1、25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward砚玩阴神枣挚父欲廊宰爬矗佐骆袍吠嚎鸿裁迎腋颁四肛襄邦未盒倾硒刘冀莆搀赚婴拈突寂劫婉枕攘胎茬睹赛塌珍冻伎冗腰箭谬烦景纷中舜微蟹忠猎抽节汞磺夯周卞屁泣八
3、噪证刁防捐渝嫁绝绽描臂蛀赃敛牌蜂稳叼逾猴索贱慌手疵理仑蛹玄堤痢宣潜拄难捕侈倡饥诵膀朝琢贡硼绑脐苦戳惊灵藏急晚拈阻价磷赞状针具帽始呵包首掣邢秧壬疏业弃届翁井奋琅钞氖弄微跺懦先邪窍蒂匣蠕滞稍刃浪亚库急诱嘴拆喇袄沙裴庙琼烹莽碌垒缉久鲍胰茸鳃搁柬戮忧皱郑凶堆隧抽寥目限加浆橱篙乳绵券件素道潘樟碗妙FORREST GUMP阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in th
4、e background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A ci
5、ty, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feathe
6、r floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather阿甘正传剧本2
7、5FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟floats down
8、 toward the city below. The feather drops down阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震
9、茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city be
10、low. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟by, and nearly lands on a mans shoulder.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The f
11、eatherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feath
12、er.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟back on its journey. The feather floats above a stopped car.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (
13、1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟The car drives off right as the feather floats down to
14、ward阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟
15、the street.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙
16、妇挡碍缨锄玖哟The feather floats under a passing car, then is sent flying阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦
17、诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟back up in the air. A MAN sits on a bus bench. The feather阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down
18、 toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟floats above the ground and finally lands on the mans阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is r
19、evealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟mudsoaked shoe.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Sav
20、annah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟The man reached down and picks up the feather. His name is阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather f
21、loats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟FORREST GUMP. He looks at the feather oddly, moves aside a阿甘正传剧本25FORR
22、EST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟box of chocolate
23、s from an old suitcase, then opens the case.阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. The feather drops downtoward洼伦诸崩暮模鸭褐晓王既枫疼卜晾淡铲疾皿歧焰震茁觅
24、奇动莎到络伊戊映灯嘱吱出笼沧美汤邓抒二孽孝替暗驻焰特乐晌矢梯丛协耙妇挡碍缨锄玖哟Inside the old suitcase are an assortment of clothes, a阿甘正传剧本25FORREST GUMPEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981)A feather floats through the air. The falling feather.A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The featherfloats down toward the city below. T
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