超市店长的角色提升类培训【绝版好资料看到就别错过】 .ppt
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1、超市店长的角色,店长培训 2011年Store Manager Training 2011,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,一个从多角度讲都极为关键的职位A Key manager of many dimensions,是超市内部最有趣味的职位:The most interesting position in Century Mart:就该职位的丰富和多样性。Its richness and diversity.就该职位的挑战性。The challenge.就该职位的责任性。The responsibility.就该职位的无限空间。The unlimited sc
2、ope of the position.就该职位对个人潜力的挖掘。The personal growth potential.就该职位在公司中的战略意义。The strategic value for the company.就该职位的孤独性。The loneliness of the position.该职位是商人,是财务控制人,是警察,是父母,是收银员,是理货员,是市场营销策划专员 Merchant,finance controller,policeman,parent,cashier and shelf stocker,marketing specialist是300人的楷模,每一天、每
3、一分钟 A role model for 300 people every minute of every day.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?1/3 Why is it so difficult to be a good store manager?,从时间和空间的角度,对于“优秀”本质的定义是不断变幻的。The forever changing nature of“Good”in time and space.对于随时随地随机应变和灵活变通的要求。The need to be permanently adaptable a
4、nd flexible.在个人自律、成熟和行为连贯性方面的要求。The need for self-discipline,maturity and consistency.做到“双脚能站在泥里”但同时“眼睛能够看到外界”二者缺其一都是不够的。Having your“feet in the mud”and“head in the sky”one,or the other not being enough.想和做同时进行。To think and to do at the same time.除了优秀以外不能容忍接受团队任何其他表现的能力。The ability to never accept a
5、nything but excellence from your team.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?2/3 Why is it so difficult to be a good store manager?,培训你的下属的使命感,以及相应的成就感。The imperative to train your subordinates and to get a kick out of it!自觉自愿的、而不是为其他人做到每一天都“优秀”。To want to be“good”everyday for yourself not
6、for others.向你的顾客倾注超出他们所应得或所能感受得到的爱。To love your customers more than they deserve or realize!享受不断向自己和自己的团队施行新想法、新概念的挑战过程。To enjoy testing yourself and your team with new ideas and new concepts.能够感受到店内每件设备设施、每件商品的好处 并能够让自己的团队和顾客清晰的感受体会到自己的热情!To feel something for each and every item in the store-and t
7、o be able to articulate it to a customer or employee with passion!,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,为什麽成为一个优秀店长如此困难?3/3 Why is it so difficult to be a good store manager?,因为你应该在卖场感觉到远比呆在办公室、待在会议室召开会议、或对着电脑感觉更熟悉、舒服。Because you have to feel more at home on the sales floor than in an office,in a meeting,
8、or in front a computer screen.因为你有不断向前推动、追求优秀的能力。Because you have to like to push the envelope.最重要的是因为你享受不断销售更多、再多、最多的乐趣,应为你清楚你能从不断攀升的销售中获取利润!And finally because you enjoy selling always more to more and more people and know that youre making a profit doing it!,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,那麽我要如何做
9、才能够成为一名“优秀”店长呢?so what do I have to do to become a“Good”Store Manager?,拥有360度的眼界。Possess 360o vision.拥有经营的热情。A passion for commerce.拥有向其他人、包括向其他竞争对手学习的好奇心。A curiosity to learn from others and other retailers.拥有管理的才能。A management flair.拥有领导的本能。A leadership instinct.拥有对知识的渴求。A thirst for knowledge.拥有足
10、够的头脑和睿智将各种不同事物综合起来!The brains and dexterity to put it all together!,就让我们开始吧!So lets begin!,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the Range and Scope of the Role of the Store Manager.,店长培训 2009年Store Manager Training 2009,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the r
11、ange and scope of Store Manager,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,了解店长这个角色的范围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,公司代表(待续)Company Representation(to be cont.),在包括火灾、集体食物中毒、人身伤害等涉及公司民事或财务责任,并与顾客或者员工相关的事件或事故中,作为公司的法定代表人。Legal representative in the event of an a
12、ccident or incident involving our customers or staff for which we assume civil or financial liability including fire,collective intoxication,corporal damages and the like.在面对所在区政府或是政府的各个职能部门政治性、法律性或社会公益性的检查/视察时作为公司的大使。Company ambassador when facing local or city governmental officials or bureaus pol
13、itically,legally or socially.在面对媒体或公众,包括关于传闻、影射、诽谤的情况下作为公司的公关代表。Public relations representative addressing issues relating to the press,media,or public opinion,including rumor,innuendo or calumny.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,公司代表(续)Company Representation(cont.),在需要在公司与顾客的利益中间作出平衡的情况下作为顾客的代表。Custo
