1、断背山 Brokeback Mountain 中英文剧本烂车!Shit!如果你们两个小子想找工作If you pair of deuceslookin for workI suggest you get yourscrawny asses in here, pronto我建议你们立刻滚进来在断背山上Now, up on Brokeback.森林管理局标有露营区the Forest Service hasgot designated campsites.on the allotments离羊群放牧地有三、四哩Them camps can be 3 or 4 milesfrom where we
2、pasture the woollies晚上没人看守掠食动物就会来Bad predator loss, if theresnobody lookin after em at night我要的是一名营地看守员Now, what I want.is. a camp tender待在营地,管理局指定的地方to stay at the main campwhere the Forest Service saysBut the herder. hes gonna pitcha pup tent on the Q.T. with the sheep不过牧羊人就要在羊群旁搭帐棚还要睡在那里,晚餐and he
3、s gonna sleep there和早餐在营地吃但百分之百You eat your supperand breakfast at camp.but you sleep with the sheep要跟羊群睡A hundred percent不准生火,不能留下痕迹No fire. Dont leave no sign.每早收帐棚免得被管理局抓包You roll up that tent every morningin case Forest Service snoops aroundYeah?喂?不、不行NoNo!Not on your fuckin life!你这辈子都甭想你有狗有枪,你睡
4、在那里You got your dogs, your30-30. You sleep there去年夏天我损失了近25%Last summer I had a goddam near25% loss. I dont want that again我不想再发生那种情况You.你周五中午,下山到桥边fridays at noon, bedown at the bridge.带着你的购物清单和骡子with a grocery list and mules.and somebody with supplies.有人会带着补给品在那等着will be there at the pick-up明早我们会载
5、你们到出发点Tomorrow morning welltruck you up to the jump off杰克特斯Jack Twist艾尼斯Ennis你有名没姓啊?Your folks just stop at Ennis?戴尔玛Del Mar幸会,艾尼斯戴尔玛Nice to know you, Ennis Del Mar我第二年来这My second year up here去年一场暴风雨闪电杀死了42只羊Last year, one storm, thelightning killed 42 sheep我以为那味道会薰死我Thought Id asphyxiatefrom the sm
6、ell老板很抓狂好像我该控制天气Aguirre got all over my ass, like Iwas supposed to control the weather不过这比帮我老爸做事要好But. beats working for my old man根本无法讨好我老爸,不可能Cant please my old man, no way.所以我才玩牛仔竞技玩过吗?Thats why I took the rodeoYou ever rodeo?You know. well.I mean once in a while我是说,偶尔玩玩一等我口袋里有钱报名就去When I got the
7、 entryfee in my pocketYeah是啊,你是牧场的人?Are you from ranch people?Yeah, I was.本来是你父母逼你离开?Your folks run you off?不,他们自己先走的No, they run themselves off43哩处有个转弯,他们没注意There was, uh, one curvein the road in 43 miles.and they missed it所以So, uh.银行拿走牧场,兄姊养大我的the bank took the ranch.and my brother and sister,they
8、 raised me mostly妈的,真惨Shit!Thats hard.Can I?能不能Thank you别让它们跑丢了老板会宰了你只有一件事,别订购汤Only thing.dont ever order soup汤罐很难打包Them soup boxes are hard to pack我不喝汤I dont eat soup小心点,那匹马很容易被吓到Well, watch it thereThat horse has a low startle point没有马能抛下我,走吧Doubt theres a fillythat could throw meLets git, unless
9、you wannasit around tyin knots all day除非你打算整天坐着打绳结快走!Oh, shit.该死我等不及要建立自己的牧场Cant wait till I get my own spreadand I wont have to put upwith Joe Aguirres crap no more也不用再听老板废话了Im savin for a place myself我存钱想买个自己的地方艾玛和我,等我下山就结婚Alma and me, were gonna get marriedwhen I come down off this mountainShit.
10、That stay with the sheep.那个跟羊睡,不准生火的规矩no fire bullshit.老板无权逼我们违反规定Aguirre got no right makin usdo somethin against the rules不要再吃豆子了!No more beans走啊!妈的!该死!Damm. Shit!I dont know.好了有问题吗?Something wrong?有,为什么没奶粉跟蕃茄?Yeah, so what.Why didnt we get thepowdered milk and the spuds?我们只有这些Its all we got这是下礼拜要
11、的东西Well, heres next weeks我以为你不喝汤Thought you didnt eat soup我受够豆子了Yeah, well, Im sick of beans现在厌烦豆子太早了点Too early in the summerto be sick of beans走啊!Come on走!走啊!Come on. Come on.回来,你们这些畜牲Whoa there, whoa, whoa!Shit!继续走Whoa! Come back, here!过来,你们这些畜牲Whoa there, whoaAll right. Fuck it!Okay, you bastard.
