3、/加工中心/数控机床等先进的加工工艺与装备,可以开展RP/RT或模具逆向工程工作,硬件装备已经站在了与世界基本同步的水平线上。(3)在冲模的表面精整加工技术方面,开展了积极探索、积累了一些经验。 (4)以汽车覆盖件为代表的大型、复杂、精密冲压模具,采用CAD /CAM /CAE软件进行三维设计和模拟,减少试模时间和缩短周期。借助高速、精密的加工设备加工生产,获得良好的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度,用新型的研磨或抛光方法代替传统的手工研磨抛光,提高模具质量。这些都代表了冲压模具发展的趋势。二、国际模具制造业的技术特点如下:(1)产品专业化车身模具企业向专业化发展,如德国大众公司模具厂、奥迪公司模具厂、S
6、尺寸精度高、剪切面粗糙度低的零件,采用精冲技术生产的零件称为精冲、件。(3) 随着计算机图形技术的发展成熟,近年来在冲压成形领域兴起了计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助工程(CAE)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)技术。该技术的出现对传统冲压技术的变革产生了重要的影响。尤其是板料成形数值模拟技术的出现,使板料冲压成形技术彻底摆脱了“经验”和“定性”的水平,进入了“科学”和“定量”的发展阶段。采用这一技术进行板材冲压成形工艺过程的模拟,可以预知冲压成形过程中金属的流动、应力应变及厚度场的分布、模具受力及皱曲、破裂、冲击线等可能的缺陷及失效形式。这为优化工艺参数和模具结构提供了极为有效的工具,在减少甚
7、至取消试模过程,缩短产品开发周期,降低产品开发成本方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,已逐渐成为指导模具设计和优化的重要手段。(4)高速铣削加工,国内外近年来发展的高速铣削加工,大幅度提高了加工效率,并可获得极高的表面光洁度。另外,还可加工高硬度模块,还具有温升低、热变形小等优点。高速铣削加工技术的发展,对汽车、家电行业中大型型腔模具制造注入了新的活力。目前它已向更高的敏捷化、智能化、集成化方向发展。 (5)模具扫描及数字化系统,高速扫描机和模具扫描系统提供了从模型或实物扫描到加工出期望的模型所需的诸多功能,大大缩短了模具的在研制制造周期。有些快速扫描系统,可快速安装在已有的数控铣床及加工中心上,实现
9、和形状的零件,又能够制造精密(公差在微米级)和复杂形状的零件。占全世界钢产60%70%以上的板材、管材及其他型材,其中大部分经过冲压制成成品。冲压在汽车、机械、家用电器、电机、仪表、航空航天、兵器等制造中,具有十分重要的地位。冲压件的重量轻、厚度薄、刚度好。它的尺寸公差是由模具保证的,所以质量稳定,一般不需再经机械切削即可使用。冷冲压件的金属组织与力学性能优于原始坯料,表面光滑美观。冷冲压件的公差等级和表面状态优于热冲压件6。 冲压生产的工艺和设备正在不断发展,除传统的使用压力机和钢制模具制造冲压件外,液压成形以及旋压成形、超塑成形、爆炸成形、电水成形、电磁成形等各种特种冲压成形工艺亦迅速发展
10、,把冲压的技术水平提高到了一个新的高度。特种冲压成形工艺尤其适合多品种的中小批量(甚至是数十件)零件的生产。对于普通冲压工艺,可采用简易模具、低熔点合金模具、成组模具和冲压柔性制造系统等,组织多品种的中小批量零件的冲压加工。总之,冲压模具具有生产率高、加工成本低、材料利用率高、操作简单、便于实现机械化与自动化等一系列优点。采用冲压与焊接、胶接等复合工艺,使零件结构更趋合理,加工更为方便,可以用较简单的工艺制造出更复杂的结构件。附件2:外文原文known as DieWith the development of manufacturing industry, materials process
11、ing methods with the development of processing methods which cold stamping industry in the manufacture of a wide range of development, especially in the automotive manufacturing industry. With the cold stamping process applications, and many auto parts form and accuracy improved. Side damping film p
12、rocessing method has also made progress, and finally formed by cold stamping process. Recent years, cold stamping process has been widely development.cold pressing is built on the metal plastic deformation, based on the use of the installation at room temperature in the mold press to exert pressure
13、on the material to produce separation or plastic deformation, and thus obtain a certain shape, size and performance parts a processing methods. In the cold will materials (metal or non-metallic) processing into parts (or semi-finished products) is a special technique and equipment, known as the cold
14、 stamping die (commonly known as Die). Die in the achievement of cold stamping processing technique and equipment is essential, there is no mold advanced technology, advanced stamping process can not be achieved. With the rapid development of the national economy, stamping technology development and
15、 new types of mold material constant research and development, the markets growing demand for mold, mold also occurred in the structure of certain changes in mold manufacturing and assembly have been greatly affected. In recent years, the mold industry has been around 15 percent to the growth rate o
16、f rapid development. Mold is a technologically advanced machinery manufacturing industry, an important and far-reaching process equipment, with the production of high efficiency, high utilization of materials, parts quality, technological adaptability and good characteristics, are widely used in aut
17、omobiles, machinery, aerospace, aviation, light industry, electronics, electrical appliances, instrumentation and other industries. First, after decades of development, stamping die industry was the rapid development, embodied in: (1)-aided design / processing / engineering and technology are widely
18、 used. (2) large-scale enterprises have a high-speed mold CNC machining / Machining Center / CNC machine tools and other advanced processing technology and equipment, they can conduct RP / RT or Die reverse engineering work, hardware and equipment have been standing with the world level of the basic
19、 synchronous online . (3) in the die surface finishing processing technology, to carry out an active exploration and accumulated some experience. (4) automotive panel, represented by large, complex, precision stamping die, using CAD / CAM / CAE software for three-dimensional design and simulation to
20、 reduce the test time and shorten the cycle mode. With high-speed, precision processing equipment production, access to good dimensional accuracy and surface roughness, using a new type of grinding or polishing method to replace the traditional manual abrasive polishing, to improve the quality of mo
21、ld. These represent the development trend of stamping dies. Second, the international mold manufacturing technical characteristics are as follows: (1) product specialization body mold enterprises to professional development, such as Germany Volkswagen mold factory, mold factory Audi AG, SCHULLER com
22、panies, companies COMAU Italy, the United States AUTODIE, SECKLY, Japans Toyota Mold Factory, Ogihara, Fujitsu Corporation, Hyundai Motor Dies center. Some professional mold manufacturing overall Wai side, some specializing in the production of four molds, and some specialize in the production floor
23、 and the structure of mold. Die to the Multi-Position Progressive Die automation and direction. (2) to create digital three-dimensional physical design widely used in mold manufacturing, the two-dimensional to three-dimensional map DL after DL chart can be used directly in finite element analysis an
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