1、型钢混凝土梁柱节点抗震性能的试验研究摘 要近年来,我国经济总量迅速增长,建筑技术水平不断提高。随着城市人口数量剧增,为了缓解城市建设用地紧张,大量城市均已建成或正在建设数百米高的建筑。混合结构体系在这一背景下应运而生。混合结构兼具钢结构与混凝土结构的优点,能够充分发挥型钢与混凝土两种材料的特性,在抗震性能及建筑适用性方面具有无可比拟的优势。混合结构作为一种新兴的建筑结构体系,虽然已经被国内外大量高层建筑采用,但是在实际应用过程中仍然存在一些问题,这些问题的存在限制了混合结构体系的推广应用。目前的研究主要集中在型钢混凝土柱-钢(钢筋混凝土)梁节点抗震性能上,对于能够简化型钢混凝土梁柱节点施工工序
5、也是一种比较好的节点构造形式;(3)梁柱斜交的SRCJ-04构造合理,可以对其应用于工程实际起到指导作用;(4)增加梁型钢翼缘、腹板宽度或厚度可以提高节点承载力,改善其抗震性能。关键词:型钢混凝土;梁柱节点;抗震性能;试验研究;有限元分析AbstractIn recent years, rapidly increase with Chinas GDP and constantly improve of the science of architectures level. With the population explosion, highlights the intense of urba
6、n construction land. A large number of cities have been built or are building hundred meters high buildings. Hybrid structure came into being in this background. Hybrid structure has combined the advantages of steel structure and reinforced concrete structure, fully exert the fortes of both steel an
7、d concrete. It has incomparable advantages on seismic behavior and applicability.As a new type of building structure, hybrid structure has already used in many buildings around the world. But there are still existed a few problems in practical application. These problems restrict the popularization
8、of hybrid structure. The current research mainly concentrated in the seismic behavior of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) column-steel beam or reinforced concrete (RC) beam joint, and the research on new type of SRC beam-column joints about simplify construction process is still little. The beam-colu
9、mn joint is the key part of structures, the performance of joints directly related to the seismic behavior of the whole structure. In the existing norms and actual projects, the forms of conformation are all use the type of column stirrups pass through the holes in the web of steel beam. But in the
10、actual constructed, column stirrups cant pass through the holes in steel beams web easily and can not guarantee the constructions quality.This paper by improve the SRC beam-column joint existed and based on the constructed form of SRC beam-column joint provided by the code, proposed three types join
11、t constructed forms: two beam-column orthogonality and one skew intersection. Make specimens with three types of joints described above, one traditional type and a reinforced concrete structure joint, and research the seismic behavior of all joints. According to the phenomenon and measured data, com
12、pare the failure mode, ultimate bearing capacity, strength degradation rule, hysteretic characteristics, dissipation capacity and strain distribution of specimens under cyclic load. The results shows: the failure mode of all specimens was plastic hinge appear at beam end, and joint cores were keepin
13、g in good contion, that proved the design rule of “strong column weak beam strong joint” is correct; the bearing capacity, ductility, dissipation capacity, etc. of SRC joint is overmatch to RC joint; SRCJ-02 with U stirrups is good at bearing capacity and seismic behavior than SRCJ-01, that proved t
