济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究(可编辑) .doc
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1、 济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 谨以此论文献给我敬爱的导师李剑老师,感谢在研究生学习和生活期间,导师给予我的关心、爱护和帮助 ?郑海霞 济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 学位论文答辩日期: 指导教师签字: 答辩委员会成员签字:济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 独 创 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他 人 已 经 发 表 或 撰 写 过 的 研 究 成 果 , 也 不 包 含 未 获 得 (注:如没有其他需要特别声明
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4、理等原因,导致我国城市地铁建设过程中施工安全事故屡有发生,所以在地铁施工过程中,合理的进行风险管理,建立、健全一套风险管理模式,并规范的加以利用,是保证地铁建设安全顺利完工的重要基础。 本文以济南地铁建设为背景,依据工程建设风险及风险管理的基本理论,对地铁施工的特点、施工期周围环境的风险因素进行了全面分析,提出了要科学客观的做好地铁修建过程中周围环境风险辨识、监测和评估的任务,根据项目建设的总体目标,分析并选择合理的风险管理处置对策,以减少事故发生的概率,减轻事故对企业及社会造成的损失和危害,从而促进济南城市交通建设。 环境风险管理对济南的地铁建设是十分必要的。地铁项目具有复杂的施工期,建设难
6、溶地下水、盾构机沉陷、泉水上涌等特种工程地质领域的一系列复杂的问题,都对地铁的建设造成一定的影响。通过地铁建设项目的特点和济南的特殊地貌环境相结合,建立一个系统安全性评估的地铁建设方案,采用理论风险管理,为地下工程风险管理提供一个基础。建立层次结构模型,对济南的地貌进行了定性分析。在地铁施工过程中,采用层次分析法分析对地铁建设项目的严重程度的风险因素进行排序,以确定该项目的综合风险水平。结合济南市地铁站修筑的案例,比较的监测数据,使用的层次结构模型的分析和风险评估,以确定安全级别的索引值。为制订更合理的决策和项目应急预案打下基础。 关键词:道路交通;地铁修建;项目管理;环境风险济南市铁路局地铁
7、修建项目环境风险管理研究Research on risk management of project environment of subway construction in Jinan Railway Bureau Abstract Road congestion is currently prevailing in the domestic large and medium-sized city problems. With the rising number of vehicles, Jinan urban road congestion is becoming more and mo
8、re serious. The rapid growth of road construction speed is far behind the vehicle, the inevitable contradiction is the main cause of traffic congestion in Jinan. This year in Shandong Province during the NPC and CPPCC, Jinan mayor Yang Luyu said, in five years Jinan was to start construction of metr
9、o. At present 7 lines are under demonstration. Because the subway construction project has the features of long period, large investment, complex construction technology, and unpredictable factors are various, besides our country has short subway development history, existing theoretical knowledge i
10、s not comprehensive, and practical experience is not sufficient and other defects also exist in engineering construction and management. Incomplete management system, prevented risk early warning and irrational remedial way, all the reasons led to the safety accident occurs frequently, so in the pro
11、cess of subway construction, it can help to establish and perfect a set of risk management, and standardize the use of subway construction, Based on the subway construction in Jinan as the background, this essay first introduces the basic theory of risk and risk management, and then according to the
12、 characteristics of the metro construction, risk factors on the construction surrounding environment are analyzed. Then the essay puts forward a system of risk identification, monitoring and assessment in a scientific and objective way. According to the overall goal of the project construction, we s
13、hould analyze and choose reasonable countermeasure to reduce the probability of accidents, reduce the loss and harm to enterprises and society caused by the accident. Concluding risk elusion measures and putting forward suggestions, so as to promote the construction and development of traffic in Jin
14、anEnvironmental risk management is essential to subway construction in JinanMetro project has a complex construction period, difficult construction, highly technical demanding, long period of investment and construction .There are many uncertain factors to bring a lot of risk factors for subway cons
15、truction. We must minimize casualties and property losses, in order to ensure the smooth running of the project, through analyzing the risk management of the subway. Precautions should be济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 taken before the test section of subway construction. Fully understanding the land issue may
16、 occur on the basis of increasing awareness of security risks, and promote the subway construction. Drilling and geophysical exploration technology must take a combination to understand Jinan actual geological conditions. Jinan owns complex geological conditions, extensive distributed cave, the plen
17、ty of rainfall and springSubway construction requires full understanding of the spatial distribution of the Jinan geological information and caves, using advanced construction techniques to ensure the normal construction. The geological structure of Jinan is extremely complex and extremely uneven di
18、stribution of cave area, causing enormous difficulties to the construction of the subway. The karst groundwater, Shield machine subsidence, the spring upwelling is complex series of problems in the field of specialty engineering geology, and they all have impact on the construction of the subway. Su
19、bway construction combined construction project characteristics and special geological environment in Jinan. The establishment of safety assessment program uses the theory of risk management, provides a basis for the underground project risk management. Through establishing a hierarchical model, we
20、use AHP analysis of risk factors for the severity of the subway construction project in metro construction process to determine the level of risk of the project. With Jinan City subway station construction cases, we compare monitoring data the hierarchy model analysis and risk assessment, to determi
21、ne the value of the security level of the indexKeywords: Road Traffic; Subway Construction; Project Management; Environmental risks 济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景. 1 1.1.2 研究意义. 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 4 1.2.1 国外项目风险管理相关研究 4 1.2.2 国内项目风险管理相关研究 6 1.2.3 小结 8 1.3 研究内容及研究方法. 8 1.3.1 学术构想
22、与思路. 8 1.3.2 研究方法. 9 1.3.3 创新点9 1.3.4 技术路线图. 10 2 地铁工程环境风险管理概述11 2.1 环境风险和环境风险管理. 11 2.1.1 环境风险12 2.1.2 环境风险的特征12 2.1.3 环境风险管理13 2.2 地铁项目施工的风险分析. 14 2.2.1 地铁施工方法概述. 14 2.2.2 地铁施工风险的特点. 16 2.2.3 地铁施工危险源识别. 17 2.2.4 地铁施工风险源识别. 18 2.3 地铁工程环境风险管理. 19 2.3.1 地铁工程环境风险管理的原则 19 2.3.2 地铁工程环境风险管理的特点 19 2.4 本章总
23、结. 19 3 济南市地铁修建工程概况 20 3.1 济南地铁修建工程简介. 20济南市铁路局地铁修建项目环境风险管理研究 3.2 济南的地质和水文条件. 21 3.2.1 工程地质概况 21 3.2.2 水文地质特征 22 3.3 济南市修筑地铁的初步安排23 3.4 济南地铁修建工程存在的风险23 3.5 济南地铁修建工程存在的危险源. 24 4 济南市地铁修建工程项目环境风险分析 26 4.1 分析方法简介26 4.1.1 层次分析法概念26 4.1.2 评价的基本思路26 4.1.3 一致性检验. 27 4.2 济南市环境风险分析29 4.2.1 施工技术对泉水水位造成的风险29 4.
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