1、防海盗行动方案Anti-pirates measures1. 正常航行情况下的防范措施Anti-pirate action to be taken under normal sailing 1.1. 航线设计:进入海盗活动高风险海域后,应在国际海事组织281号通函推荐的安全走廊中航行,以便在特殊情况下取得多国部队军舰的帮助和支持passage plan: after entry into High Risk Areas, the vessel should sail within the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC),p
2、rovided by IMO SN.1/Circ.281, in order to obtain the assist and escort from multi-nation navies, especially under the urgent situation.1.2. 统一分工:防海盗值班人员编班时,不分甲板部、轮机部,全船统一编组,根据船员的体力、年龄、胆量、能力素质进行编班(组),明确各小组负责人和各人员分工职责,确保海盗如果从各方同时攻击或转移方向袭击时,各方都具有打击能力Crew work arrangement:When master assigns each crews
3、anti-pirate task, whether deck crew or engine crew, all crew shall be taken as one whole team, master should make up each crew group according to their physical strength, age, bravery and ability, etc. Each group shall have one group leader, and each member of the group knows his own job clearly, wh
4、ich enables each group to defend or attack the up-coming pirates from all directions to the ship.1.3. 预先准备:进入海盗活动高发海域前,对船上全体船员进行防海盗保安培训和针对性防海盗方案进行演练,告知全体船员各种防海盗方案,提高全体船员的保安意识、保安技能、应变能力和有一个正确的认识以及夺取防抗海盗袭击斗争胜利的信心。准备工作至少包括下列内容Preparation work: before the vessel enters into High Risk Areas, arrange the
5、whole crewmembers to carry out the drill of anti-pirate and security training, inform the crew of all kinds of anti-pirate methods, strengthen their safety awareness, fighting skills, ability of handing emergency and have one correct understand of the pirate attacking risk and the confidence of beat
6、ing the pirate. The preparation jobs are described as below but not limited: 1.3.1. 收集、收听有关海盗的信息,做好记录,船长、保安员进行评估Collect all the latest information of the pirates and make the record for future check-up, master and the ship security officer shall identify and evaluate the truth of the information.1.3
7、.2. 防海盗班配备有对讲机(要提前充足电源)、强光手电(要提前充足电源)和其它保安器材The anti-pirate duty crew group shall equip wireless intercom(check the battery in advance),strong light torch(check the battery in advance) and other security equipment.1.3.3. 在两舷主甲板、艉甲板沿边线备足大量用于打击海盗用的三角木、木条、啤酒瓶、铁制品等,做到海盗来时,随处可捡,捡起能打On the both sides of t
8、he main deck and the aft deck, put enough wooden plates, beer bottle and iron products, which enable the whole crew to use to attack the pirate easily.1.4. 进入戒备:船舶进入海盗活动海域,在船长的统一安排下,全船人员都要主动积极响应参与防海盗工作,派防盗班,每班2人,24小时值守,有事、就餐等需要离开岗位必须有人替换,特别是进入亚丁湾航行时,除了值班人员外,其余人员停止维修保养工作,全天候(24小时)参加防海盗值班24hrs duty wa
9、tch after entry: after the vessel enters into the pirate sea water, under the sole arrangement of master, the whole ship shall take part in the anti-pirate action, arrange the 24hrs duty watch(two-crew per duty);others shall take over when the duty crew leaves for dinner or other urgency; When the v
10、essel sails into the Aden passage, except for the on-duty crew, all the others shall stop the maintenance work onboard and paticipate in 24hr duty watch against pirates.1.4.1. 夜间航行在确保安全的的前提下,实行灯光管制,防止光线外漏During night sailing, under the condition of the safety sailing, manage the lights onboard and a
11、void the light exposure to the outside of the ship, especially not knowing by the pirate.1.4.2. 航行期间,全船仅留唯一的安全通道,其它通道出入口全部从内部封闭During the sailing, remain the whole vessel the sole safety passage and lock all the other passage from the inside1.4.3. 船中主甲板左右、生活区二侧及船艉分别备妥消防皮龙,保障每个方位都有方便的皮龙可用,(甲板部提前安放好),
12、机舱启动两台副机,消防泵处于随时可启动状态(如可以的话,机舱准备由驾驶台控制);出现险情驾驶台立即启动消防泵。船中、船尾备有消防斧等脱钩器材,以备急需所用On the both sides of the main deck, the accommodation area, and the aft area of the vessel, shall put the fire hydrant by deck crew in advance, enabling the crew to use it easily anytime, run two auxiliary engines, put anti
13、-fire pump in the active status(if possible, control the pump on the bridge); start the anti-fire pump immediately on the bridge for any situation. the center and aft area of the vessel shall put the axes, etc. for cutting off the pirates hook or hanger.1.4.4. 防海盗加强巡逻班人员,应明确值守任务及值守范围;应持自卫器械;着工作服、戴安全
