1、,Warming up,Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear.,A:So,are you enjoying the new job?B:Oh yes.Its much better than being in a factory.It gives me a lot of satisfaction,because Im working with people,not machines,but its hard.Whats more,its even harder i
2、f youre new on the job I get all the tasks that none of my colleagues want to do,like being on duty at opening time,or having to sort out all the things that get lost every day.But I suppose thats normal anywhere in the world I mean,to give the new colleague the hardest tasks.,Warming up,Now listen
3、again and correct the information.,A:So what do you enjoy about the job?B:The fact that every day is different.The fact that you have to be critical,you have to solve problems,you have to reassure colleagues.The fact that every day is mentally challenging and physically demanding.When I get back hom
4、e Im exhausted,and I look back over the day and realize how many things I did wrong.But thats normal too.Im learning on the job,just as the children are too I hope!,A:So what do you enjoy about the job?B:The fact that every day is different.The fact that you have to be critical,you have to solve pro
5、blems,you have to reassure colleagues.The fact that every day is mentally challenging and physically demanding.When I get back home Im exhausted,and I look back over the day and realize how many things I did wrong.But thats normal too.Im learning on the job,just as the children are too I hope!,A:So
6、what do you enjoy about the job?B:The fact that every day is different.The fact that you have to be critical,you have to solve problems,you have to reassure colleagues.The fact that every day is mentally challenging and physically demanding.When I get back home Im exhausted,and I look back over the
7、day and realize how many things I did wrong.But thats normal too.Im learning on the job,just as the children are too I hope!,Warming up,Answer:1 a factoryan office 2 machinescomputer 3 opening timelunchtime 4 I mean 5 criticalcreative 6 colleaguesthe children,Warming up,Work in pairs and discuss the
8、 questions.,1 Why does the man like his job?He finds the work satisfying and enjoys the fact that it is not routine.New things are always happening and there is no time to feel bored.2 What is difficult about the job?The work is tiring and his colleagues give him some of the hardest tasks.3 What do
9、you think the job is?He is working with children,so most probably the job is teaching;it is also possible that he is working in a home for children or orphanage(孤儿院).,Warming up,4 Do you agree that a new person on a job always gets the hardest tasks?It depends what you mean by“hardest”.I dont think
10、newcomers are given the most difficult tasks as they do not have the experience to handle them well,but they may be given the tasks no one likes doing thats just something a junior has to accept.5 What kind of satisfaction do you hope to get from a job?I hope I can do something which will make me fe
11、el useful.I would like to feel I am contributing to society and not just making money.,Warming up,Look at the title of the passage and read the first paragraph.Check()the point(s)you expect the writer to make in the passage.,1 Men can teach small children just as easily as women can.2 Men find it ha
12、rd to teach small children.3 People dont expect men to teach small children.4 Women dont think men should teach small children.5 It isnt easy for men to make a career as a teacher of small children.,Now read the passage by Daniel Meier and check your answers.,Skimming,Browse the passage within 8 min
13、utes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 5.,Task,Skimming,Check()the tasks which the writer does on a typical day as a first-grade teacher.,Answer:1,2,6,7,1 finding lost shoes 2 cleaning up mess that children have made 3 telling jokes 4 inventing crossword p
14、uzzles 5 completing a lot of paperwork 6 helping children who have hurt themselves 7 mending broken toys 8 showing videos of Winnie the Pooh 9 climbing ladders,Skimming,Answer the questions.,1 What picture does the writer give of his classroom?A busy and lively place with all sorts of things going o
15、n at once.2 Do you think it is a happy class?Why/Why not?Yes,the children are interacting happily with the teacher,enjoying themselves.Of course,there are moments of upset,but they soon pass.3 How is teaching first graders different from other traditional male jobs?It does not involve a chase after
16、something or the conquest of a problem.It is about caring and involves the heart.,Skimming,4 What did the writer tell the interviewers when he was applying for the job?He told the interviewers that he wanted to observe and contribute to the intellectual growth of a maturing mind.5 What didnt he tell
17、 them?He would prefer to talk about his personal interactions with children rather than abstract intellectual points.6 How did the interviewers react to what he said?The interviewers liked the writers response and nodded approvingly.,Skimming,7 What do men ask the writer when they find out hes a f i
18、rst-grade teacher?Most men ask about the subjects the writer teaches and the training courses he took.8 How do women react when they find out hes a first-grade teacher?Women talk about children of that age.9 The writer describes himself as“soft around the edges”what do you think he means?He is adapt
19、able and does not have just one way of doing things.He fits in with the children and“goes with the flow”.,About men:one mans kids,译文,Digging,Background information,1 I TEACH FIRST GRADERS.I LIVE in a world of skinned knees,double-knotted shoelaces,riddles that Ive heard a dozen times,stale birthday
20、cakes,hurt feelings,wandering stories and one lost shoe(“and if you dont find it my motherll kill me”).My work is dominated by six-year-olds.Its 10.45,the middle of snack,and Im helping Emily open her milk carton.She has already tried the other end without success,and now theres so much paint and in
21、k on the carton from her fingers that Im not sure she should drink it at all.But I open it.Then I turn to help Scott clean up some milk he has just spilled onto Rebeccas whale crossword puzzle.,Digging,2 While I wipe my milk-and paint-covered hands,Jenny wants to know if Ive seen that funny book abo
22、ut penguins that I read in class.As I hunt for it in a messy pile of books,Jason wants to know if there is a new seating arrangement for lunch tables.I find the book,turn to answer Jason,then face Maya,who is fast approaching with a new knock-knock joke.After what seems like the tenth“Whos there?I l
23、augh and Maya is pleased.,译文,Digging,3 Then Andrew wants to know how to spell“flukes”for his crossword.As I get to“u”,I give a hand signal for Sarah to take away the snack.But just as Sarah is almost out the door,two children complain that“we havent even had ours yet”.I stop the snack mid-flight,com
24、plying with their request for graham crackers.I then return to Andrew,noticing that he has put“flu”for 9 Down,rather than 9 Across.Its now 10.50.,译文,Digging,4 My work is not traditional male work.Its not a singular pursuit.There is not a large pile of paper to get through or one deal to transact.I d
25、ont have one area of expertise or knowledge.I dont have the singular power over language of a lawyer,the physical force of a construction worker,the command over fellow workers of a surgeon,the wheeling and dealing transactions of a businessman.My energy is not spent in pursuing,climbing,achieving,c

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