14、he U stirrups replaced the closed stirrups is feasible; SRCJ-03 with rectangular hole was insufficient at bearing capacity, but the equivalent viscous damping ratio modulus is higher than the other specimens, that proved the SRCJ-03 has a good dissipation capacity; SRCJ-04 has the best bearing capac
15、ity of all the specimens, ductility is at a middle stage, that proved the constructed form of SRCJ-04 is reasonably.After the experiment, use the finite element analysis software ABAQUS to simulate the specimen in the experiment. The results of finite element analysis and experiment were coincided,
16、that verified the finite element analysis on SRC beam-column joints is feasible and reliable. Then, by change the parameters of web flakiness ratio and flange height-thickness ratio, establish the finite element models to simulate. Compare the results of finite element analysis, we can get the concl
17、usions: The increase of web or flange can improve the bearing capacity and seismic behavior.Finally, The following conclusions: (1) SRCJ-02 with U stirrups has good seismic behavior, use U stirrups to replace the closed stirrups is feasible; (2) To improve the SRCJ-03 constructed in the form was a g
18、ood type; (3) SRCJ-04 which beam-column skew intersection was reasonable constructed; (4) The increase of web or flange can improve the bearing capacity and seismic behavior.Key words: steel reinforced concrete; beam-column joint; seismic behavior; experimental research; finite element analysis第一章 绪
19、论1.1 研究背景高层建筑是一个城市经济繁荣和现代化的标志。随着科学技术的进步和社会经济的发展,世界各地的高层建筑如雨后春笋般层出不穷。随着高层建筑的高度不断增加,虽然能够缓解一部分由于城市人口不断增长带来的压力和城市发展用地的紧张等问题,但是,建筑物高度的增加也为建筑的设计和施工带来了很多问题。近年来,地震在世界各地频频发生,导致了巨大的人员伤亡并且给人类造成了巨大的经济损失损失。我国地处环太平洋火山地震带和地中海-喜马拉雅地震带两大地震带交界处,是地震多发国家。1976年发生在唐山的里氏7.8级地震造成了24万余人死亡,直接经济损失超过十个亿;2008年发生的汶川地震,里氏8.0级,造成近
21、于是,受力合理、更加经济的混合结构在中国得到了大力的推广。混合结构(hybrid structure)是指“由钢框架或型钢混凝土框架与钢筋混凝土筒体(或剪力墙)所组成的共同承受竖向和水平作用的高层建筑”2或“由部分钢骨混凝土构件和部分钢构件或混凝土构件组成的结构”3。目前,钢与混凝土混合结构已经成为一种公认的新型结构体系,它与传统的四大结构(钢结构、木结构、砌体结构和钢筋混凝土结构)并列,扩展称为第五大结构。钢与混凝土组合结构按照钢材形式与配钢方式的不同可以分为多种类型,其中,型钢混凝土结构是其应用的一个主要方向。本文中所提到的混合结构特指型钢混凝土结构(steel reinforcement
22、 concrete, SRC),又称钢骨混凝土结构或劲性钢筋混凝土结构。1.1.1 型钢混凝土结构的种类由于钢材形式与配钢方式的不同,型钢混凝土构件具有多种截面形式。其中所配型钢可以选用轧制或者焊接成型。根据配钢方式的不同,型钢混凝土构件可以分为实腹式与格构式两大类。实腹式型钢主要有工字钢、H型钢及槽钢等,空腹式型钢是由角钢或槽钢通过焊接或其他连接方式构成的空间骨架。不同形式配钢的型钢混凝土构件截面形式如图1.1所示。(a) 实腹式型钢混凝土柱截面(b) 空腹式型钢混凝土柱截面(c) 实腹式型钢混凝土梁截面(d) 空腹式型钢混凝土梁截面图1.1 型钢混凝土梁、柱常用截面形式Fig.1.1 Cr
23、oss-section forms of SRC columns and beams空腹式配钢比较节约钢材,在日本和前苏联都有大量应用,但由于制作较复杂,抗震性能较实腹式配钢差,故现在已较少使用。实腹式配钢制作简单,承载力大,抗震性能好,可用于高层及超高层建筑,近年来国外大量采用该种配钢形式。本文中所研究的型钢混凝土梁柱节点即是实腹式配钢构件。1.1.2 型钢混凝土结构的特点相比于钢结构和钢筋混凝土结构,型钢混凝土结构具有下列优点:1. 承载力高,受力合理。型钢混凝土构件充分利用了混凝土的抗压性能和钢材的抗拉性能。由于在混凝土中配置了型钢,与钢筋混凝土结构相比具有更高的含钢率,因此对于具有相同
24、截面的构件,型钢混凝土构件具有更高的承载力。同时,由于混凝土的约束作用可以有效防止钢构件的局部失稳,提高了构件的整体刚度,使钢材的强度得到了充分的利用。2. 良好的抗震性能。由于在混凝土中配置了型钢,大大提高了型钢混凝土构件的延性与耗能能力,所以型钢混凝土比普通钢筋混凝土结构具有更好的抗震性能,特别适用于对抗震有较高要求的建筑物。3. 耐火、耐腐蚀性能好。由于混凝土的包裹,使型钢混凝土构件相比于钢结构具有更好的耐火、耐腐蚀性能。4. 工业化程度高,施工质量好。由于型钢主要是在工厂制作,这样可以保证较高的施工质量,同时构件中的型钢可以承受施工荷载,可以提高混凝土模板的使用效率,可以大大缩短工期。
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 型钢 混凝土 梁柱 节点 抗震 性能 试验 研究