14、帽、携配对讲器、手电筒并保持与驾驶台联络(每班至少2次测试对讲器);发现可疑情况立即报告驾驶台;晚上值班巡逻人员应经常用强光手电筒向生活区两侧后海域实施短时照射,以示警戒 Each duty watch group shall know their duty and detailed work clearly; equip the defending materials; wear working cloth and safety helmet, carry wireless intercom and torch on body, keep in contact with the bridge
15、 anytime (test the intercom at least twice for each watch), report any suspicious situation any time; at the night, the duty group shall often open up the strong light torch to shoot the nearby sea of the accommodation for several seconds for warning the pirate.1.4.5. 驾驶台值班人员要加强了望,适时用探照灯对海面进行搜索,应密切注
16、意周围水域船只动向,保持雷达观测、经常改变雷达量程,密切注意周围小船的动态,及时锁定目标,加强与防海盗值班人员的通讯联络;发现可疑目标接近立即通报防盗班注意;如疑似海盗船应立即叫船长或直接拉响全船警报和汽笛、广播通知全船船员或和在生活区大声呼叫,全体人员到应急地点集合,启动消防泵,全船共同驱赶海盗The bridge shall strengthen the watch to the sea and search the sea with searchlight if necessary and keep close watch to the nearby vessels movement;
17、watch with the radar all the time; change the radar working distance from time to time, pay close attention to the suspicious ships nearby, keep in close contact with the duty watch crew on the whole vessel; inform the whole vessel after finding any coming suspicious ship, or if necessary, shall rep
18、ort to master or pull the alarm whistle directly; broadcast the whole ship or scream at the accommodation area, and gather the whole crew at the congregating place, start the fire pump and commence fighting the pirate together.1.4.6. 二副提前存储与国际反海盗中心、公司应急电话号码与险情状况报告,一旦发生险情时,根据船长的指令立即报警,启动SSAS、EPIRB报警,
19、驾驶员启用DSC、VHF16频道、卫通等有效手段报警求救(备好书面英文报文)2/O Prepare the contacting details of international anti-pirate center, the shore company and the anti-pirate reports in advance; once there is situation, shall follow up masters instruction and report the pirate at once, start SSAS and EPIRB equipment, the crew
20、 on the bridge shall use DSC, VHF-16 and Inmarsat, etc. To inform all the concerned parties. (prepare the report in English in advance).2. 发现海盗袭扰的防范措施Anti-Pirate action after finding pirates2.1. 全体船员随时处于战备状态,增派防盗加强班。每班5到6人,全天24小时不间断。每班值班时间同驾驶台,接班后必须和驾驶台联系,保持联络畅通。有事、就餐等需要离开岗位必须保证巡逻人数不少于一半The whole cr
21、ewmembers shall come into the battle status and arrange more crew into each duty watch group. Up to 5 to 6 crew per duty group and keep 24hours running. Every duty group keeps in close contact with the bridge all the time. Report to the bridge if the crew change within each group. If leaving for din
22、ner or other urgent situation, each group shall be not less than three persons. 2.2. 船长24小时坐阵驾驶台指挥,无异常情况在驾驶台休息。出现险情时,及时指挥水手操舵和给船舶保安员指挥信号,船舶保安员根据船长的指挥信号及时调兵遣将,以最快速度、最大力量、最短时间阻击海盗登船。轮机长及时下机舱根椐主机的负荷(因大舵角转向避让海盗小艇的需要),随时调整主机的转速,确保主机在安全运转的前提下开到最大的转速Master shall control the whole vessel at 24hours and rest
23、 on the bridge if no urgency occurs. Once there is urgent situation, master shall give the order to the navigating crew directly and give the order to security officer, then the security officer shall inform all the other crew as per masters order and arrange everything quickly, in order to defend t
24、he pirates attack and avoid them onboard. The whole crew shall do it at the fastest speed, in the most powerful way and within the shortest time. C/E stays at the engine control room and control the working speed of M/E basis the safety load of M/E, especially for the sharp turn-over of the ship. C/
25、E shall ensure the m/e to arrive at the largest working rate under the safe running status.2.3. 发现海盗袭扰,全体船员随时处于临战状态,做到一声令下,不论何时、何地,迅速到应急地点集合,突出一个“快”字Whenever finding the pirate attacking, the whole crew shall immediately turn into the fighting status. Once master gives the order, the whole crew shal
26、l immediately go to gather at the planned position within the shortest time.2.4. 驾驶台要拉响汽笛示警,适时利用“车舵”给海盗船制造登船困难,尽可能不让其靠近本轮。在海盗区航行期间,机舱值班和安全班人员施行24小时在位值守,随时做好应急准备,任何时候不能停车或减速The crew on the bridge shall warn the whole vessel by pulling the whistle; avoid the pirates taking onboard by changing the stea
