1、江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,态度变则行为变,行为变则习惯变,习惯变则人生变!,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,People mostly do what you do,rather than what you say.Be the change you want to see in the world.Gandhi,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MA
2、NUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,This is a story about Mahatma Gandhi.There was a woman like many people came to ask for advice from Gandhi.And she came from very far away.And she brought her son along.And she said in frontshe got audience with Mahatma,and she said in front of him,“I came from afar,because I ha
3、ve a problem with my son.My son eats way too much sugar.And Id like you to tell him to stop it.Because its hurting his health,his teeth.And he will listen to you.He admires you.”Gandhi looked at her and said,“Madam,can you please come back in a month?”She didnt know why but she listened to him after
4、 all.She left,went far away,came all the way back a month later,and once again,got an audience with Gandhi.She said in front of him.She said“I was here a month ago.”And he said,“Yes,I remember.”And she said,“Could you please tell my son to stop eating so much sugar?”So Gandhi looked at the child int
5、ensely and says,“Son,stop eating too much sugar.”And thats it.The woman is obviously perplexed(困惑)and musters up her courage and says,“Mahatma,thank you very much.Im sure he will stop eating too much sugar,by why couldnt you tell him this a month ago,when I came all the way here?”And he said,“Well,m
6、adam,because a month ago,I was eating too much sugar.”Its a very sophisticated joke.One of the things Gandhi said,that he talked about is from his wonderful autobiography,“My experiment with truth”“Be the change you want to see in the world.”This is how you bring about change.,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO
7、PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,Roger Bannister was a runner.He ran the mile(1.6KM).And until 1954,running the mile in under 4 minutes was considered impossible.In fact,doctors proved the 4 minutes for the mile was the limit of human ability.Physiologists ran tests,showing,proving scientif
8、ically the limit of human ability was running the mile in 4 minutes.You could not go below that.And runners proved the doctors and scientistsproved that they were right,and ran the mile in two seconds and 4 minutes,one second,but no runner could run the mile in under 4 minutes,ever since the mile wa
9、s actually timedwhen they started to time runs.It was impossibledoctors and scientists showed,runners and athletes,the top-ones in the world proved that the doctors were right.And then came along Roger Bannister.He said,“It is possible to run in 4 minutes.And in fact,Im going to do it.”When he said
10、it,he was a medical doctor at Oxford University.He was a good runner,top runner,but nowhere near the 4 minutes mark.His best time was 4 minutes and 12 seconds.And of course,no one took him seriously.But roger Bannister continued to train and work hard,not harder than the rest of the runners,but as h
11、ard as the top runners in the world.And he did get better.In fact,he broke the 4 minutes and 10 seconds mark,4 minutes and 5 seconds mark and than he got 4 minutes and 2 seconds and stopped,like everyone elsecould not go below the 4 minutes and 2 seconds.So he wasnt even the best runner in the world
12、,but among the best.But he continued to say“it is possible;there is no human limitation on that;we can run the mile in under 4 minutes.”And he continued to say,continued to train for years.Until 1954,on the 6th of May,1954,on his home tour at Oxford University,Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3 minut
