00104ASIA COMM HOLD 报.ppt
《00104ASIA COMM HOLD 报.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《00104ASIA COMM HOLD 报.ppt(129页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、,2,4,6,13,23,29,31,32,33,34,35,37,39,CONTENTS目錄,Corporate InformationProfile of Directors and Senior ManagementManagement Discussion and AnalysisDirectors ReportCorporate Governance ReportIndependent Auditor s ReportConsolidated Income StatementConsolidated Statement of Comprehensive IncomeConsolida
2、ted Statement of Financial PositionStatement of Financial PositionConsolidated Statement of Changes in EquityConsolidated Statement of Cash FlowsNotes to the Financial Statements,公司資料董事及高層管理人員簡介管理層討論及分析董事會報告企業管治報告獨立核數師報告綜合收益表綜合全面收益表綜合財務狀況表財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表財務報表附註,Five-Year Financial Summary,五年財務摘要,
3、127,1,CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料,2,DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsEav Yin(alias Duong Khai Nhon)(Chairman)Duong Ming Chi,HenryEav Ming Keong,KinsonAndr Francois MeierIndependent non-executive DirectorsLai Si MingWong Wing Yue,RosalineLee Tat Cheung,VincentAUDIT COMMITTEELai Si Ming(Committee Chairman)Wo
4、ng Wing Yue,RosalineLee Tat Cheung,VincentREMUNERATION COMMITTEELee Tat Cheung,Vincent(Committee Chairman)Eav Yin(alias Duong Khai Nhon)Lai Si MingWong Wing Yue,RosalineNOMINATION COMMITTEEEav Yin(alias Duong Khai Nhon)(Committee Chairman)Lai Si MingWong Wing Yue,RosalineLee Tat Cheung,VincentAUTHOR
5、ISED REPRESENTATIVESEav Ming Keong,KinsonCheng Ka ChungCOMPANY SECRETARYCheng Ka ChungAUDITORCCIF CPA LimitedCertified Public Accountants34th Floor,The Lee Gardens33 Hysan AvenueCauseway BayHong Kong,董事執行董事楊仁(別名楊啟仁)主席)楊明志楊明強Andr Francois Meier獨立非執行董事賴思明王穎妤李達祥審核委員會賴思明(委員會主席)王穎妤李達祥薪酬委員會李達祥(委員會主席)楊仁(別名
6、楊啟仁)賴思明王穎妤提名委員會楊仁(別名楊啟仁)委員會主席)賴思明王穎妤李達祥授權代表楊明強鄭嘉聰公司秘書鄭嘉聰核數師陳葉馮會計師事務所有限公司執業會計師香港銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園34樓,CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料,PRINCIPAL REGISTRARButterfield Fulcrum Group(Bermuda)LimitedRosebank Centre11 Bermudiana RoadPembrokeBermudaBRANCH REGISTRARTricor Secretaries Limited26th Floor,Tesbury Centre28 Qu
7、een s Road East,WanchaiHong KongREGISTERED OFFICECanon s Court22 Victoria StreetHamilton HM12BermudaPRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG19th Floor9 Des Voeux Road WestHong KongBANKERSStandard Chartered BankBank of CommunicationsHang Seng Bank LimitedBank of China(Hong Kong)LimitedCitibank,N.A.,H
8、ong Kong BranchCOMPANYS WEBSITESTOCK CODEStock Exchange of Hong Kong:104,股份過戶及登記處Butterfield Fulcrum Group(Bermuda)LimitedRosebank Centre11 Bermudiana RoadPembrokeBermuda股份過戶及登記分處卓佳秘書商務有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東28號金鐘匯中心26樓註冊辦事處Canon s Court22 Victoria StreetHamilton HM12Bermuda香港主要營業地點香港德輔道西9號19樓銀行渣打銀行交通銀行恒生銀行中國
9、銀行(香港)有限公司花旗銀行公司網址股份代號香港聯合交易所:104,3,PROFILE OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT董事及高層管理人員簡介,4,BOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsMr.Eav Yin(alias Duong Khai Nhon),aged 72,is the founder ofthe Company and a member of Chaozhou Committee of GuangdongProvince of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultativ
10、e Conference(廣東省潮州市政協委員)and was appointed as an Executive Directorand the Chairman of the Company on 22nd November 2006.He isalso the chairman of the nomination committee and a member of theremuneration committee of the Company.Mr.Eav Yin is a CambodianChinese and prior to his establishing of a Hong
11、 Kong company in 1968as an importing agent for watch distribution business in Cambodia,hadextensive experience of distributing watches in Cambodia and Vietnam.Mr.Eav Yin is the father of Mr.Eav Ming Keong,Kinson and Mr.DuongMing Chi,Henry and the spouse of Mdm.Lam Kim Phung,a controllingshareholder
12、of the Company.Mr.Eav Yin is a director and a controllingshareholder of Century Hero International Limited,which is a controllingshareholder of the Company.Mr.Eav Ming Keong,Kinson,aged 37,holds a Bachelor of Artsdegree in Interior Design and Technology and a Master of Arts degreein Art,Design and V
