寻找最美孝心少观后感 汇编5.doc
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1、寻找最美孝心少年观后感今天下午放学的时候,老师给大家布置了一道新奇的作业回家看一看最美孝心少年的事迹,并把它写下来。在回家的路上,我在脑子里反复琢磨着该怎样写,材料更加丰富呢?丝毫没有想到这件事所要表达的是“孝心”二字古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。his afternoon after school, the teacher arranged a
2、 new job - go home to see the most beautiful filial deeds of the juvenile to everyone, and write it down. On the way home, my in the mind of mulling over how to write, the material is more rich? Did not think of this matter is to convey the filial piety two words. * * *, male, 17 years old, who live
3、s in the village of * * * * * * * * County town group, the high student * * a. A grandmother, father, mother, sister. The 74 year old grandmother, congenital deaf mute, hypertension, and ten years ago, his legs broken, not the normal action and communication. Sister hours because of careless facial
4、burn residue from years of toil, parents are suffering from severe stomach problems and severe anemia. For a living, the father and sister years working outside, mother in farming, housework, but also often go to someones house. As the saying goes, the poor children early masters, he knew: the elder
5、 sickly, family difficulties, he is very sensible. The primary school, came home from school every day will help do the housework do everything in ones power, such as sweep the floor, clean the table and stool, washing the dishes, grass playing pig, pigs. The junior high school, home less chance, he
6、 can only during the holidays at home to help the family to share the housework. He arrived home usually bus go two hours, my mother is still working in the field the inspirational network, or to others. He put down the bag, hear the pig in the scream, then put the basket into the grass playing pig
7、lane, then cook dinner for pigs fed on swill after. Although food doesnt taste very delicious, but I think that labor day Mom coming back to eat hot food, was very pleased. At home, he chopping, cooking, grass playing pig busy, try our best to help the mother share the housework. Excellent in charac
8、ter and learning in school work hard. He knew that his family was difficult, reading is not easy. Then he brought a thankful heart, study hard, to make progress. Senior high school entrance examination when he scored third in the county into one in baokang. Into one, he will Hua Luogeng Qinnengbuzhu
9、o is good training, a hard one to as their motto, although he was not too many advantages, but he used more efforts than others, amend stupidity by diligence. After entering high school, cant adapt to high school learning, performance once rise, but with strong will, study and train hard, continue t
10、o explore suitable learning method. After several months of efforts, results back to the top grade. As grandma disability, AC, action is not convenient, he is very fond of her, the first thing each school to go home is to visit grandma. At night to help grandma brush, wash, eat when the first bowl,
11、serve food for grandma. At the beginning of high school school often from their limited life fee to save a little, I went home for the holidays to buy some fruit to grandma to eat. Remember to junior high school, with a weekend home, Grandma see grandson back from the house out, when she went to the
12、 door suddenly collapsed, unconscious, that he may be frightened. At that time my mother in someones home helpers, unable to contact. He had to call for help to the village doctors, village doctors are capable of far out, unable to come to the rescue. In alternative circumstances, the inspirational
13、network he was very quick witted, the grandmother tied in their tender back, struggling to pull backs, stumble along with more than three hours, the grandmother sent to another distant village clinic treatment, timely treatment because of his grandma, in time of danger to save grandmas life. In scho
14、ol, he is a good student respect teachers, unite classmates, excellent in character and learning; at home, he is diligent and thoughtful, respectful good children. 2013 March was named outstanding student * *. The ideal of life is the ultimate concern. With our parents through old, watching them on
15、the shoulder is not solid, hair greying, even from time to time the pain, but, their hearts after years of washing chain, natural emits a bright light, can things and human landscape. The old man is the treasure of human being, the more traditional civilization and more attention to the old man. Peo
16、ple often say that there is an old house, if there is a treasure, it is the rich deep wisdom. A dare not face aging, illness and death, is obviously not enough mature. In accompany their parents these difficulties especially, we will naturally make a overall and profound寻找最美孝心少年观后感今天下午放学的时候,老师给大家布置了
18、,如扫地、擦桌凳、洗碗、打猪草、喂猪等。上了初中高中后,回家的机会少了,他只能在节假日在家里帮家人分担家务。他通常下班车后再走两个小时的山路才到家,妈妈还在地里干活中华励志网,或在给别人家帮工。他放下书包,听到猪在嗷嗷叫,便提着篮子到地里打猪草,给猪喂上猪食后再做晚饭。尽管做的饭菜的味道不十分可口,但一想到能让劳作一天的妈妈放工回来便能吃上热饭菜,心里非常欣慰。在家期间,他劈柴,做饭,打猪草忙个不停,尽力帮助母亲分担家务。在学校勤奋刻苦 品学兼优。他深知家境困难,读书不易。于是他带着一颗感恩的心,努力学习,奋发向上。中考时他以全县第三名的成绩进入保康一中。进入一中后,他将华罗庚“勤能补拙是良训
21、。国人常说“家有一老,如有一宝”,实在是深富智慧之语。一个不敢正视衰老、病痛与死亡的人,显然是不够成熟的。尤其在陪伴至亲的父母面临这些困境时,我们自然会对生命作一整体而深刻的反省,由此确立自己更真实的人生信念.寻找最美孝心少年观后感古人云:“百善孝为先”,孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,父母把我们带到这个世界来。观“孝”这个字,老在上,字在下,古人造的何止是字,而是给人类定下了一个规矩,这就是孝的内涵,连孝的英文也是filial piety 也是孝顺 虔诚的意思,这更体现了不仅仅是国人,就是全世界都懂孝的内涵。中央一套有一个电视节目“最美孝心少年”,有一个故事,主人公叫黄凤,本来是幸福美满的家庭
22、,结果爸爸打工时从楼上摔下来,脊柱摔断了,从此下身瘫痪,黄凤带着家里仅有的27元钱,推着板材去500公里以外的上海,结果不能医治,从此这个年仅6岁天真可爱活泼的小女孩稚气ide肩上扛上了巨大的担子,但她并未放弃,而是坚持了10年,从此年复一年的重复着一样的动作,每晚起来翻身,中午早早给爸爸煮饭还有许许多多感动人心的故事等待我们去发现想想看,们我们身边是不是有很多可以做的呢?“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”父母的养育之恩我们永远报答不仅,但,如何孝敬?买房子,汽车?不,孝敬父母要从现在做起,从点点滴滴做起。Ancient cloud: filial piety, your parents is the
23、 traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, the parents took us to the world. Concept of filial piety this word, old, word in the next, the ancients made is more than words, but to the human set a rule, this is the connotation of filial piety, filial piety is even English filial piety is filial piety
24、 means, which reflects not only the people, connotation is the whole world know filial piety.A central have a TV show the most beautiful filial piety youth, there is a story, Huang Feng is the hero, was a happy family, father working fell, the spine is broken, then a paraplegic, Huang Feng took home
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