(mg/kg),金属的行动干预值(mg/kg),美国土壤环境质量标准体系,1.美国国家土壤环境质量标准体系的组成:通用土壤筛选值(Generic SSLs)生态土壤筛选值(Eco-SSLs)人体健康土壤筛选值 土壤放射性核素筛选值 2.美国区系(region)土壤环境质量标准体系 3.美国各州的土壤环境质量标准体系,美国土壤环境质量标准体系的特点,科学性系统性完整性互补性,通用土壤筛选值(Generic SSLs),generic SSLs for 11
3、0 chemicals.Generic SSLs The generic SSLs are not necessarily protective of all known human exposure pathways,reasonable land uses,or ecological threats.Generic SSLs are presented separately for major pathways of concern in both surface and subsurface soils.,通用土壤筛选值Generic SSLs(Inorganics),通用土壤筛选值Ge
4、neric SSLs(organics),生态土壤筛选值(Eco-SSLs)(mg/kg土壤干重),续上表,人体健康土壤筛选值 居住区土壤筛选值(mg/kg),商业区/工业区土壤筛选值(以室外作业人员为受体)(mg/kg),商业区/工业区土壤筛选值(以室内作业人员为受体)(mg/kg),美国土壤筛选值的制定方法,通用土壤筛选值(Generic SSLs)制定方法 生态土壤筛选值(Eco-SSLs)制定方法 人体健康土壤筛选值制定方法,确定土壤筛选值(SSLs)的一般步骤,Developing a conceptual site model(CSM)Comparing the CSM to th
5、e SSL scenario Defining data collection needs Sampling and analyzing soils at site Calculating site-specific SSLs Comparing site soil contaminant concentrations to calculated SSLs Determining which areas of the site require further study.,SSL Equations-Surface Soils,Equation 1:Screening Level Equati
6、on for Ingestion of Noncarcinogenic Contaminants in Residential SoilScreening Level(mg/kg)=THQBWAT365d 1/RfDo10-6 kg/mg EF EDIRParameter/Definition(units)DefaultTHQ/target hazard quotient(unitless)1BW/body weight(kg)15AT/averaging time(yr)6RfDo/oral reference dose(mg/kg-d)chemical-specificEF/exposur
7、e frequency(d/yr)350ED/exposure duration(yr)6IR/soil ingestion rate(mg/d)200,Equation 2:Screening Level Equation forIngestion of Carcinogenic Contaminants in Residential Soil,Screening Level(mg/kg)=TR AT365 dSFo10-6 kg/mg EFIF soil/adjParameter/Definition(units)Default TR/target cancer risk(unitless
8、)10-6 AT/averaging time(yr)70 SFo/oral slope factor(mg/kg-d)-1 chemical-specific EF/exposure frequency(d/yr)350 IFsoil/adj/age-adjusted soil ingestion factor(mg-yr/kg-d)114,确定生态土壤筛选值(Eco-SSLs)的步骤,The General Process for Establishing Eco-SSLsStep 1:Literature SearchStep 2:Determine Acceptability of S
9、tudy for Use in Deriving Eco-SSLStep 3:Extract,Evaluate and Score DataStep 4:Select Value,影响土壤污染物生物获取率的土壤参数,Key Soil Parameters Affecting Contaminant Bioavailability in SoilsSoil pH.Cation and Anion Exchange Capacities.Clay Minerals(Clays,by definition,are soil particles less than 2 microns in size)
10、Organic Matter(Organic Carbon)Content.,植物对部分金属的吸收率与土壤条件的关系(Al,Sb,Ba,Be,Cd,Co,Cu,Fe,Mn,Ni,Ag,Zn),植物对部分金属的吸收率与土壤条件的关系(As,Cr,Se,V),部分有机物的可获取率与土壤条件的关系(PCB,DDT,PAHs,TNT,狄氏剂)(Kow-辛醇-水分配系数),美国区系(region)土壤环境质量标准体系,Region 9 Preliminary Remediation Goals(PRGs)Region 4 Ecological Screening ValuesRegion 6 Human
11、 Health Medium-Specific Screening LevelsRegion 3 Risk-Based Concentration(RBC),美国各州的土壤环境质量标准体系,Oregon Screening Level Values for Ecological Risk AssessmentCalifornia Human Health Screening Levels for SoilMassachusetts Human Exposure Categories:S-1,S-2 AND S-3Florida Soil Cleanup Target Levels(CTLs),
12、Oregon生态风险评价筛选值,续上表,续上表,续上表,荷兰土壤环境质量标准体系,RIVM National institute of public health and Environment 荷兰公共卫生与环境国家研究院的简称VROM Ministry of housing,spatial planning and the Environment荷兰住房及规划和环境部,荷兰土壤环境质量标准体系中的重要概念,Target values 目标值 The target values indicate the level at which there is a sustainable soil q
13、uality.target values indicate the level that has to be achieved to fully recover the functional properties of the soil for humans and plant and animal life.Besides this the target values give an indication of the benchmark for environmental quality in the long term on the assumption of negligible ri
14、sks to the ecosystem.Soil remediation intervention values 土壤修复干预值 The soil remediation intervention values indicate when the functional properties of the soil for humans,plant and animal life,is seriously impaired or threatened.They are representative of the level of contamination above which there
15、is a serious case of soil contamination.Indicative levels for serious contamination 严重污染警示值 The RIVMs proposals for intervention values have not resulted in intervention values being set for a number of substances.The so-called indicative levels for serious contamination have been given for these su
16、bstances.Indicative levels have been set for substances in the second,third and fourth series.No indicative levels have been set for the first series of substances.,Maximum permissible concentration(MPC)最大允许浓度:The sum of the maximum permissible addition(MPA)and the background concentration(Cb)MPCMPA
17、CbNegligible concentration(NC)可忽略浓度:The sum of the background concentration Cb and the negligible addition(NA),or,The NC is derived from the MPC by dividing it by 100 NCNACbNegligible addition(NA)可忽略增加:NA is derived by dividing the MPA by 100 ecotoxicological serious risk concentration(SRCECO)严重生态风险
18、浓度 ecotoxicological serious risk addition(SRAECO)严重生态风险增加,RIVM提出的九个微量元素的各项标准,Target values and soil remediation intervention values and background concentrations for metals(VROM)Values for soil have been expressed as the concentration in a standard soil(10%organic matter and 25%clay).,续上表,加拿大土壤环境质量标
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