13、isual Culture from the London Guildhall University.After graduation,Mr.Eav Ming Keong,Kinson has practiced in anarchitecture firm in London for 2 years.Mr.Eav Ming Keong,Kinsonis a son of Mr.Eav Yin and a brother of Mr.Duong Ming Chi,Henry,both are Executive Directors of the Company.He was appointed
14、 as anExecutive Director of the Company on 22nd November 2006.Mr.Duong Ming Chi,Henry,aged 49,was educated at the Universityof Southern California.Mr.Duong has more than 30 years ofexperiences in the watch branding and retailing industries.He wasappointed as an Executive Director of the Company on 7
15、th July 2011.Before that,he was appointed as the Executive Director from thelisting of the Company in 1989 and subsequently resigned on 31stAugust 1996 to pursue his personal career.Mr.Duong is a son ofthe Chairman,Executive Director and controlling shareholder of theCompany,Mr.Eav Yin and is the el
16、der brother of Mr.Eav Ming Keong,Kinson,who is an Executive Director of the Company.Mr.Andr Francois Meier(“Mr.Meier”),aged 48,holds a degreein banking.Mr.Meier has more than 20 years experience in watchbusiness.He spend his last 12 years at Blancpain S.A.(10 years as vicepresident and international
17、 sales manager).Mr.Meier was appointedas the chief executive officer of Juvenia Montres S.A.,a subsidiary ofthe Company,on 1st September 2011 and an Executive Director of theCompany on 26th October 2011.,董事會執行董事楊仁先生(別名楊啟仁),現年七十二歲,為本集團創辦人、並為廣東省潮州市政協委員,於二零零六年十一月廿二日被委任為本公司主席及執行董事,同時亦為本公司提名委員會主席及薪酬委員會委員
18、。楊仁先生為柬埔寨華僑,於一九六八年成立一家香港公司作為柬埔寨鐘錶分銷業務之進口代理前,具有在柬埔寨及越南分銷鐘錶的豐富經驗。楊仁先生為楊明強先生及楊明志先生之父親,及本公司控股股東林金鳳之配偶。楊仁先生為世雄國際有限公司之董事及控股股東,該公司則為本公司之控股股東。楊 明 強 先 生,現 年 三 十 七 歲,持 有 英 國 倫 敦 市 政 大 學頒發之室內設計及技術文學士學位及藝術、設計及視覺文化碩士學位。於畢業後,楊明強先生於倫敦一間建築師樓工作兩年。楊明強先生為楊仁先生之兒子以及楊明志先生之胞弟,兩者均為本公司之執行董事。於二零零六年十一月廿二日,彼被委任為本公司執行董事。楊 明 志 先
19、 生,現 年 四 十 九 歲,曾 就 讀 於 美 國 南 加 州 大學。楊先生於鐘錶品牌及零售行業擁有逾三十年經驗。彼於二零一一年七月七日被委任為本公司執行董事。在此之前,彼於一九八九年為本公司上市時之執行董事,及隨後因追求其個人事業於一九九六年八月三十一日辭職。楊先生為本公司主席,執行董事及控股股東楊仁先生之子,以及本公司執行董事楊明強先生之胞兄。Andr Francois Meier先 生(Meier先 生),現 年四 十 八 歲,持 有 銀 行 業 學 士 學 位。Meier先 生 在 鐘 錶業 務 方 面 擁 有 逾 二 十 年 經 驗。過 去 十 二 年 彼 任 職 於Blancpa
20、in S.A.(十年為副總裁及國際銷售經理)。二零一一年九月一日,Meier先生被委任為本公司之附屬公司Juvenia Montres S.A.之行政總裁及於二零一一年十月二十六日被委任為本公司之執行董事。,PROFILE OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT董事及高層管理人員簡介,Independent non-executive DirectorsMr.Lai Si Ming,aged 54,is a fellow member of the Hong KongInstitute of Surveyors and an associate member of
21、 the Royal Institutionof Chartered Surveyors.He was appointed as an independent non-executive Director of the Company on 8th August 1998.He is alsothe chairman of the audit committee and a member of the nominationcommittee and remuneration committee of the Company.Mr.Lai waselected as the Vice Chair
22、man,General Practice Division of the HongKong Institute of Surveyors during the years from 2001 to 2003.Mr.Lai has been practicing as a professional surveyor since 1983 and hasconsiderable experience in the property field.Mr.Lai holds a MasterDegree of Business Administration from Chinese University
23、 of HongKong.Mr.Lai held directorship as independent non-executive directorof The Suns Group Limited during the years from 2002 to 2003.Ms.Wong Wing Yue,Rosaline,aged 42,graduated with LLB(Hons)at Kings College,London University,UK in 1992,and was admitted toboth the UK Bar(Middle Temple,UK)and the
24、Hong Kong Bar in 1993.Ms.Wong is a practicing barrister in Hong Kong.She was appointedas an independent non-executive Director of the Company on 16thDecember 2006.She is also a member of the nomination committee,the audit committee and the remuneration committee of the Company.Mr.Lee Tat Cheung,Vinc
25、ent,aged 42,has around 20 yearsexperience in accounting and auditing and is the sole proprietor of afirm of Certified Public Accountants practicing in Hong Kong.Mr.Leeis an associate member of The Institute of Chartered Accountantsin England and Wales,a fellow member of The Hong Kong Instituteof Cer
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- 00104ASIA COMM HOLD 00104 ASIA