1、Research CenterNRC-TR-2007-011Mobile Games 2010Elina KoivistoNokia Research Center Finlandhttp:/1.1.2007Abstract:The Mobile Games 2010 report looks at how mobile gaming could be like in year 2010 from three points of view:games and players,technology,and business.The studywas done by interviewing ab
2、out 20 mobile game publishers,developers,operators,and inviting experts to write articles on the topic.The invited articles are attached inthe end.The report reflects the opinions of the interviewees and authors of the articles-not Nokias game strategy or future product releases.Index Terms:MobileGa
3、me2010,NRC-TR-2007-011,Copyright 2007 Nokia,Mobile Games 2010Elina Koivisto,2,Layout and cover art:Jouka Mattila,Nokia Research Center,Finland,Special Acknowledgements:,The IPerG(Integrated Project on Pervasive Gaming)project for funding part of this workTeemu Jalava,Nokia Research Center,Finland,Jy
4、ri Salomaa,Nokia Research Center,China,For initiating and structuring the project,co-authoring the initial sets of questions and invitations,rewiewing and selecting the articles.,Chapter 1:,who contributed in this study.,ered important themselves.,3,Please note that this report does not reflect,Noki
5、a roadmaps or future product releases.Thisreport is a collection of opinions of the people,Introduction,The study looks at mobile gaming from three pointsof view:Users and games,Technologies,and Busi-ness.We focus on Europe,however,our contribu-tors come also from other regions.Differences indiffere
6、nt markets can be rather large 19.The studyThe Mobile Games 2010 study(MG2010)was initi-concentrates more on the future than today.Excel-ated by Nokia Research Center(NRC)at the end of lent sources exist about the todays situation,andyear 2005 to get insight on how the mobile games some of them are
7、freely available,such as the IGDAand gaming will be like within a few years time.We Mobile Games White Paper 27.One of the articlesstarted the study by organizing an expert workshop in the article collection also gives a brief summarywith 13 game experts in Nokia.With the data that of the History of
8、 the Mobile Games(starting withwas gathered in the workshop,we created an inter-the first commercial Mobile Game,Nokias Snakes,view structure and interviewed 20 mobile game de-in year 1997)40.,velopers,publishers,operators and other researchers,(see the list of contributors in the end).The inter-The
9、 report is divided in three parts:Section 2.Usersviews were done either in face-to-face situations and Games,Section 3.Technologies,and Section 4.(majority)or via phone,and email.The interviews Business.Conclusions are drawn in the end of thewere semi-structured(1).document and the referred material
10、s are listed.The,contributors for the report are listed in the begin-Additionally,we invited experts to contribute to the ning of the document.Most of the contributors werestudy by writing short articles related to the topic.interviewed for the report,some of them reviewedThese articles are compiled
11、 in an appendix that ac-the report and came up with useful comments,andcompanies this report.The journal includes articles some did both.,on mobile game security(Steven Davis)12,tech-nology road mapping for future mobile games(Son-ja Kangas)32,proximity gaming(Tom Sderlund),51,virtual asset trade(St
12、even Davis)13,cross-(1)The interviews involved a list of interview topics that were,medial access(Vicky Wu)54,architecture for con-followed in the each interview.However,the intervieweesnected mobile gaming(Frank Fitzek)18,and fu-were freely allowed to talk about the topics that they consid-ture of
13、mobile games(John Paul Bichard)6.,4,Chapter 2:Users and Games,Partly this can be due to what kinds of games ex-ist for the platforms,but also it must be noted,thatin the case of PC,you already have the device andyou just need to buy the game.The same applies tothe mobile platform and this may be one
14、 of the rea-sons why mobile games can become popular amongwomen(3).,In this section,we look at who will be the mobilegame players and what kind of games are predictedto be popular in year 2010.The users and how they playThere is quite a lot of research conducted on themobile game player demographics
15、,but the resultsvary a lot depending on the group who participatedthe studies.Typically,the studies show that a con-siderable partition of the mobile game players arefemale.One example is the free mobile game por-tal GameJumps study 9 among its users(50 000players were involved in the study)where it
16、 wasreported that in the US 59%of the players weremale,and 41 female.The male/female ratio wasmore geared towards men among the internationalplayers(79/21)(2).Juniper Researchs 39report es-timates that mobile games business will grow from$3 billion in 2006 to$10.5 billion in 2009 and thatgrowth will
17、 be driven by the casual and female play-ers.One comment from our interviews was that inthe non-mobile gaming field,more women play PC,It is commonly said that mobile game players aremostly casual gamers who play the games for afew minutes when waiting for something or beingbored.However,a study don
18、e by Sorrent and U3027 found that many core or hard core gamers(fora definition see e.g.28)play mobile games.Thestudy was rather large-scale,more than 700 mo-bile game players participated the study.They alsofound that 80%of them had a gaming console athome,more than 60%of them played mobile gamesat
19、 home,many of them played frequently(more than60%played mobile games more than once per day),and they played for long periods of time on average(15-20 minutes).In another study(4)19,which wascommissioned by Nokia,the average play sessionlength was found to be 28 minutes.In our studies inNokia Resear
20、ch Center,we have field tested com-mercial mobile games,and found that particularlythe players of online games spend a lot of time play-ing one play session.The most enthusiastic mobilegame players can even spend several hours playinga mobile game.The typical places that are reportedin our studies f
21、or places where the games are playedinclude home and work.It seems to be common toplay mobile games in places like bed before going tosleep,or playing on the couch while watching TV.,Figure 1 An example of a mobile game that istargeted to women.WatAGames GoSupermodelgame(2)Could be because the game
22、site is not welknown outsidethe US(3)Also,according to the authors own experiences and ob-servations,women who already have families are often quitebusy and cannot necessarily afford to spend several hours infront of computers.There are always distractions in the reallife.The mobile gameplay that is
23、 not fixed in one location andoften supports short playsessions may fit better in that kind oflifestyle.(4)1800 users participated in the study in six countries,5,(5)The word”pervasive”is used here in the sense that the,mobile phone is an important part of every day activities.,(6)The children used
24、the mobile phone in a special Finn-,Chapter 2,Users and Games,In 2010,more people will play mobile games.As given by our interviewees about the players of real-mentioned earlier,and also noted a few times in our life games using mobile phone as a tool.interviews,women will be important for driving t
25、hisgrowth.Recently,there have been signs that somecompanies particularly aim to target their mobilegames to young women(see e.g.Gamelofts com-ment about targeting women players 29).Oneexample is Danish game development companyWatAGames goSupermodel(Figure 1),where theplayers battle it out in the cat
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