1、你知不知道中国的天才You know there are more people with genius IQ living in China 比美国人口还要多than theyre people of any kind living in United States. - 这不可能- 真的- That cant be possible be true. - That is.为什么呢?What would account for that? 首先 中国的人口多First, awful lot people living in China. 但我的问题是But, heres my questio
2、n. 在那些SAT考满分的人中 你如何让自己与别不同呢?How do you distinguish yourself than populationof people who all got 1600 under SATs? - 中国不考SAT吧- 没错- I didnt know they take SATs in China. - They dont.但我说的不是中国 是我自己 I wasnt talkin about Chinaanymore. I was talkin about me. - 你考了满分?- 对- You got 1600? - Yes.我本可以去合唱团的 但我不会唱
3、歌 I can sing in a Capella group, but I cant sing. 也就是你SAT一道题都没错 Does that mean youactually got nothing wrong? 我可以划赛艇也可以发明25美元的电脑I could row crew or invent a 25 dollar PC. 或者加入终极俱乐部?Or you get into the "Final Club"? 对 也可以加入终极俱乐部 Or I get into the "Final Club". 从女人的角度来看 男人不加入是件好事Yo
4、u know, from women perspective sometimes,not seeing a man in is a good thing. - 我没开玩笑- 不过我还挺喜欢男生划赛艇的 - This is serious.- On the other hand, I do like a row crew. 呃 那玩意我弄不来 Well, I cant do that. - 我开玩笑的- 我SAT一道题都没错 - I was kidding.- Yes, I got nothing wrong in test. 那你有试过吗?Have you ever tried? - 我正尝试
5、着呢 - 尝试加入赛艇队? - Im trying right now. - To row crew?是终极俱乐部 怎么会是赛艇队 才不 你是不是误会了Gettin into "Final Club". To row crew? No! Are you like. whatever, delusional? 可能吧 有时候你两件事一块说 Maybe, sometimes you said 2 things at once, 我就抓不住你的重点了. Im not sure which one I suppose to be aiming at. 不过你见过划赛艇的人,对吧Bu
6、t you seen guys who row crew, right?- 没啊- 好吧 他们比我壮- No.- Ok, well, they bigger than me. 都是世界级的运动员They world class athlete. 你刚刚还说喜欢划赛艇的 Like a second ago you said you like guys who row crew. 所以我想你该见过So I assumed youve met one. 我就是那意思就像女孩都喜欢牛仔一样I guess, I just meant like the idea ofit, you know the wa
7、y a girl likes cowboys. 好吧Ok.我们是不是应该点些吃的Should we get something to eat? 你想不想谈点别的 Would you like to talk about something else?不 只是从讨论终极俱乐部开始No, it just that since the beginning of the conversation about the "Finals Club" 我就觉得时间过得很快I think I may have miss a birthday. 中国天才真的比美国的总人口. There are
8、 really more people inChina with genius IQs than entire. 凤凰俱乐部最多元化,还有福莱俱乐部 罗斯福加的是坡客"Phoenix" is the most diverse. The"Fry Club", Roosevelt punched the porc. 哪个罗斯福? Which one?坡斯廉俱乐部,也叫坡客,是最顶尖的 "The Porcellian, the Porc, its the best of the best" 我是问哪个罗斯福? Which Roosevelt
9、? 西奥多.罗斯福 Theodore是不是他们真用大巴去接. Is it true they send a bus around to pick up the girls?想和下任凤凰俱乐部主席开派对的姑娘啊 Who wanna party with next phoenix chairman.你懂为什么我想去那了吧 So you can see why its so important to get in. 好吧 哪个是最容易加的Well, which is the easiest to get into? 你为什么问我这个Why would you ask me that? 就随便问问I
10、was just asking.没有容易的 这才是关键None of them. Thats the point. 我朋友爱德华多 去年夏天 靠投机石油期货赚了三十万My friend, Eduardo made $300.000 betting oil futures one summer. 可他想进去还差得远呢And Eduardo wont comes close to get in.这里的人根本不看重挣钱的能力The ability to make money doesnt impress anybody around here. 他一定很厉害,一夏天挣了三十万啊Must be nic
11、e. He made $300.000 in a summer.- 他喜欢气象学- 你刚才不是还说石油期货吗- He likes meteorology. - You said it was oil futures. 你要是能预知天气 你就能预测燃油的价格You can read the weather, you can predict the price of heating oil. 你刚才那么问我 是不是觉得 只有最容易进的终极俱乐部I think you ask me that because you think the"Final Club" thats easi
12、est to get into is the one, 我才有希忚啊where Ill have the best chance. 你问我哪个是最容易进的 You ask me which one is the easiest to get into因为你觉得我进那个的可能性最大 Because you think that the one, where I have the best chance. 你容易进The one that the easiest is to get into, 别人也容易进啊Would be the one whereanybody has the best ch
