1、Z S T UZhejiang Sci-Tech University学 士 学 位 论 文BACHELORS THESIS论文题目: 椭圆齿轮行星系大株距植苗机构的设计 作者姓名: 指导教师: 浙 江 理 工 大 学机械与自动控制学院毕业设计诚信声明我谨在此保证:本人所做的毕业设计,凡引用他人的研究成果均已在参考文献或注释中列出。设计说明书与图纸均由本人独立完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表或未发表的研究成果行为。如出现以上违反知识产权的情况,本人愿意承担相应的责任。摘要移植是蔬菜生产过程中的重要环节之一,移植具有对气候的补偿作用和使作物生育提早的综合效益,可以充分的利用光热资源,其经济效益和
2、社会效益都非常可观。当前,国内正在应用的移植机械大多为半自动移植机,半自动移栽机靠手工送苗,效率低,劳动强度大,而国内自动移栽机的研究才刚刚起步,自动移栽机从取苗到植苗都由机械自动完成,效率高。国外虽有一些自动移栽机应用于生产,但还处于不断研究与推广阶段。植苗机构是将秧苗植入大田的最终机构,是旱田移栽机的核心工作部件。因此,植苗机构的设计对自动移栽机的发展至关重要。 本文主要的研究内容如下:1.根据植苗的技术特点和农艺要求,设计非圆齿轮行星系大株距植苗机构,满足机械植苗特殊的工作轨迹要求。2. 论述了该植苗机构的工作原理以及结构特点。3. 以建立的运动学模型为基础,基于可视化开发平台VB6.0
3、,借用植苗机构辅助分析与优化软件,介绍了该软件的人机交互界面及功能,基于该软件,解决了该机构运动学分析难点。 4.进行植苗机构的总体设计,讨论了设计中应该注意的问题,最后在CAD2008下完成装配图和各零件的设计。5.建立植苗机构的三维实体模型,对其进行虚拟装配。关键词:大株距;椭圆齿轮;行星轮系植苗机构;工作机理;设计Design of Large Spacing Transplanting Mechanism with Oval Gear for Planetary GearsAbstractTransplanting is an important process of vegetabl
4、e procreating, which has the function of compensating varying climate and shifting the procreating of plants to an earlier time. It helps the plants to use the source of light and temperature sufficiently, which will make considerable economical and social benefits. At present, most transplanting ma
5、chines are semi-automatic transplanting machines ,they need pick up plug seedling by man ,which have high work intensity and low work efficiency ,and domestic research on automatic transplanting machine is just beginning . Automatic transplanting machine can pick up plug seedling and transplanting p
6、lug seedling by themselves which have low work intensity and high work efficiency. The overseas have automatic transplanting machine be applied in production but the application and research on automatic transplanting machine is developing Thus the pick up plug seedling machine is the key issues whi
7、ch restricted the development of automatic transplanting machine and at same time ,which is also restricted the development of the plants of vegetable . So its a pressing requirement to design a new kind of pick up plug seedling machine. Transplanting mechanism is the ultimate mechanism to transplan
8、t seedlings into the field and the nuclear working component of dry farmland transplanter. Therefore, design of transplanting mechanism is important for the development of automatic transplanting machine.The major research contents of this paper are as follows:1. According to the technological chara
9、cteristics and agricultural requirements, design of large spacing transplanting mechanism with Non-circular gear for planetary gears, which can satisfy the special working trajectory requirements of fetching and pick up plug seedlings automatically.2. The working principle and structural features of
10、 this automatic vegetable plug seedling pick-up mechanism has been discussed.3. Based on the established kinematic mathematical model and Visual Basic 6.0, develop the kinematic aided analytical of the transplanting mechanism. Introduce the human-computer interactive interface and functions of this
11、software. By this software, the difficulty of optimization with multiple kinematic objects of this mechanism can be solved.4. Design the ensemble of the vegetable plug seedling pick-up mechanism; discuss the problems which should be noticed in the process of designing. Finally finish the design of p
12、arts and the assembly drawing basing on CAD2008. 5. Establish the solid model of all parts of this vegetable plug seedling pick-up mechanism in Proe5.0 and then carry out the virtual assemble.Keywords: Large spacing; Oval gear;Planetary gears transplanting mechanism; Work principle; Design目 录摘 要Abst
13、ract第1章 绪论1.1 论文的研究背景及意义.1 1.2 我国移栽机发展概况.1 1.2.1我国蔬菜钵苗移栽机存在的问题.2 1.2.2我国蔬菜钵苗移栽机存在问题解决途径分析.2 1.2.3蔬菜钵苗移栽机发展方向.3 1.3 国内外植苗机构研究现状及分析.4 1.3.1 旋转式机构.4 1.3.2 滑道式机构.7 1.4 本文的研究目标.8 1.5 本文的主要工作及内容安排.8 1.6 本章小结.9第2章 椭圆齿轮行星系大株距植苗机构的总体设计及分析 2.1 椭圆齿轮行星系大株距植苗机构工作原理.10 2.2 椭圆齿轮行星系大株距植苗机构的运动学分析.11 2.2.1 椭圆齿轮的啮合特性及
14、优点的分析.11 2.2.2 椭圆齿轮的角位移、角速度和传动比的分析.12 2.2.3运动学分析符合的说明.14 2.2.4 植苗机构栽植嘴位移分析.15 2.2.5 栽植嘴上各点位移方程和各构件角位移方程.17 2.2.6 机构上各点的速度方程和各构件角速度方程.19 2.2.7 栽植嘴上各点的速度方程和各构件角加速度方程.20 2.3 本章小结.21第3章 基于VB6.0的行星系大株距植苗机构运动学分析 3.1 运动学仿真与优化软件开发语言选择.22 3.2 人机交互简介.22 3.3 运动学仿真与优化软件的功能.23 3.3.1椭圆齿轮参数计算.24 3.3.2植苗机构参数确定.24 3
15、.3.3 速度分析.25 3.4 本章小结.26第4章 重要零件的设计 4.1 椭圆齿轮的设计 .27 4.1.1 椭圆齿轮的选择.27 4.1.2 椭圆齿轮的参数设计.27 4.2 箱体的设计.29 4.3 其他零件的二维图及三维图.30 4.4 重要零件的连接情况.32 4.4.1 凸轮与摆动齿轮(左)的连接情况.32 4.4.2 摆动齿轮(左)和摆动齿轮(右)的连接.34 4.4.3 椭圆齿轮的啮合情况.34 4.5 本章小结.35第5章 总结与展望 5.1 总结 .365.2 展望.37致 谢.38参考文献.39附录一.41第1章 绪论1.1 论文的研究背景及意义据FAO统计,2006
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- 关 键 词:
- 椭圆 齿轮 行星 株距 植苗 机构 设计 全套 CAD 图纸
