新目标初中英语九级上册教案Unit7《Where would you like to visit》 .doc
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1、新目标初中英语九年级上册教案Unit7Where would you like to visit?Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能:1 谈论假日;(vacations)2 使用would like to询问喜欢去旅游的地方及回答;(Where would you like to go on vacation? Id love to visit Mexico.)3 使用hope to 表达自己的愿望,谈论想去的地方; (I hope to go to France some day.)4 使用if引导的条件状语从句表达自己
2、的愿望;(Wouldnt it be great if we could go on a vacation together?)5 使用有关景点(jungle, fall, Niagara Falls, Singapore)特征(tiring, thrilling, educational, light, fascinating)活动(trek, get around, surf)等词汇谈论自己喜欢去旅游的地方。6 使用educational, fascinating,peaceful, tiring等形容词介绍一些旅游胜地;7 使用定语从句介绍一些旅游胜地;8 写短文,将旅游胜地归类;9 写
3、短文,模拟一个理想的旅游城市;10 写短文,介绍新开辟的线路;11 制作综合旅行手册;12 体验大自然的美景,开阔眼界,加深对世界各地的了解,自觉地保护地球,保护环境。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c521, 2, 652 2a, 2b, 2c53P. 36-37 I, II湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练九年级上册3, 4,853 3a, 3b 454Ps 37 II5, 6
4、, 8,1244B 1, 2a,2b,2c,Self Check15557Ps 38 I, II5, 6,12453a,3b, 4 Self Check256 57P.38-39 II4, 956Reading58-59Ps. 39-40 学习自检,学习拓展7, 10, 115TotalAll851-1293 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本单元教学自评93分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕“旅游”这一主题,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,从谈论自
6、用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,从单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。本单元的教学任务贴近学生实际,学生对教学内容感兴趣,但对国内外的名胜古迹未必了解。因此,建议学习时,教师可以给学生布置查找资料的任务,如果有条件的话,可适当查阅英文资料。阅读和筛选材料的过程也是英语学习的过程。然而,课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生复习、开展预习、课外阅读等活动,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。Plan for every periodPerio
7、d 1 Section A 1a,1b,1cPeriod1.ppt(链接课件)Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 谈论旅游景点;2 掌握目标语言:1) 生词和词组:tiring, educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, take it easy, Florida, trek, Amazon, jungle.2) 重点句子: Where would you like to visit? Id like to trek through the jungle. Because I like exciting vacations.3
8、 运用would like to表达个人的意愿,谈论他们想参观的地方;4 运用形容词来描述旅游胜地并归类。5 从听到的对话中获取信息训练听力技能。6 树立假日到户外更有趣的地方去,而不是呆在家里。Keys & puzzles外国旅游景点的读音。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart值日报告谈话引入图片展示归类景点看图说话听录音填表两人对话巩固与拓展学生归类总结布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (3) 1 Duty report( My hobby)Have a student do a duty report to revise the se
9、ntence “I like music that I can dance to”T:Good morning, boys and girls! Whose turn is it to do the duty report?S1:It is my turn. 2 Free talkT:You do a very good job .I like traveling, but I have never been to France. I d love to visit Paris.To a student.Have you ever been to Paris? S1: No, I have n
10、ever been to.T: I like Paris very much. Id like to visit Paris. How about you?S2:Id like to visit New York next summer vacation.S3: I would like to pay a visit to London. T: Id like to visit Paris. Today we are going to learn Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Show the title on the screen. Class,
11、 read the title three times. Ready, go.Section A 1a Step 2 Presentation (12)1 Display some pictures and learn new wordsT: Id like to visit Paris. because its exciting. Show the picture and the word “exciting” on the screen. T: Do you know what this word really means? Can you think of something else
12、that is exciting? I will give you some clues. For example, it was an exciting day when I went swimming with my friends.S4: Yes, I guess it means something that makes us happy. We can say that collecting stamps, going swimming and going shopping are all exciting. T: Good. Thats right. Do you know whi
13、ch words have the opposite meaning?S5: “Boring” is just the opposite of “exciting”, I think. T: Yes, Good. Can you make a sentence with these two words?S6: Yes, let me try. Having a vacation is exciting while playing chess is boring.T: You did a good job. Can you give me some words to describe a vac
14、ation? Reapeat the procedure with other new words in the boxs in activity1a,such as“tiring”, “educational”, “peaceful”,“fascinating” and “thrilling” .2 Brainstorm Show some pictures on the screen and have the students describe them by using the words in activity1a.T: Lets have a brainstorming to lis
15、t words you can remember? 3 Talk about the posters T: Most of you have been to different places for your vacations. Some places are relaxing, while some may be thrilling and dangerous, so we must be careful on our trip.Show the posters on the screen Now please open your books to page 52 and look at
16、the posters in the picture, what can you see in the posters?S7: In the first poster I can see a beach and a man lying on it. T: Can you read the words?S7: Yes. Take it easy on a Florida Beach!T: Then if you are asked to give a brief description of the beach, which words would you like to use?S7: I t
17、hink the beach is fascinating, peaceful and exciting. T: Very good, sit down. And who would like to say something about the second poster?S8: Let me try. In the second poster we can see a man holding a knife. This is a poster for a travel to Brazil. I think trekking through the Amazon jungle is dang
18、erous and thrilling, but at the same time, it is exciting. 4. Pattern drill in “would like to” Show some pictures of some famous places in China and in the world and get the class to talk about them. A:Where would you like to go on vacation? B: Id like to go. A: Why ?B: Because I like vacation.While
19、 learning, play some guessing games to arouse the classs interests. Such as guessing the places and the reasons.1bStep 3 Listening practice (4)1 Listen and fill in the chart.1) Ask the Ss what they should do before listening.T: What should you do if you are going to do some listening practice? S9: I
20、 think we should know, first, what we are asked to do.T: Then what you are asked to do according to the instruction in 1b?S10: To fill in the chart with the places that Sam and Gina would like to go to on vacation and the reasons.T: Good. Do you know where Sam and Gina want to visit? And why? Whats
21、more, sometimes youd better write some key words on the paper while you are listening.2) Ask the Ss to listen to the tape, finish the ex. Play the recording.3)Lets check the answers.答案:PersonPlacesWhySamBrazillikes exciting vacationsGinaFloridahas been stressed out录音原文Tapescript Boy: Look at those t
22、ravel posters. Id love to go on a vacation. Girl: Where would you like to go, Sam? Boy: Id love to go trekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Girl: You would? Boy: Sure. I like exciting vacations. Girl: Wouldnt that be dangerous? Boy: No, not really. How about you, Gina? Where would you like to go?
23、 Girl: Oh, Im stressed out. Id just like to relax on a beach You know, a beautiful beach in Florida. Boy: That sounds peaceful. 2 Read the listening script.T:Now you are going to read the listening script. Underline the phrases and circle would, hope to, d like to and d love to are used for expressi
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- Where would you like to visit 新目标初中英语九级上册教案Unit7Where would you like to visit 新目标 初中英语 上册 教案 Unit7