27、ming direction all the time and try best to keep the pirates boat away from their own vessel. During the sea route of high-risk pirate, the whole duty crew whether on the deck or in the engine room should do 24hours watches and be ready for any situation; not allow to stop the vessel or reduce the v
28、essel speed.2.5. 启动消防泵,甲板面、船尾各消防皮龙出水保持对舷外冲击,尽量避免人员近距离接触以防人身受到伤害。利用地形和就地较好的物体挡板,机动灵活进行出击。尽量不要伤害对方,防止报复,以驱赶为目的,一切行动听指挥。最好以众示威,达到吓跑对方。但坚决采取一切措施将企图登轮的海盗船海盗人员控制在船舷以外Shall get the fire pump ready on the main-deck and aft parts of the vessel and make the pump outlet outside to the vessel, in order to keep
29、the pirate boat away and not attack the crew onboard at short distance. Shall take advantage of the surroundings to protect the crew themselves and attack the pirate fast and safely; if possible, not kill or hurt the pirates to avoid revenge; the purpose of the anti-pirate action is to make away the
30、 pirate and all the action shall follow up masters order; one of the best ways is to shock the pirate and let themselves go away; last but not least, shall keep the coming pirates or boat far away from the vessel, impossible to take onboard.2.6. 驾驶员用VHF16频道、卫通等手段向防海盗中心、防海盗巡逻军舰报警求救Via VHF of channel
31、no.16 and Inmarsat telephone, etc., the crew on the bridge shall immediately contact the anti-pirate center on the shore or the nearby navy on the sea for help.2.7. 如有可能,对海盗船进拍照,以供后续调查之用If possible, take some pictures of the pirate boat for the future investigation.3. 发现武装海盗强行登轮的应对措施Anti-pirate acti
32、on against armed pirates coming onto the vessel3.1. 船长、船舶保安员根据现场情况进行评估,充分利用船上的广播发布信息和调集指令人员,全体船员听到警报后立即按“防海盗应急预案”携带相关保安器材就位阻止海盗登轮Master and the ship security officer shall judge as per the actual situation and take full advantage of the vessels broadcast to advise the present situation and direct th
33、e crew. Once hearing the alarm, the whole crewmembers shall apply to the emergency anti-pirate plan, carry the related security equipment and congregate at their position and begin to fight for avoiding them onboard.3.2. 全船生活区左右两侧的通道门保持畅通(其它的封闭),随时保证船员在紧急情况下能快速进出 Keep the main way of the accommodati
34、on area free and close the other passage; thus, the whole crew could enter or leave quickly via this main way of the accommodation area under the emergency situation.3.3. 驾驶台要拉响汽笛示警,继续利用“车舵”给海盗船制造登船困难,尽可能不让海盗船靠近和方便靠上本轮The crew on the bridge shall pull the alarm whistle on and change the sailing dire
35、ction all the time to avoid the coming pirates onboard; try best to keep the pirate boat far from the ship and difficult to alongside the ship.3.4. 立即向公司和国际反海盗中心报警,启动SSAS报警,驾驶员启用DSC、VHF16频道、卫通等有效手段报警求救,说明船上的情况,向空中施放火箭降落伞火焰信号弹,如有可能,对强行登轮的海盗船及其人员进行抓拍,以便向外报告备查和以后作为缉拿的证据Call the shore company and intern
36、ational anti-pirate center at the first time; start the SSAS, use all kinds of communication ways like DSC, VHF Channel no.16 and INMARSAT etc. for help; advise the present situation of the vessel, use the signaling bullet and signal rocket; if possible, take some pictures of the coming-up pirate bo
37、at and their staff; and send the photos to the shore company or anti-pirate center for further investigation or sound proof.3.5. 轮机长根据主机的负荷(因大舵角转向避让海盗小艇的需要),随时调整主机的转速,确保主机在安全运转的前提下开到最大的转速C/E shall control the m/e working speed any time as per the working status of M/E (due to sharp turn of the vesse
38、l for keeping away from the pirate boat) ; ensure the main engine to arrive at the fastest working rate basis the safe running.3.6. 船舶保安员根据船长的指挥信号及时调兵遣将,全体船员务必齐心协力、主动配合,以最快速度集合到海盗企图强行登轮点甲板,以最大力量、最短时间阻击海盗登船,一旦发现海盗抛上挂钩,负责脱钩人员立即将挂钩摘除The ship security officer shall arrange the whole crewmembers action a
39、s per the masters order; all crew shall obey the order of master and within the shortest time congregate to the place where the pirate is to take on the vessel; When the crew see any tackle from the pirate boat seizing the vessel, the crew in charge shall cut away the tackle as fast as they could.3.