12、你跑去哪了?Where the hell you been?整天跟羊混,下来这里Been up with the sheep all day饿的半死,却只能找到豆子I get down here hungry ashell. and all I find is beans怎么回事?What in the hell happened, Ennis?I come on a bear,is what happened.碰上一头熊,就这样该死的马抓狂Goddam horse spooked骡子跑了,食物散落地上and the mules took off andscattered food every
13、where我们也只剩豆子了Beans is about all we got left有酒吗?Got whisky or somethin?蠢骡子Dumb-ass mule!我真不敢相信,该死I cant believe that. God-damn!妈的Let me seeShit我们得解决食物的问题Well, we gotta do somethingabout this food situation我干脆杀一只羊好了Maybe Ill shoot one of the sheep要是老板发现怎办?Yeah, what if Aguirrefinds out, huh?我们应该要守护羊,不
14、是吃羊Supposed to guardthe sheep, not eat em你是怎么了?羊有上千只耶Whats the matter with you?There are thousands of emIll stick with beans我还是吃豆子吧Well, I wont我才不要Whoo-wee! Yeah!好耶!Was getting tired ofyour dumb-ass missin受不了你老是打不中Lets get a move on快动手猎杀麋鹿可不能被逮到Dont want the Game andFish to catch us with no elkCome
15、on. Shit!好,走吧我每天通勤四小时Yeah, Im commutinfour hours a day.早上来吃早餐,再回羊群那里I come in for breakfast.I go back to the sheep.晚上整顿好它们Evenin get em bedded down.再来吃晚餐,再回羊群那里Come in for supper.go back to the sheep.大半夜都在察看草原狼的踪迹Spend half the nightcheckin for damn coyotes老板没权利逼我做这些Aguirre got no rightmaking me do
16、this要换班吗?我不介意陪羊群睡You wanna switch? I wouldntmind sleepin out thereThat aint the point.不重点是我们都该睡在这营地Point is, we bothoughta be in this camp那个小帐棚又臭的跟猫尿一样Goddam pup tent smellslike cat piss or worse我不介意待在那里I wouldnt mind bein out there我很高兴跟你换班Well, Im happy toswitch with you, but.不过我警告你,我不大会烹饪I warn yo
17、u, I cantcook worth a damn不过我很会开罐头I am pretty good witha can opener, though那你不会比我糟,好了You cant be no worse than me, thenHere you go我告诉你你可没多少时间可睡You wont get muchsleep, I tell you thatYeah. Come on是啊走吧杀了一只草原狼,有够大只Shot a coyote up thereA big son of a bitch它的蛋蛋有苹果那么大Balls on him the size of apples看来它吞得下
18、一头骆驼Looked like he couldeat himself a camel你要热水吗?You want some of this hot water?Its all yours都给你吧我没玩过多少次牛仔竞技I dont rodeo much myself.Whats the point of ridin somepiece of stock for 8 seconds?骑牲口八秒有啥意义?钱就很有意义- Moneys a good point- Uh-huh那倒没错要是你没被踩扁的话True enoughIf you dont getstomped winnin it, eh?Ye
19、ah是啊,我老爸以前是骑牛的Well, my old man.hes a bull rider谢谢Thank you他那时候还挺有名的Pretty well-known in his day.虽然他守口如瓶Though he kept hissecrets to himself他没指导过我也没看过我骑牛Never taught me a thing.never once come to see me ride你兄姊有好好养你吧?Your brother andsister do right by you?他们尽力了,我父母死后They did the best theycould after
20、my folks was gone什么都没留Considerin they didntleave us nothin but$24 and in a coffee can只剩一个装了24元的咖啡罐I got me a year of high school.让我念了一年高中That was before thetransmission went on the pickup那是在车子的变速器坏掉之前之后我姊嫁给油工搬去凯斯柏Then my sis left. Met aroughneck, moved to Casper.我和我哥,我们And me and my brother, we.我们去沃
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