13、ance. 你问的不是哪个是最好的 You didnt ask me which one was the best one. 你问我哪个是最容易进的 You ask me which one was the easiest one. 我就那么一问 好吧I was honestly just asking, ok. 就那么一问.I was just asking to ask. - 马克 我没别的意思 - 艾瑞卡- Mark, Im not speaking in code. - Erika,你已经沉迷在终极俱乐部了You obsesses with "Finals Clubs&quo
14、t; 你得了终极俱乐部强迫症 你得找个医生看看You have "Finals Clubs"- OCD You need to see someone about it.让他给你开点药wholl prescribe yousome sort of medication反正你也不在乎副作用会不会让你失明 You dont care if the side effect may include blindness. 是终极俱乐部 不是决赛俱乐部 "Final Clubs" not "Finals Clubs" 而且沉湎其中和积极进取是不一
15、样的 And theres a difference betweenbeing obsessed than being motivated. 没错 是不一样 Yes, there is.你就是这样 你刚刚就是话里有话 Well, you do that, its wascryptic, so you do speaking code. 我没想说别的I didnt mean to be cryptic. 我所要说的就是我需要做点大事 好让他们注意到我Im just saying I need to do something substantialin order to get the atten
16、tion of the club. 为什么 Why?因为那地方独一无二 乐趣横生Because theyre exclusive and fun. 而且能让我过的更好And they lead to the better life. 泰迪罗斯福选上美国总统 Teddy Roosevelt didnt get elected for the president- 也不是因为他是凤凰俱乐部的啊 - 就是这个原因,还有,他是坡斯廉的- because he was member from "Phoenix" Club?- He was a member of The Porcel
17、lian, and yes he did.你怎么不集中精力做你最好的自己呢 Why dont you just concentrate on being the best you, you can be. 你真这么觉得Did you really just said that? 开玩笑的I was kidding.- 我就是陈述事实 一点也不过分 - 我就和你直说吧 - I wanna try to be straight forward 我觉得你应该支持我 You might wanna be a little more supportive. 如果我进了俱乐部我就能带你去参加各种聚会活动
18、If I get in I will betaking you to the events还可以介绍很多你平时见不到的人物认识 and the gatherings and will be meeting a lot of people you wont normally get to meet.你真打算这样吗You would do that for me? 你是我女朋友啊 Were dating. 好吧 Ok,那我也和你直说吧 咱俩完了well I wanna try and be straight forward even let you know that were not anymo
19、re. 你什么意思What you mean?我们不再是男女朋友了 对不起Were not dating anymore. Im sorry. - 开玩笑的吧 - 我认真的- This is a joke? - No, its not. 你要跟我分手Youre breaking up with me?你要介绍我认识一些我平时见不到的人物 You gonna introduce me the people I wouldnt normally have the chance to meet. 这他妈. What the f.- 这到底什么意思啊? - 淡定点- What is that supp
20、osed to mean? - Wait, settle down. 我什么意思?What is it supposed to mean? 艾瑞卡,我们之所以坐在这喝一杯 Erica, the reason were able to sit and drink right now,是因为你过去和看门那家伙上过床 because you used to sleep with the door guy. 他叫鲍比"The door guy" his name is Bobby. 我没跟他上过床I have not slept with "the door guy&qu
21、ot;. 他是我的一个朋友"The door guy" is a friend of mine. 而且他是个好人And hes the perfectly good class of people. 你就出身名门吗?And what part of LongIsland you from? Wimbledon? - 别别,你真生气了 - 我回去了- Wait,Wait, wait is this real? - Im going back to my dormy. - 是的- 那好吧 我道歉还不行 - Yes.- Ok, than wait, I apologize, ok
22、. - 我要去看书了 - 艾瑞卡.- I have to go study. - Erika. - 怎么- 我真心的道歉 - Yes?- Im sorry, I meant it.我很满意 但我真得回去学习了 I appreciate that but I have to go study. 别这样 你回去也不学习Come on. You dont have to study. 何必回去呢 我们谈谈吧You dont have to study. Let just talk. - 不行 - 为什么 - I cant - Why?因为我累了 跟你约会 就像和跑步机约会一样Because it i
23、s exhausting. Dating you is like dating a stairmaster. 我就是说 你现在用不着.All I meant is that you not likely to. 我不是说你爸妈Currently, I wasnt makinga comment on youre parents. 我就是说你去的是波士顿大学 I was saying that you go to B.U. Boston University 我就是陈述事实 就这样I was studying a fact. Thats all. 如果你认为我太粗鲁 我还是会道歉的If its
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