13、es and 59 seconds.Sensation.Front page news all over the world.“The impossible made possible”.It became known as the dream mile.Six weeks later,John Lundy,the Australian runner,runs the mile in 3 minutes 57.9 seconds.The following year,1955,37 runners ran the mile in under 4 minutes.1956,over 300 ru
14、nners break the 4 minute barrier.Now what happened?Was it that somebody started to train harder?Of course not.Was it new technologies,new shoes?It wasnt.It was the mind.Look how powerful the mind is.It wasnt the fact that they were running that time,and they say“Oops!We are over the speed limit!Not
15、at all!They were trying their hardest,their utmost.And yet,their subconscious mind limited them,prevented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as doctors,physiologists and scientists had claimed.It was a mental barrier.And what Roger Bannister did was break down
16、 the fort,the mental psychological fort.Beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies.Very often they determine how we perform,how well or how poorly we perform.They often determine how good or not so good our relationships are.They are the No.1 predictor of life success as well as wellbeing.,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公
17、司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,Roger Bannisteron the 6th of May,1954,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,5S培训教材,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,目 录,第一章 5S简介第二章 推行5S管理的目的和作用第三章 5S与各管理体系的关系第四章 5S执行技巧第五章 定置管理的实施第六章 开展5S活动程序
18、,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,第一章 5S 简 介,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,推行5S的原因:,急等要的东西找不到,心里特别烦桌面上摆得零零乱乱,以及办公室空间有一种压抑没有用的东西堆了很多,处理掉又舍不得,不处理又占用 空间工作台面上有一大堆东西,理不清头绪每次找一件东西,都要打开所有的抽屉箱柜狂翻环境脏乱,使得上班人员情绪不佳制订好的计划,事务一忙就“延误”了材料、成品仓库堆放混乱,帐、物不
19、符,堆放长期不用的物品,占用大量空间生产现场设备灰尘很厚,长时间未清扫,有用和无用的物品同时存放,活动场所变得很小通道被堵塞,行人、搬运无法通过,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,推行5S的原因:,如果每天都被这些小事缠绕,你的工作情绪就会受到影响,大大降低工作效率。解决上述“症状”的良方推行5S 管理。,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,5S活动的起源,20世纪80年代末“日本制造”的产品遍布世界每一个角落
20、导致许许多多的经济学家及管理学家都问他们怎么啦并对此进行了深入的调查与研究结果发现这其中的因素很多有因缘际遇因素更重要的是日本人不断追求效率追求质量追求完美并为之不断深入研究的结果。大家知道,日本是个典型资源匮乏的国家其资源对外依赖性特别强这就决定了她必须节能降耗提高资源利用率利用引进的资源制造高质量低消耗的产品并以此占领市场份额争取更大的利润保持自身的发展空间在不断的追求过程中日本的企业管理呈现了两个管理特色循序渐进和全员参与,5S活动亦应运而生。,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,什么是5S?,5
21、S就是:整理(SEIRI)整顿(SEITON)清扫(SEISO)清洁(SEIKETSU)素养(SHITSUKE),江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,整 理(SEIRI),内容:区别要与不要的东西只保留有用的东西撤除不需要的东西;目的:腾出空间,活用空间防止误用、误送塑造明朗的工作场所,重点:将有用的和没用的物品区分开来,记住:必须有决心将此工作在过程中持续有效地坚持下去因为这是5S的第一步,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING C
22、O.,LTD.,整 顿(SEITON),内容:把有用的物品按使用的重要性、频率进行分区、定位存放对物品做相应的标识 目的:需要使用的物品可以一目了然地找到消除寻找物品的时间消除物品积压使工作环境整整齐齐,重点:把有用的物品整理好方便存取,记住:这是提高工作效率的基础,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,清 扫(SEISO),内容:将不需要的东西清除掉保持工作现场无垃圾,无污秽状态 目的:减少工业伤害稳定质量使工作场所纤尘不染,重点:把工作场所打扫得干干凈凈,记住:这是减少品质异常保持过程稳定的关键,江苏
23、联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,清 洁(SEIKETSU),内容:维持以上整理、整顿、清扫后的局面使工作人员觉得整洁、卫生 目的:减少工作失误防止异常现象突然发生,重点:保持物品分区定位标识卫生的效果,记住:能把这点做好5S已成功了大半,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,素 养(SHITSUKE),内容:通过进行上述4S的活动让每个员工都自觉遵守各项规章制度,养成良好的工作习惯使每个员工“以厂为家、以厂为荣”目
24、的:培养遵纪守法敬业乐群的员工队伍改变旧观念养成好习惯形成良性循环营造团队精神及和谐的工作环境良性循环并加以持续改进实现公司永续经营的目标,重点:做个遵纪守法敬业乐群的好员工,记住:5S能提高工作效率减少失误赢得尊重,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,整理整顿的含义,整理整顿是塑造良好工作环境的方法。“工作环境”包括:工厂周边、外围厂房建筑的本身办公室空地、马路机器、设备及其
25、配置工作场所仓库场地通风照明温湿度。即工作环境为所有厂内外有形设备和无形条件的总称。因此,整理、整顿则是将上列工作环境设法整理、清洁使一切物品都能排列整齐,井然有序,让在里面工作的员工都感受到明朗愉快的气氛,从而满足人们的心理需要,达到提高效率。,江苏联博精密五金制造有限公司 LIANBO PRECISION HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.,5S 活动的重点:修养,从5S关系图中可以看出,整理、整顿、清扫、清洁的对象是“场地”,“物品”。修养的对象则是人,而“人”是企业最重要的资源,我们可以从“企业”的“企”字中分析人在企业中的重要性,所谓“企”字是由“人”和“
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