电影Kate and Leopold《隔世情缘》剧本中英文对照完整版.doc
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1、电影Kate and Leopold隔世情缘剧本中英文对照完整版时间 Time. 时间被称为第四次元 Time, it has been proposed, is the fourth dimension. 但是对一般人而言 And yet, for mortal man, Time has no dimension at all. 时间是抽象的 我们就像盲人骑瞎马 Were like horses with blinders, 看不见眼前的真相 seeing only what lies before us. 只能凭空猜测未来 Forever guessing the future. 编织过
2、去的历史 and fabricating the past. (fabricate)太精采了 Brilliant. 是的,公爵大人 Quite right, Your Grace. 我们能否挣脱时间的枷锁 How, you ask, can we lift these shackles. And live not in the moment 不只是活在当下 but in the glorious expanse of times continuum? 而是遨游在 浩瀚无垠的时空? 让我告诉大家 Listen and I shall tell you. 秘决就在于 如何创造不朽的成就 The s
3、ecret lies in the enduring power of our achievements. our creations! 以及心血结晶 就像金字塔是埃及人的骄傲 As the pyramids testify to the Egyptians,. so my glorious erection shall represent. 我的擎天之柱也将代表 我们辉煌的文化成就 our culture in perpetuity. 各位眼前的建筑 Behold rising before you,. 将是美洲大陆 最伟大的擎天之柱 the greatest erection on the
4、 continent. 史上最雄伟的一柱擎天 The greatest erection of the age! 全人类最了不起的壮举 The greatest erection on the planet! 拿着 Hold this. 请拍一张相片 For the Herald, Your Grace. 听说你今晚有重大宣布 I understand youre making an importan t announcement tonight. 女士们午安,请恕我失陪 Good afternoon, ladies. Excuse me, please. 香槟必须冰镇,了解吗? And th
5、e Perrier Jouet should be chilled You understand? 李奥 Leopold! 李奥,你上哪儿了? Leopold! Where have you been? Leopold! 欧帝斯,请你解释一下 Otis, I demand explication! 都五点半了,他却还没更衣 Its half past five! Hes not even dressed! 他一定会准备好的,老爷 Hell be ready, my Lord. I assure you. 那还不够,我要他容光焕发 I dont wait him ready. I want hi
6、m resplendent! Ah, Miss Blaine. 贝小姐 妳的舞姿像一头水牛 You dance like a. herd of cattle. 妳真是个罕见的女人 You are a rare woman. 妳一离开后就全室蓬壁生辉 who lights up a room simply by leaving it. 妳有钱吗? Might you be rich, Miss Blaine? You see, while I am the third Duke, the little secret. 虽然我是一位公爵 但是皇卿贵族不仅一无是处 of those of us in
7、 the royal court, apart from our general uselessness,. 同时也负债累累 is our massive indebtedness. 你最大的问题就是 Its always been your misfortune, Leopold. 你太自命清高了 that you so thoroughly amuse yourself with the sound of your own voice. 我的生活已经这么沉闷了 In a life as stagnant as mine,. that I can amuse myself at all is
8、 an evolutionary marvel. 如果不能自命清高 岂不太可怜 请你别乱动 Please dont touch that. 这玩意只能把神父载到钟塔 The device you were jabbering about. To take priests to the bell tower. 它能把任何人 载到任何一层楼 To take anyone, Uncle, to the floor they so desire. Buildings continue to climb. 大楼越盖越高 soon theyll outstrip the stamina of our le
9、gs. 很快就会 超过双脚所能负荷了 You speak of progress and invention. 你老是高谈科学和发明 但是你必须面对现实 Yet what I offer you downstairs is reality. 乖乖娶个老婆吧 Take a wife. Marry. 婚姻 婚姻是真爱的承诺 Marriage. Marriage is the promise of eternal love. I cannot promise eternally what I have never felt momentarily. 没有爱怎么能论及婚姻 你老是以贵族出身为耻 Bor
10、n into privilege, yet perversely ashamed of it. That is your tragedy. 这就是你的悲哀 My God! 你父亲看到你这样 一定很伤心 If my brother could only see you, hed be heartbroken. You are no Duke! 你已经不是公爵了 当然不是 Of course Im not. 皇室已死 我们只能苟延残喘 The monarchy is dead. We are relics. That is reality. The new Royals are men of ac
11、complishment. 事业有成的人才是新贵 Men like Roebling, with his bridge, Edison with his lamp,. 像是桥梁工程师罗布林 灯泡发明人爱迪生 迪索、贝尔、西屋 Diesel, Bell, Westinghouse Those men made themselves from nothing! 他们都是白手起家 你出生于贵族之家 You, on the other hand, were born with everything. 却一事无成 and from it, fashioned nothing. 过了今晚我就不管你了 As