40、7. 充分利用高压消防水以及其它保安器材冲击和阻止海盗船靠近和登轮。利用地形和就地较好的物体挡板,机动灵活进行出击。尽量不要过大伤害对方,防止报复,以驱赶为目的,一切行动听指挥Take full advantage of high-pressure water from fire pump and all other security equipment to fight against the pirate and avoid them come close and take on the vessel; shall take advantage of the surroundings to
41、 protect the crew themselves and attack the pirate fast and safely; if possible, not kill or hurt the pirates to avoid revenge; the purpose of the whole action is to shock away the pirate and all the crew shall follow up masters order strictly;3.8. 在整个防海盗过程中,务必确保我们人身安全,人员注意防卫和保护,预防武装海盗的开枪袭击 During t
42、he whole anti-pirate action, make sure that all the crew shall be safe and pay much attention to the gun attack or other weapons from the armed pirate4. 黑夜遭遇海盗或海盗登轮的增加应对措施Anti-pirate measures when pirate coming up at night4.1. 每位防海盗人员必须佩带手电,熟悉防海盗线路和通道情况,如有障碍物请尽可能提早清除Each watch crew shall carry torch
43、, familiarize the anti-pirate route onboard; if finding any obstacle on the way, shall remove at once. 4.2. 驾驶台和防海盗巡逻人员利用探照灯对海面进行照视,警示企图靠近的海盗船The crew on the bridge and the patrol crew shall search the nearby sea by search light; warn the nearby pirate boat not coming close; 4.3. 在不影响航行安全基础上,将对海面照视的
44、大灯全部打开If not affecting the normal sailing and under the safe situation, shall turn on all the search light to the nearby sea.4.4. 发现遭遇海盗或海盗船企图靠近的本轮,均要立即互相通告,启动消防泵,打开探照灯照视海盗船,各小组充分利用高压消防水以及其它保安器材冲击和阻止海盗船靠近和登轮。利用地形和就地较好的物体挡板,机动灵活进行出击Whenever finding any pirate boat or suspicious boat coming close, sha
45、ll immediately inform the whole vessel, start the fire pump and turn on the search light to those boats and use all the pump or other security materials to avoid the pirate boat coming close or taking on the vessel. Taking advantage of the surroundings on the vessel and nearby stuff to protect the c
46、rew themselves and attack the pirates safely and quickly;4.5. 在整个防海盗过程中,务必确保我们人身安全,人员注意防卫和保护,预防因光线不足而发生人员工伤,预防武装海盗的开枪袭击包括袭击探照灯而伤人During the whole anti-pirate action, ensure that the crew should be safe in every way; avoid the crew injury due to short of light at night; be careful to the weapons from
47、 the pirate like gun or rocket launcher including breaking search light causing harm to the crew etc.5. 退守防海盗安全舱程序Anti-pirate measures at the Citadel在船舶遭受海盗袭击且无法阻止海盗登轮的紧急情况下,全体人员退守防海盗安全舱,以避免人员遭到劫持,为外部实施有效援助创造条件,特制定如下应急程序:When the armed pirates begin to attack the vessel fully and the crew could not
48、stop them taking on, the whole crew shall return to the Citadel and lock the door to avoid the crew being hijacked, and waiting for the rescue from the outside, the crew shall follow up the measures below:5.1. 当船舶遭到海盗围攻时,船长应根据当时船舶所面临的实际情况做出是否退守安全舱的决定。如需退守安全舱,船长应通过警报、广播和对讲机等发出退守船舶安全舱命令,通知除驾驶台和机舱值班人员外
49、的所有人员携带照明手电筒到安全集合点(根据各轮实际确定)集中When the vessel is attacked by the pirates in every way, master shall decide whether or not the crew should return into the Citadel as per the exact situation. If the crew need enter into the Citadel, master shall give the returning order via the alarm whistle, broadcast and inter-com telephone, etc.; inform the whole crew except those on duty on the bridge and those in the engine room to carry the torch and congregate into the safe muster point in the Citadel. (as per ea