14、mer representative addressing the needs and interests of both the company and the customer.在经营操作过程中,成为大家在道德标准、团结协作、诚实守信方面意义更甚于简单的好与坏、对与错的标准;同时用于将与之相关的问题进行沟通,以便切实有效的采取补救方案。The standard of ethics,integrity,honesty and a behavior beyond reproach as it relates to all professional matters of business,com
15、municating all confirmed breaches of said standards in order to undertake remedial actions.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,公司代表(续)Company Representation(cont.),在门店运营的各个层面,成为保障公司相关的政策、程序得以严格贯彻实行公司代表。Company representative guaranteeing the implementation and strict application of company policies and
16、procedures at all levels of the store organization.作为掌握公司印章的管理人,店长所被赋予的诸多责任之一就是授权签署门店相关文件,因此任何有公司印鉴的文件必须同时附有店长的签字。除非得到公司总经理室的特别许可,包括店长或店长代表所签署的任何性质、任何内容的门店合同时限均不可超过一年。Holder of the company chop with signature authority is among the key responsibilities of the store manager for which any use for what
17、 ever reason of the company chop must carry the signature of the store manager.No contracts of any nature may be signed by the store manager or the store representatives beyond the period of one year without prior and explicit approval of General Management.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,了解店长这个角色的范
18、围Understanding the range and scope of Store Manager,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,资产管理者Assets Management,对于资产的管理,是每位店长在接手一家门店的同时所被赋予的一项庄严使命。该项使命就是尽店长个人所能保护公司的资产处于最佳状态,以便保障门店的未来运营能始终处在最优的水平,从而实现最大化的利润。A solemn duty is awarded to each store manager when he takes on the responsibility of a store to ma
19、nage.This duty is to preserve and protect the assets of the company to the best of his ability in order to guarantee the future operations of the store under the most propitious circumstances to generate sales and profitability.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,资产管理者(待续)Assets Management(to be cont.),
20、保护公司资产,包括门店租赁物业本身到店内小的设备设施,是作为店长诸多职责中最基本也是最直接的一项。保护公司资产就是通过系统的检查跟踪工具定期每天、每周或每月对设备进行维护。Protecting the assets,physical and material of the company,is a basic and direct responsibility of the store manager to be accomplished through systematic use of control points on a daily,weekly,and monthly basis.亲
21、自直接参与到紧急逃生系统和通道的监控中来,保证门店的紧急逃生系统在任何时间、任何情况下都能够正常启动。同时保证至少每半年一次的紧急逃生演习。Personal and direct oversight and control that safety and emergency evacuation systems and exits are operational and functioning at all times and under all circumstances with a minimum of one evacuation drill each semester.控制并管理所有
22、门店与防窃相关的措施设备,进而从安保的角度减少门店内部和外部在商品和现金方面的流失。Overseeing and controlling all anti-theft measures and devices applied by security for internal and external loss prevention of assets and merchandise and cash.确保并杜绝门店的设备设施被包括营运部门,维修部门,外部清洁公司,安保部门等的不正常使用造成损毁。Protecting the physical plant and equipment from d
23、eterioration,damage,and misuse by policing the operations teams,maintenance department,outside cleaning company,and security.,店长的角色The Role of Store Manager,资产管理者(续)Assets Management(cont.),确保预防性设备维护按时进行,同时出现故障的设备能得到及时的修复而不会出现任何的因维修延误而发生的事故。Ensuring that preventative maintenance is performed and rep
24、airs are made on an as needed basis without delay and additional risk.确保及时定期清理过滤器,冷冻冷藏、冷凝器等设备;一方面可以避免设备过热,同时也可以避免不必要的能量消耗。Guaranteeing the cleaning of filters,refrigerated showcases and condensers to prevent over heating or increased energy consumption.确保关于整个经营环境的清洁卫生和维修维护,包括招商区,停车场,外部环境,卫生间,购物车等;及时
25、粉刷脏污的墙面,修补破损的地砖,或其他任何的设备设施,以达到维护店容店貌以及整个大卖场购物环境的目的。Overall maintenance cleanliness and upkeep of the site including shopping mall,parking area,outside surrounding area,toilets,shopping trolleys,ensuring clean and painted walls repaired broken tiles and any other equipment or material which will enha
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- 绝版好资料,看到就别错过 超市店长的角色提升类培训【绝版好资料,看到就别错过】 超市 店长 角色 提升 培训 绝版 资料 看到 错过