12、 of tonight, I wash my hands of you.好好物色一张饭票吧 Take a good look at your dance card, Leopold.有钱的老婆 就是你最好的保障 A wealthy bride is your only surety. 公爵大人 Your Grace,. May I present Miss Tree, of the Trees of schenectady. 这位是来自 史坎迪的崔家千金 崔小姐 Miss Tree? 很荣幸认识您,陛下 Its an honor to make your royal acquaintance,
13、 Your Highness. 来吧 shall we? 全都是不切实际的梦想 Many dreams, all useless. 你是谁? Who are you? No. No. 别走 No, I dont want to harm you. 我不会伤害你 站住 stop! Please! 失礼了 Pardon me. 快走 Go. Go. 请你站住 stop! Please! 我的天 Oh my God. 不! No! 放手,没关系 Let go! Its okay! You dont understand! Let go! 你不明白,快放手 我不想伤害你,放手呀 I dont want
14、 to hurt you! Let go! 可恶 搞什么? What the? 该死 shit! Oh my God.! 好变态哦 你要记住,巴特 We must remember, Bart, that sometimes. 有时候做点反常的事也无妨 Its okay to color outside the lines. Hello? 我的PDA还在你那儿 My Palm Pilot, you still have it. Kate, its one in the morning. 凯特,现在是半夜一点 你也还没睡,搞什么东东? And clearly youre awake, so wh
15、at is the infraction? 我不知道在哪儿 我也没空找 I dont know where your Palm Pilot is,. and I cant do this right now. 我正在等电话 Im expecting a call. “皇室成员” “李奥,艾班尼公爵” Oh, Bart. sorry, baby. 巴特,对不起 she is not a happy person. 她非常不快乐 可恶 God dammit! 史都,你知道吗? You know what? 拜托,我有客人 Kate, please. Ive got somebody here. 我
16、知道,我看到她了 I know. I saw her. 妳才没有 No, you didnt. Yes, I did. 我有 那是个男的,可以了吗? Its a him, if thats any consolation. 我没有乱搞,快去睡吧 so now that you know Im not getting laid, go to bed. Do not hang up on me, stuart. 别挂我电话,史都 Dont do that. 凯特,拜托妳 Kate.please. I beg of you, something big is happening. 行行好吧,发生一件
17、大事 这件事关系我的一辈子 something that validates my entire life 到底是什么大事呀? validates your entire life. What could that possibly be? 妳坐着吗? Are you sitting down? Yes. 是的 No, youre not. Yes, I am. 才怪 真的啦 别唬我 Youre not. 好吧 Okay. 我找到了 I found it. 你找到什么? What did you find? 一个入口 The portal. 时空的裂缝 A crack in the fabri
18、c of time. 我就说是在东河上方 Over the East River. Just where I said it would be. 入口? A portal. A portal into April 28th, 1876. 1876年 4月28日的入口 我从布鲁克林大桥跳下去 I jumped. off the Brooklyn Bridge. and took a walk in 1876 today. 然后在 1876年的街头闲逛 I followed the Duke of Albany around old New York. 我跟着艾班尼公爵逛旧纽约 妳有在听吗? Ar
19、e you listening? Avidly. 有啊 最劲爆的一件事是 This is the twist, Kate. Heres the kicker. Whats the kicker? 什么事? He followed me home. 他跟我回家了 这个碍着你公爵 Duke of Buffalo. The Duke of Albany. 是英国皇室的艾班尼公爵啦 The Albany in England, not New York. .followed you home. 他跟你回家 I told you about him. Hes a brilliant engineer.
20、他是个杰出的工程师 He patented the counter-weight pulley. 他发明了升降机和电梯 He invented the elevator. 史都 我已经不是你女朋友了 You know what, stuart? Im not your girlfriend anymore. 我们分手一个月了 说实话吧 I havent been for a whole month. You can tell me the truth. 我说的是实话 I am telling you the truth. 你大可以说你钓上一名人妖 You can tell me you pic
21、ked up a transvestite in Times square. 我不在乎 I dont care. 这就是我们分手的原因 This is it, Kate, in a nutshell. Our downfall. 妳从来都不相信我 You never once believed in me. I did, stuart. 这四年来我一直相信你 For four years. And I got burnt. 只是我学乖了 Okay. You wanna know who he is? 好吧,让我告诉妳吧 他是英国来的电脑骇客 Ill tell you. Hes a hacker
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- 隔世情缘 电影Kate and Leopold隔世情缘剧本中英文对照完整版 电影 Kate Leopold 隔世 情缘 剧本 中英文 对照 完整版
